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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. Branch, who is also president of the Canadian Hockey League, would not specify what exactly the club did to violate the policies. “I choose not to name any names in terms of players,” Branch said. “There was more than one player, but I’m not naming names. “I’m not going to give any details. It’s not about players, it’s about the Windsor Spitfires hockey club" “The investigation occurred over the last year,” Branch said. “As to when the allegations allegedly occurred, I can only tell you it was after 2009.” So.....I'm not going to you who, when or exactly what.....but something definitely happened and we're bringing down the hammer. @jammer2 I share your pissoffedness, if for no other reason than here's another limp d*ck with a holier than thou complex (i.e. Bettman, Emmett) riding in to save the integrity of a league....barf
  2. I'd do that trade in a heartbeat. If I were from Montreal. Is that you again Pauli?
  3. @flyercanuck Wow I missed the Alabama part.....Hab fan in 'Bama, that's about as likely as ME going to Alabama
  4. Hmmm.....first post....exact same trade proposed as fact on silly.com.....a supposed Canadiens fan that just posted in the "we" while talking about the Flyers..... Hi Pauli
  5. I think Bettman is actually Kuato. There is no other explanation for his douchebaggery.
  6. Right on Idaho, it may be tough to watch at times but ya gotta enjoy the ride!
  7. Chiming in a bit late here, but no way does it make sense to trade youth for a schlub to fill in for a year. It's not like a Cup was in reach and we lost a game changing defenseman....no offense to Mez. I keep saying it, this year is all about separating the men from the boys in this large group of youngsters. Look at this as opportunity to do even more of it. Bourdon Gus and Manning get more playing time, that's a good thing. The sooner you accept that this isn't a Cup run year, the sooner you'll be able to enjoy watching these guys develop. Homer will have more answers when goes into next summer.
  8. Aren't PP and SH goals excluded from the calculation of +/- ?
  9. Stevens was an absolute monster in the early 90s, my god the Pens were loaded back then. I remember the injury, the crack incident, seems like only yesterday. Imagine what kind of numbers he could have put up.....
  10. Haha no kidding, some church in Mississippi recently refused to marry a couple for ethnic reasons, sounds like 1950 forever down there
  11. Traeplien is Neil Peart spelled backwards. Holy **** do I feel like a burnout, 5 years reading his posts and I never put that together...... Oh yeah and I do remember eleven24, decent poster, his name backwards doesn't spell a damn thing
  12. Not much left out there. Doan at too much $ for too many years. Ryan at the cost of trading away too much youth...in the past I think Homer would have coughed up Jake and Mez or some other young guys and picks for Ryan, I think with the way the team is constructed now he's taking another year to see who's who. I would look for a big splash next year, Homer can't lay off the big deals for too long at a time
  13. I don't think he made it over here from that board that shall not be named.....
  14. @jammer2 Exactly! That's why I can understand testing athletes for steroids and stimulants, but pot? Might as well test them for chocolate cake!
  15. I can answer his question- everyone read the article in Rad's signature, now they don't give a damn about their favorite team either
  16. Great accomplishment. I'm just waiting for somebody in the media to bring up the whole caught on camera with a bong thing again like it's a BFD....
  17. The behind closed doors ping pong ball selection was one of the stupidest things Bettman has ever allowed to happen. Fixed? Probably not. But then again I wouldn't be surprised if Mario worked some magic from the grassy knoll either...oh relax it's just a joke....what, you guys think JFK was killed by a lone gunman? Different thread.... Giroux shoulda kept his mouth shut, I guess, but taken in the context of the interview, it wasn't the main crux either. And frankly one of the Crosby hacks and Giroux's reaction to it was blatantly obvious when ithappened. The dude busted Giroux's wrist. My opinion of Crosby is purposely omitted here. Yeah **** happens. Yeah I know, Bobbly Clarke yada yada yada, he also retired almost 30 freakin' years ago for crissake. If roles were reversed, Giroux busts Crosby's wrist, no penalty call, I'm guessing Penguinville would feel a bit differently. Just like if Valeri Karmaolv busted Clarkie's ankle in '72 I would have felt differently. Back to the original post and in summary I'd like to say Bleacher Report, Ranger fans and Crosby, the perfect Hat Trick of a*sholery
  18. Sweet Jeebus, a Ranger fan defending Crosby.....staying out of it, staying out of it, staying....
  19. Grump hates Crosby so much it f*cks with his mind. And.....I guess I don't have any room to talk, which is why I have to steer clear of these discussions....
  20. Joey Chestnut vs Kobiyashi for the gold, brilliant!
  21. @OzFlyer Lol once again, I stand corrected!
  22. Well since you put it that way, I'll check out some women's volleyball
  23. Put hockey in the summer olympics so we don't have to break up the NHL season in February. Aside from dudes that can run faster than B Rick's car, I don't have a whole lot of interest
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