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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. Now those would look good with the long pants the Flyers wore in 79-80
  2. A little Cabo Wabo will do ya right, but you can keep the Jose Cuervo....
  3. Exactly. This whole Coburn plus the pick for Ryan, giving up D for F, is nonsensical
  4. I've seen him listed anywhere from 5'11 to 6'1'. We'll just put a big hat on him, he'll be fine
  5. OK I really don't feel working at this very moment, so I'll bite. See, the issue is not with your simple premise of Homer trying to lessen the price for a goalie by pretending he's happy with the one he has (although I suggest you read rad's post). It's the fact that you sh!t the bed totally after the word "Now" in your post....I mean you were kinda sharting even before that, but allow me to illustrate: OK in all seriousness, if you can straighten that out for me I'd love to hear it.
  6. Reported. On another note, love the new pic. I have that card safely tucked away in a box somewhere, but I remember that pic vividly.
  7. OK you're just f***ing with me there at the end, right? Because that was about as logical as my first acid trip.
  8. I would prefer Mason and a box of paper clips to having Bryz here for another minute. Buy the bastard out and worry about goalie #2 later. To me making a deal for Bernier and cutting Bryz are two separate issues. AND if you go into it with the mindset that one can only happen if the other does, you'll end up overpaying as Lombardi smells your desperation, Homer probably gives up Coots + plus the obligatory second rounder....don't laugh, can't you see it happening??? To the point I lean toward digity's point of view. I like Coots, but I would consider him straight up for Bernier...but man the though of giving him up gives me the heebie jeebies.
  9. Our best option in the free agent market may be to do nothing Homer!
  10. @Polaris922 @JackStraw I don't really disagree with either of your analyses, Streit will provide some immediate upside. But it's just throwing money at the "best available" in a weak UFA year for defensemen. The Flyers aren't contending for a Cup next year. But they might be knocking on the door 2-3 years from now, and wishing the had some cap room instead of choking on the remains of the contract of a guy who can't contribute anymore. Now if this ends up meaning a Bryz buyout, the above won't bother me nearly as much.
  11. You've quit the Flyers more times than I've quit smoking. You're not going anywhere magnum
  12. Oh sure bring intelligent analysis into the conversation. You're right of course, I just don't know why a player of that ilk and that age gets 4 years. It's like Homer creates a market all by himself, then bids on the high side of it. If a girlfriend was this stupid you'd break up with her, no matter how good the sex was. But here we all are anyway, year after year, and the "sex" ain't even looking that promising.
  13. Amazing ain't it? We'll get a year, maybe two out of this cat, and then choke on the rest of a stupid contract. And you're right, it's the paying customers and the fans everywhere that take the real shot to the nuts-Homer gets paid and we pay and pay and then pay again
  14. Aha, now it's starting to make sense .. Dude it must be so much fun being a Pens fan and watching Homer shoot himself in the nuts!
  15. What, Homer couldn't get him to agree to 7 year deal?
  16. Nah, Homer just likes to make sure he doesn't have too many draft picks lying around...I'm sure he tried to get rid of a 2nd rounder but had to settle for a fourth.
  17. A tie is half a win and half a loss in calculating winning %
  18. @ruxpin "If anyone knows how or why they came to 6 points for a TD, I'd be interested in hearing that story, too." Goddammit man, one thing at a time!!! I'm still working on the point system, abandonment of the US conversion to metric, salary caps, horse and buggy, drunk Canadiens and how the Hell Ruben Amaro still has a job! Sheesh!
  19. Well welcome to our humble hockey abode. I'll simply state that gaining a point for losing goes against all sports logic. And having some games weighted more heavily than others makes no mathematical sense whatsoever.
  20. If the Norris was based on the actual best defenseman, instead of the best OFFENSIVE defenseman, Mark Howe woulda had a couple Norris trophies that went to Paul Coffey.
  21. THIS. More than the sloppy netminding, the stupid contract, the idiotic public statements, THIS is why he has to go
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