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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. Fix your ******* L key, apparently its sticking. You can avoid this in the future by not typing with your "spanking" hand.
  2. That's pretty messed up right there. Hopefully the banner is recovered, and the culprit is beaten publicly. I was such a hockey stats geek as a child that I actually knew Kenora's team was the Thistles....and I'm a stupid American! Admittedly I wouldn't have gotten the 1907 right though......
  3. @mojo1917 Right on both counts. I was debating that hit with a Devils fan buddy of mine before one of playoff games last year. He said "you don't really think he was trying to take him out do you?" I said yeah I think Stevens was trying to cripple him. But Lindros' bad habit of looking down made it possible.
  4. I agree, but as pissed as I was after the last lockout, I came back like a lemming. We all did. And we'll do it again.
  5. @flyercanuck Indeed, the Subban version of feeding the masses would have been 5 turnovers and 2 fishes
  6. @jammer2 Haha plus PK would most certainly hold a kegger instead of doing that water into wine trick!
  7. "THN predicts Habs will finish in 13th place" But we just learned on another thead that Subban = Jesus, only without the hand injuries, how can this be???????
  8. A jersey with a ******* clown on the front. This has Bryz written all over it
  9. @Brandon Defoy Little boy, where in my post did I say Couturier and Simmonds for Weber? The Flyers talked trade with Nashville after the RFA deal was signed and before it was matched, do you think Couturier was someone Poile asked about? That was what my post meant, unbelivable that I have to explain something so basic to an obvious Rhodes scholar such as yourself. Please take off your do*chebag goggles.
  10. I wish he was. Then somebody could have checked his no talent head through the boards ala Lemiuex on Draper @Irishjim I'd take the mule kick
  11. This. If Cooter was tradeable, Weber would be a Flyer. Nothing against Subban, but which of those 2 defenseman would you rather have? Right, it's not even close
  12. @jammer2 If there is a God, I'm sure he has a sense of humor.....platypus, I rest my case!
  13. @Podein25 I have yet to see to the statement that could offend OC.....
  14. "Edited by hf101, Today, 09:25 AM. Removed inflaming statement. It may have been an inside joke, but it wasn't obvious." Reported
  15. Yeah I remember seeing that, had to google for the team though......Eastern Washington. I can't believe somebody thought that was a good idea!
  16. Maryland was actually considering using black astroturf when they redid their stadium last spring, but decided against it. Now THAT would have been excellent, the players could have all painted "X" or "O" on their helmets depending on what side of the ball they play on, then the camera view from the blimp would look like that rollerbal football arcade game from the 70's!!!
  17. That's good, because even in your profile picture you're talking out of your a*s Take a page out of @habsguy26 's book - he's arguing the same point as you are without using hyperbole or exaggeration or declaring himself to be the smartest person on the board.
  18. Oh I know, I was just applying some black humor to the original post, I'm as jaded as the next miserable S.O.B.... Agree on Comcast, they're a big brother of a company that doing it's damndest to control all forms of communication and entertainment. It's nice to have ownership with deep pockets, but at what cost? BTW that is one of the best sports articles I've read in years, I sent it along to some friends who quite enjoyed too. Wouldn't you just love to meet to meet the author's dad?
  19. Eh, let Nashville keep him, he's not that good anyway : )
  20. Dude what's up with eyeball-hating blue astroturf? I think if Oregon played at Boise State in those yellow and green uniforms and you watched with 3D glasses, you would trip balls
  21. You are forgiven for your transgresson - Your penance is 5 tequila shots, no lime, no salt, empty stomach.
  22. @Brandon Defoy Wow. I agree with one or two of your points, but the rest your posts made me forget exactly what those were....How is it that Couturier would still be in juniors if he was drafted by a marginal Hab team, but he earned a spot on a Flyers squad that is loaded with offensive talent? Also @yave1964 is a Wings fan, so he doesn't have a dog in this fight and his opinion is probably a bit more objective than a Flyers or a Habs fan. I think you may want to check yourself before you go telling people things like this: "So honestly if your willing to keep Sean Couturier over Subban its basically because you overrate Couturier way too much or you just have no Hockey knowledge, because any GM in the National Hockey league would take Subban wayyyyyyy before Couturier." Have you polled the other GMs in the league on this? Could it be that, perchance, it is you who overrate Subban? If anyone with any hockey knowledge would take Subban over Couturier, why do you want Couturier for Subban? Finally, you may want to know who you're talking to before you declare yourself smarter than everyone else in the room. In other words, settle down Beavis. Peace
  23. @radoran Keep sprading the word, it's bound to sink in eventually.....I just hope Homer has seen the light too. My gut tells me he has, otherwise Weber would be here and Couturier and Jake would be in Tennessee
  24. Also Mario wasn't 99.....just pointing out the obvious
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