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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. Ya a big NO to the original thread topic (Doan), and a doble NO F'ING WAY to that Ryan trade propsosal. Look, Homer took a couple big swings and missed. Let that be that and let's go into the season like we all said after the draft....with an opportunity to watch these young guys develop
  2. @King Knut Vent brother, we're here for you
  3. I'm late to the news. **** **** ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, that ruined by my offseason
  4. As long as it isn't for that 4 year/$30 mil that was rumored to have been offered to him by somebody a couple weeks ago, I'm good with that
  5. All I can say is WTF! Thanks Howson you friggin tool
  6. Done! But if he balks on the Tastykakes, I'm out
  7. @mojo1917 This would be another good spot to use the term "chode" It's not a Penguin thing, I hated him with the Isles long before he ever showed up in Pittsburgh. He's on my all time **** list, tied for first with Dale Hunter. Talk about a cheap shot knee-targeting no respect prik. At the alumni game I politely clapped for the Ranger players during the introductions, and I hate that team like Israelis hate Palestinians. But Kasparitis, I booed the **** out of him then explained to my 11 year old daughter exactly why I booed the **** out of him. Plus look at this ugly bastard - if that's not a chode you'll never see one:
  8. Wet blanket chiming in here. Nashville matches. @jammer2 I'm getting nicotine poisining too, I say we band together and make it a class action lawsuit!
  9. I also liked the one about Kovalchuk being traded for dingo kidneys. Radoran's on fire!
  10. I hear ya on the little guy thing, I'm an underdog guy too....but when the most big brotherish cable/internet/phone monopoly in the world owns your hockey team, it pollutes your sense of logic!
  11. The intent is to allow the current club the OPPORTUNITY to pony up. It doesn't state, explicitly or implicitly, that the intent is to keep a player from moving when A) the player wants out and B)the club doesn't have the financial wherewithal - which is what it sounds like you're arguing. How far is this unwritten language supposed to go? Should the NHL establish a welfare program to prop up sorry franchises? This whole discussion is beginning to cause me to overstate my feelings on the subject, but JFC this whole "poor Nashville" bit is ridiculous. And frankly I'd need to see a full set of financial statements (not the summary P&L that was posted on one of these threads) before I believe that there's no way can match. Honestly at this point I fully expect them to match, so.....either they do and I'm right, or we get Weber, I'm in a win-win !!
  12. Answer: Question: Name something my wife would never say
  13. @Polaris922 What Rux said, and..... This isn't some new promulgation that just came out last week, it's been on the books since the at least '95 agreement. It's the same thing the Flyers did in '97 with Chris Gratton, if that was such a hideous violation of the intent of the RFA rules, why wouldn't it have been addressed in the next CBA? You can say you don't like it because the big boys can beat up on the small market teams, and that's fine. Frankly I could give at rat's a*s less about about one Bettman's folly franchises. But nothing about Homer's offer violates a literal reading or the intent of the rule.
  14. D*cksqueeze couldn't get on the ice in the Final, and he wants to point out whose fault it was that the team lost the final. I'm sure Lavi's all torn up over not having the respect of a bum who ended his own season by injuring his knee delivering a dirty hit.
  15. Yes, to a large extent, and that won't change until the owners get NFL-style revenue sharing. That is greatly responsible for the parity that league has, and they have had tremendous success with that model.
  16. It's not the overpaying that scares me as much locking it in for 4 years, for a guy who will be 36 in a couple months. LTIR aside, there's only so much dead contract you can eat, in two years he could be sitting next to Pronger taking up a contract slot.
  17. Will be Kimmo. Should be Talbot.
  18. Under the off-season cap yes. That doesn't mean you don't have to consider how you're going to get under the cap come roster cut down time, and that that doesn't enter into a GM's thinking when he's deciding how much he can afford to throw at a guy like Doan without having to dump salary ala Simon Gange. Agreed on Ryan, the math works out there without much hand wringing. The point I was addressing was the statement that they didn't immediately match, hence they aren't going to. I still say there are plenty of reasons that logic doesn't hold up.
  19. You may be right. I hope you ARE right. We'll see. But the simple fact that they didn't immediately match does not mean they won't. Thats all I'm saying. My Negadelphia tendencies won't let me believe he's a Flyer unless and until it actually happens.
  20. Look we all would like to have Doan on the team. But enough to give him 4 years at a 7 mil cap hit?
  21. True, but B Rick is clinically insane and a Flyers hater. I say @Pauliking behaves, especially with a drunken Irishman as a thread mod
  22. @AndyS I disagree. Without exaggeration, the future of the franchise hinges on what they do here and how they do it. With the possibility of a Gratton-style non match followed by an exchange of players for picks, I don't see it as odd that less than 72 hours later we don't have any news. And even if they intend to match, why would hurry? Take the full 7 days and keep Homer and his potential plans to look at Doan or Ryan in limbo, a measure of retribution for Homer trying to raid the franchise. Let's also not forget that Poile declined to match on Stevens way back when, so he has own personal demons to wrestle with as well. We won't know anything until about 11 pm Wednesday, so we all need to take a deep breath.
  23. @Mad Dog @JackStraw You said it much more eloquently
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