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Everything posted by Spinorama

  1. I've said it several times already in other threads so I'll just boil it down to the essentials. 3 A's the rest of the season. Let whoever is going to take over slide into the spot in the off season where it isn't a distraction to the mess they are currently trying to work out. I'm convinced the C is poisonous anyway. Not much luck with captains of late and I still have a sour taste in my mouth with stripping Lindros of his C. Not that they did it but how they did it. Remember when they actually showed on TV one of the staff removing the patch from the jersey? Yeah, that'll be productive mid season. Out of respect to Chris, I'm sure they aren't too worried about stripping him of it so quickly. They let him take his time last off season to decide if he wanted it in the first place. He's under enough stress as it is to worry about his place on the team IF he can miraculously get back to playing at all. Negativity and depression are not key ingredients to a speedy recovery. but in the end, my first reason is really all I need. It won't solve anything so why bother right now. More harm than good can come of it so that says to me to just leave it alone for now.
  2. I like it. The one thing I like the most about it is it doesn't have anything to do with Phoenix or their city's history or the franchise's history. While I can certainly appreciate a goalie wanting to show respect and all that to those that came before him, to me it took away from the opportunity to really do something cool. Flyers emblem related is fine, but everything to me is just meh. The Coyote is a graet mask. One of my favorites is this one: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_mqNiAkT1BtI/TFSfqqz1nDI/AAAAAAAAAUw/gcEdG5mVL0M/s1600/brian-hayward91-93.jpg&imgrefurl=http://ilovegoalies.blogspot.com/2010/07/mask-of-week_31.html&h=777&w=666&sz=72&tbnid=w53plAyshP6jWM:&tbnh=91&tbnw=78&zoom=1&docid=7kh0JzIIPA2VaM&sa=X&ei=R3VGT-WfG6bB0QGdq5X1DQ&ved=0CJcBEPUBMAU&dur=398 the sharks mouth. says it all and is cool. Betsy Ross knitting a flag, while historically significant, just doesn't seem all that cool. Bryz's WC mask I think had Reggie White on it... uhhh, what does Reggie White have to do with hockey?
  3. I appreciate looking on the bright side so thanks! If only the Flyers gave him a regular contract, maybe he'd be looked at differently? Well, it would help the pain knowing we aren't throwing him a ton of money. The saves you mentioned were fantastic. Unfortunately he's getting paid to make those saves ALL the time, not just some. I still can't figure out how he missed that forth goal. It's hard with the goals he allows. so many times does he go to make a save and it either slips in between his legs, or under his armpit and every time I wonder why he just can't get in front of the damn thing and let it hit him instead of the fancy crap. Just put up a wall! Reminds me of Roger Dorn in Major League getting crap for the way he played short stop "get in front of the damn ball Dorn, don't give me this "ole" bullsh!t"
  4. sure! JVR played pretty well last night... too bad we all know it's because he's afraid to get traded. So for that I won't forgive him so easily. All season he's had problems supposedly, but 2 games back from a concussion and he finally decided to give 'er the ol' college try?
  5. rep shouldn't be applied. a rule is a rule. if you break it you get punished simple as that. These conversations are always much more complicated than they need to be because there's no consistency in the officiating. When one fan wants to complain about a call that went against someone, usually there is another fan who has another player that falls into the opposite end of the spectrum to use as an example of why fan #1 doesn't have room to complain. If Zac slew flooted someone, he should get called. If Staal boarded someone he should get called. If Malkin wants to fight in the closing moments of a playoff game that was already decided, he should get his due punishment. The fact that the NHL can run around making up all these rules and then only enforcing it when they see fit is ludicrous. I don't like the whole first offense, past history, keeping in mind what kind of player he is blah blah blah. If you aren't going to enforce a rule every time a player breaks it, then why have the rule in the first place?
  6. exactly. This is such a basic concept and yet for some reason it's not applied here. it's an aspect of the sport that the longer I watch it, the more it causes me to lose respect for the game. I love the sport of hockey, but I can get very frustrated with the NHL at times.
  7. I thought Grossman looked pretty good getting back when Mez fell down trying to take that point shot... took his man all the way to the boards. our other defenders would've drifted over to the middle to make it look like they are playing the pass and maybe throw in a stick check for good measure while allowing a point blank shot. Grossman probably saw tape and realized with Bryz, that's not enough and he needs to neutralize the body.
  8. he really did look decent playin goal! covered the post well and then the sliding kick save? fantastic!
  9. yeah, DiPietro's deal only looks bad now that he's hurt all the time. The deal was a stunner at the time but nobody was questioning if he was worth it from a talent standpoint.
  10. not to mention,going after a guy for running a guy means slowing the tempo and thus ruining the game ;p
  11. absolutely to all of it. to the highlighted... it really does feel like a version of the same goalie carousel they were hoping to avoid. they are just better at masking it this year.
  12. me too. are they keeping him around so they can get a better picture on him or are they done with the MAB experiment
  13. i have no idea what else was said in this thread cause I haven't read the whole thing yet but I will say this... I'm at a point where I don't want the Flyers to ever again appoint a player the C. Who cares who's the team leader anyway? It does more harm than good it seems with this team worrying about who is going to be the captain.
  14. I think everyone on that team could understand why Jeff was bent and that it had more to do with loving the Flyers than having anything bad to say about them. If anything I'd view it as a testament to how good it is to be with a club like the Flyers. speaking of sea isle, who were the guys from Columbus who went to Sea Isle to fetch Jeff? I forget
  15. I don't consider myself a Carle basher, but I also don't think he deserves that big of a raise honestly. I really don't feel like he's done all that much improving since he's gotten here. He's been consistently the same player for the most part. He's not terrible but he's not amazing either. I think his current rate is about what I'd offer him again really. Unless I'm missing something. edit: apparently what I'm missing is the link in @Podein25 s post
  16. Hey Puck, I hear ya and agree, these guys are professionals, you aren't trying to talk a kid into doing homework, these guys are paid pros. As far as calling them out in the media, ask Terry Murray about the effects of discussing team troubles in the media. A benching or two or three though would be the ticket though. The Flyers could doll it up to the media however they want to protect the image of the player but that player, and EVERYONE in the dressing room knows why he isn't playing and that's about as strong as a message as you can send. Why they don't employ that tactic more is beyond me. Could you imagine being Danny Briere and being a healthy scratch for Jody Shelley?
  17. http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/frequentflyers/Rinaldo-disciplinary-hearing-today.html apparently he'll be having a hearing regarding the hit. If you ask me this is a classic charging call at the absolute most. Ericsson may have been vulnerable but he put himself in that position by taking an extremely long to to admire his pass. Sorry bud. You don't want to get railed? Keep your head on a swivel and protect yourself. Who the hell skates behind the net NOT expecting to get run at?
  18. If he gets anything more than he already gets to me would be overpaying. I haven't found myself feeling as though he's a player I'm dying to hold on to and on a team where the D has been a hot topic, I think that says something.
  19. I think what doom said may be right, may as well see what the other potential call ups can do? Though at this point, it could be over for the season. I still think there's a game to be found in him, I'm not sure he's found it with the big club yet. I guess now that they figure they can roll Sestito and get the same and more out of Rinaldo, why bother with Z? I had high hopes for the guy and was excited by his play coming out of the preseason. I don't disagree at all though with him not getting the nod at the moment.
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