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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. @hf101 LOL we're going go come up with something extra special for you fans, in the mean time we're going to send the whole package of tix out like nothing's happening. Classic
  2. @hf101 As a finance guy I find that very strange, the high rate of interest that is. At that rate I could start looking at locked out hockey games as a new type of investment vehicle!
  3. 3%?????? I'm calling the Flyers tomorrow morning to find out what they're paying. If it's 3% I'll leave my money at the Bank of the Flyers, you're lucky to get 1% on a savings account, or even a 6 month cd rate lock in
  4. January 1, 2013. The Winter Classic. Greedy f*cks won't let that one get away
  5. I understand the concept, we fans should vote with our wallets, I get it. But statements like blame the fans, not Bettman, are just asinine
  6. http://info.comcast-spectacor.com/nl/jsp/m.jsp?c=494d3de1dd4f4de0d4 Tried to cut and paste but it didn't work for some reason....nothing major, just sharing this depressing email that came this morning....#@*&%##$@!!!
  7. <<Very rarely do you see this combination of skill and toughness,” said O’Dette.>> Give me a f*ckin break, its bad enough no NHL until God knows when, now I gotta put up with this?
  8. I start every conversation with Mrs S with that phrase..... To the question, lockouts or guys playing with the Phantoms or whatever has no positive or negative impact on getting under the cap. The cap is measured on per annum basis, you don't get to say well we're only gonna pay 35 mil for half a season and the cap is 70 so we're gonna sign the starting lineup of the Moscow Dynamo
  9. I'm so close I can hit Tony Luke's under the I-95 overpass and still make it back to work in plenty of time. Cape May is nice, but nobody knows there how to make a good steak.....
  10. I'm about to enjoy a nice cheesesteak for lunch, but not like that!
  11. @Polaris922@B21@Penguins-66@DinahMoeHumm Sadly I am 4 days late to this thread, and there's nothing to say that hasn't been said already. So I'll just thow a Puck Fittsburgh on that, yeah that's right, not just the Penguins and their man-taint-punching captain, the whole damn town.....oh hey, but you guys are cool
  12. Virginia Beach looks to lure NBA or NHL team By Brock Vergakis Associated Press Tuesday, August 28, 2012 VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Virginia Beach economic development officials revealed an ambitious plan Tuesday to build a $350 million arena at the city’s oceanfront and draw an NBA or NHL team to Virginia’s largest city. Virginia Beach Director of Economic Development Warren Harris briefed City Council members on a proposal to build an 18,500-seat arena across the street from the city’s convention center in the heart of the community’s resort district. It’s unclear exactly who would pay for the arena’s construction, although it would be built on city-owned land and Harris suggested it would involve state and local funding. City officials say a stadium could be built with a pro basketball or hockey team playing in it as early as 2015. Virginia Beach officials have quietly been pursuing a major sports team for the past year. Harris said he met with NBA and NHL officials this spring to tout the area as a viable marketplace and was told that once an arena is built, a city becomes very attractive to teams looking to move. He said he’s been told of several teams that could relocate to the area, although he declined to specify which ones or say which NBA or NHL representatives he met with. He suggested the opportunity to lure a pro team to Virginia is a once-in-a-lifetime event. He said economic development officials must make a recommendation to the council on whether to pursue an arena in the next 60 days, in part, because of competitive concerns with other cities as well as to get in line for possible state funding. “This is a small window of opportunity, and I mean very small,” Harris said. “If we can’t make a decision within 60 days I think then the ultimate decision will be we can’t do it.” It’s unclear what state support would be needed to land an arena and a team, but Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell indicated his willingness to help. He filmed a segment for Tuesday’s presentation saying, “We’re ready for major league sports. The time is right.” Under the proposal, the Philadelphia-based sports and entertainment company Comcast-Spectacor would lease and manage the arena for 25 years. Comcast-Spectacor owns the Philadelphia Flyers of the National Hockey, and the Wells Fargo Center. Harris said the Virginia Beach and Richmond areas together represent a designated market area of 3 million people. Although Virginia Beach and Richmond are about 100 miles apart, Harris said that’s similar to the distance between Tulsa and Oklahoma City, home to the NBA’s Oklahoma City Thunder. Economic development officials noted that data from the Virginia Beach Amphitheater shows that 18 percent of that venue’s customers are already from the Richmond area, which indicates they’re willing to drive two hours through some of the state’s most congested roads for entertainment. No specific pro franchises were mentioned during Tuesday’s meeting, although Comcast-Spectacor would be responsible for pursuing the primary tenant. “I have met with various officials with the NBA and NHL just to make them aware that this may be a possibility and that we’d be getting back to them with further detail,” Peter Luuko, president of Comcast-Spectacor told reporters following Tuesday’s meeting. “Really the detail was in selling the marketplace and this is a big market that is underserved right now.” It’s also a market with little competition. There isn’t another major league team within a 200-mile radius and no major college conference athletic program is within 175 miles. Harris also said the arena might serve as a host site to the Atlantic Coast Conference’s basketball tournament as well as concerts and other special events. Harris said while it is feasible that an arena could survive without an NBA or NHL team as its primary tenant, the goal is to have one lined up before moving forward with construction. The presentation says the arena would draw 1.4 million annual visitors and host over 200 annual events, creating an economic impact of $98 million in its first year.
  13. If the question is who would be the biggest beneficiary of a lockout, its clearly the owners. The group that gets the **** end of the stick is fans. The players are still getting paid, just maybe a little less. The other sports are fine either way too, and I doubt hockey fans are the sort that will be comforted by watching more live football or basketball.
  14. Yikes. Local kid from Sicklerville in that group too. I'm guessing this is an alcohol related incident.
  15. @jammer2 Trapped Under Ice, excellent! One of my favorite Metallica tunes with accompanied by a visual of bone jarring hits! Metal is to music what hockey is to sports......
  16. @Podein25 That is an amazing quote. I hope Mrs P doesn't mind if I use that sometime in a strategically appropriate situation
  17. I'd couch that scenario a bit differently to fit the state of affairs in the NHL....You open plant #4, not really because your employees want more jobs created, but because you see the opportunity to cash in on increased economies of scale, grow overall revenues and operating profit among your companies, and raise the visibility of your business. You are wildly successful at doing all of those things, OVERALL revenue goes up by more than a third over a seven year period, OVERALL operating margins are the best they've ever been, even though the new plant on its own is struggling. But since that plant is contributing many other less quantifiable benefits that help your company as a whole, you infuse some capital into it....instead of telling the employees at the other 3 plants that they have to subsidize the fourth plant
  18. @Podein25 Brandon has given us a perfect example of what happens when people confuse their opinion with actual fact.
  19. Oh, there have been so many good reasons to go upside my head over the years, I'm not sure he ever cited that reason specifically
  20. My dad would slap me if I played that soft
  21. @hf101 I may actually have to report you for posting profane images. Where's the FBI when you really need them?
  22. sarsippius


    @jammer2 The Barons actually merged with the Minnesota North Stars, but I don't remember the exact mechanics of the whole deal. Now I'm curious, off to research......
  23. Too much money and you're paying him until he's 40.
  24. Interesting topic. This debate is very similar to the ages old question of whether NCAA football and basketball players should be paid.....although different in that those sports are billion dollar industries with massive tv contracts, played by legal adults. In the end it's hard to argue against players being compensated fairly for their efforts. But the thought of a union involved in juniors just has a nasty sound to it. So I'll vote no, I'd rather not see a union, and the leagues should act to at least inflation adjust that 40 year old stipend....
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