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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. I enthusiastically concur with your basic sentimental wholehearted agreement. I'm really not sure how I feel about punishing internet spewings as libelous, but then again why should it be any different in a legal sense than writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper? In this p[articular case I think the claim has no merit insofar as there don't appear to be any real damage done to professional reputaion or earning power (read: he already did that to himself). But as @ mentioned responsibility, I'm sure we've all encountered internet jerk-offs that we'd wished had to answer for their douchebaggery.
  2. Don't forget their goalie.... you know, the one the Flyers gave up on Oops, you didn't, carry on
  3. @DaGreatGazoo That's what I was thinking, we all better lawyer up if lawsuits for internet chatter are coming!
  4. I should have put this in the OT forum, this story interested me for non-hockey reasons http://aol.sportingnews.com/nhl/story/2013-04-26/brian-burke-sues-internet-commenters-maple-leafs-dave-nonis Brian Burke likes fighting—"pugnacity, testosterone, truculence and belligerence," etc. He's picked a worthy opponent. Burke, fired earlier this year as GM of the Toronto Maple Leafs, filed a defamation suit in British Columbia against 18 internet commenters who alleged that he was let go because of a relationship with a female sports reporter. Burke, obviously, denies the allegations. "The Defamatory Statements were made with the knowledge that they were false or with a reckless disregard for their truth,” the suit reads, according to metronews.ca. “The Defamatory Statements have been published, republished, downloaded, viewed and commented on by persons in British Columbia and Ontario and throughout Canada and the United States by various means, including through email, internet bulletin board postings, Facebook pages and Twitter messages, and have harmed the Plaintiff’s reputation in, amongst other jurisdictions, British Columbia, Ontario, and other parts of Canada and the United States.” The usernames listed in the claim are priceless: “NOFIXEDADDRESS”, “CAMBARKERFAN”, “LAVY16”, “MBSKIDMORE”, “TULOWD”, “LOOB”, “NAGGAH”, “MOWERMAN”, “AARONP18”, “STEVE”, “KABOOMIN8”,“THEZBRAD”, “SLOBBERFACE”, “POONERMAN”, “ISOLATEDCIRCUIT”, “KANADA KEV”, “NCOGNITO” AND “SIR PSYCHO SEXY”. None of the 18 are mentioned by name, though they probably should be. Especially "SIR PSYCHO SEXY." For what it's worth, Canadian libel law regarding public figures is stricter than American libel law; it's not necessary to prove malice, as is the case in the United States.
  5. Like my mom used to say, I'm not mad, but I'm very disappointed
  6. And that sums it up in a nutshell. Great return on investment for owners, loss on investment for the fans.
  7. Good point Howie, but I think there was zero chance of Homer going anywhere, no matter how the last handful of games go. As far as Lavy, its probably a little better than even money that he stays, unless there are some behind the scenes issues that haven't been made public
  8. But aha! I got your sarcasm, but apparently you missed mine......I'll use the sarcasm brackets next time
  9. Hmmm....I didn't see the Pens mentioned here anywhere....methinks he doth protest too much..... 10 wins down the stretch, how's that math work, what'd they have negative 4 wins coming into it?
  10. Hence the old saying, "they can't even win for losing". Which I'm pretty sure I also invoked when they finished dead last for the only time in team history.....only to somehow get butt reamed by a ping pong ball and end up with the second pick....which I believe is now Luke Schenn
  11. Ya gotta solve the blue and white pecker mask first
  12. Bryz might not care, but I do. Regardless of how the quote is interpreted, he has to go.
  13. @King Knut The skaters suck a**, management is clueless, Mason was terrible, these are not an arguments for the Bryz being good. If your point is that most folks are going overboard in their criticism, so what? That's not support for the position that Bryz has been good. Forget the horrible numbers, my eyes tell me he's an average goaltender at best. Honestly, I'm not sure what you've seen from Bryz in the last year and a half that makes you think he's worth the albatross of a cap-nuking contract he carries.
  14. Can't play in the 3rd, can't win in the division, can't win on the road. Can't wait for this season to end......
  15. Sorry I shoulda dropped in to monitor this, but obviously a correct answer. @nossagog is on the clock.....
  16. @CoachX So....another decade without a Cup is what you're saying? That's not helpful at all!
  17. Welcome to dark side Ted, we've been expecting you....
  18. Selective amnesia, use it at work, home, or anyplace else you need to ward off painful, uncomfortable or flat out nauseating facts!
  19. "Prefer guy's you've seen play not got word from your grandfather lol." Semi-old dude here, so that gives me a broad playing field: In no particular order: Mark Howe - the best D man to suit up in Philly, period. Joe Watson - I don't know why, just liked him as a kid. Brad McCrimmon - Clarkie shoulda made you a Flyer for life. RIP. Brad Marsh - Slow but a great crease clearing presence, always the last guy away from Hexy Ron Hextall - That's right I said Ron Hextall, old f**ckers will know exactly why it makes sense
  20. That's easy enough to get enough to get around, I think of him of as a Calgary Flame
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