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Everything posted by sarsippius

  1. Now there's a kid worth rooting for. Good skates, woulda liked to see him develop here. Not to mention he's one of very few people in this world with whom I share a first name, gotta root for him ; ) @radoron I never made it to the Aud, its been described to me as 14,000 people in a phone booth, which sounds marvelous from here. As I'm sure you know, It was also one of a handful of buildings that couldn't quite fit an NHL length sheet in it, so they took the difference out from between the blue lines. Makes for some nice collisions.
  2. Lol my bad, forgot where I was. I haven't had ill will toward the swords since those annual playoff battles back in the 90s. Here's hoping for a Buffs win
  3. @goalnut3133 Well, now I know @Hockey Junkie must be the poster formerly known as Buffalo Rick! Halibut anyone?
  4. Sitting at 1-7, 3-2 in the next five sounds like a Herculean task. I'm too disgusted to even continue my line of thought, it's all been said here.
  5. I went to see the Devils play the Soviets (Moscow Dynamo?) back during the cold war late 80s. I rooted for the Devils that day. It wasn't an easy decision. I still feel dirty.
  6. 2013: The Year in Philly Sports Highlights. Foreward and apology by Paul Holmgren, Ruben Amaro, Howie Rosenbloom & those carpetbagging priks that bought the Devils.
  7. Oh its all good and well played, I'm just mad I didn't think of that gem!
  8. Ouch. It's a good thing I like you, otherwise I'd hate you.
  9. I really haven't had a favorite Flyer since Hextall. My original favorite was Clarke back in the day. So the constant rebuilds are discouraging from a "does anyone here have a clue" standpoint. But not from a "my favorite player just got traded" standpoint.
  10. Vinny's monster contract is why he isn't tradeable, who would take that on aside from the fool who signed him to it. He's had a helluva career and he still can be productive, but I hated that signing from the start.
  11. Hmmm......Kronwall definitely put himself in a bad position. Cant drop your head to stare at the puck when you're flying into the corner with pressure on you. That said, the player appears to leave his feet, I just can't tell from this angle whether it was before contact was made.
  12. *gasp* that's not really rick, is it? Although it would explain the overrating of Miller.....
  13. Because we're rebuilding with youth.....wait nevermind
  14. Spectre of the 2006-7 season, we welc....well we don't really welcome you but you're here anyway, aren't you....heartless bastard
  15. We're all Bill Murray. Without the millions of dollars, that is.....
  16. We were supposed to be rebuilding when Carter and Richards got traded. Then somebody thought, like they always do, hey we're only a player or two away from contending.....several overpriced signings later, here we are
  17. Looking at how this season is likely to go, it's JVR who should be doing the taunting.....
  18. And a fine signature it was! You know, I tried to get both quotes in there, but the sh!t just kept running together
  19. Damn, and I just changed my signature....maybe I can squeeze that gem in there too!
  20. Exactly! There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics. The number of NTCs is a relevant stat, but not the one that tells the story. Is there a list out there that shows by team the number NTCs given to stiffs / old guys? Also the presence of NTC is significant in relation to the number of years on the deal. Boil these two attributes into the stat and you might just have someting
  21. Get rid of the shootout. And the trapezoid too. Unfortunately neither of those things are going to happen.
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