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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. I can't believe we're invoking 2010 again... I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this is not a good team right now, 4 game winning streak or not.
  2. I have no words to describe my disgust and amazement. Czechmanek used to take shots off his gord ON PURPOSE
  3. @aziz "if I knew you at all, i'd put $500 on bryzgalov being bought out this summer or next" Hope I'm not deluding myself but....After Homer's comments this afternoon, I tend to agree, in fact I think it will be this summer. IMO that would make this season an unqualified success.
  4. I can't actively root against them. But I won't be upset if they lose. See also Philadelphia Eagles circa November 2012. Making the playoffs does nothing to help this team, I don't care about LA being the lone exception to the old rule. 2010 was a nice surprise, but last I checked they didn't win the Cup.
  5. Thanks Polaris, some seasons are more fun than others.....I honestly don't blame Homer directly as much as some, he's just the cog for the organizational philosophy that thinks 1) you can win with one or two scorers and a team full of grinders and 2) you're always a player or two away. Which makes you reach for every top name available in FA and at the trade deadline, which has you overpaying for talent in dollars and in player assets. Just like I was with the Iggles by November, I find myself not all that upset with the losses anymore, losing might actually be the best course of action.
  6. @Polaris922 Competitive Hell, I would literally give a pinkie to get a Cup and a parade down Broad Street.....at this point I'm just hoping my kids live long enough to see it!
  7. @Polaris922 Suffer through one season? My hockey brother, we have suffered through near 40 years wandering in the desert. We have suffered a 5 year playoff drought, a worst in the league season, had our hearts cut in the final or semi final more times than I can count. We had the greatest hockey prodigy in a generation, turns out he couldn't keep his head up. We had a brilliant young Vezina winning goaltender, he died. And nobody under 45 here can remember a Cup. No offense but frankly I don't think 3 cups in 20 years is suffering....because why, because in between you had bad years....that gave you Mario and Jagr and Sid and Malkin?
  8. @TedZep Amazing how the bad seasons never have the commensurate positive counterweight around here. In a total crap season we can't unload our most tradeable commodity and fleece some GM that thinks he's a sniper away from a Cup. Reminds me of the time we had the worst record, couldn't win the lottery and ended up with a #2 pick that eventually became Luke Schenn. I hate the Penguins more with each passing season.....
  9. @Polaris922 Yeah and a 15 game winning streak, and oh by the way you just got Iginla, cry me a f**kin river
  10. @Adamflyers It's over. It's been over. I know anything's possible, sneaking into the playoffs in 2010 still fresh in everybody's minds.....but I sadly think the best thing to do is to be trade deadline sellers (although the biggest trade bait pieces are hurt!) and get ready for the draft and free agency. This team is farther away now than it was last June 30, I bet some people actually miss Matt Carle now
  11. Aside from the above points, the Flyers also at times look to have as much heart as Namdi Asomough feigning interest in an open field tackle....
  12. No guesses for the pecker mask? OK, some hintage: He was claimed by the Quebec Nordiques in the WHA/NHL dispersal draft. He thanked them by doing this: " On Dec. 10, 1980, he skated off the ice after allowing four goals to the Boston Bruins in less than half the game. He threw his gloves, mask and stick over the boards, and quit. The Nordiques suspended him and, eight days later, put him on waivers."
  13. @jammer2 Check page 3 (I think), it was from his days as a New England Whaler so I say its not a repeat Pittsburgh Platypus. Platypi? Anyway that mask is ugly as sin, I'm sure sure one of our resident Pittsburghers knows this one.....
  14. Ain't this a beauty!! Should be easy to figure out, but I couldn't help posting a Penguin with a pecker hangin' off his face
  15. @jammer2 Ok, I'll dig something up tonight! @JackStraw Amazingly, that was John Garrett's second appearance in this thread
  16. The man behind the mask is....John Garrett
  17. I looked it up so that should be an automatic DQ, I wouldn't have come up with it on my own. I didn't actually know this cat was a broadcaster.....Definition of a journeyman though, does anybody else remember the Minnesota Fighting Saints?
  18. Good points eh? Sounds like typical lazy stereotype nonsense to me. But hey, enjoy your guy
  19. In Ed Snider's world nobody's safe.....except Clarkie and Homer that is
  20. Call for you on Line 1, it's Claude Lemieux.....I'll tell him you're busy
  21. Hmmmm clearly by the style it's the 70's.....and how long did that wretched color scheme exist there in the 'Couv, maybe '78 to '82..... is it Glen Hanlon?
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