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Everything posted by Spinorama

  1. I KNOW! can't stand that they do that. They don't call a penalty on the original hit, then someone retaliates and all of a sudden both go? why?
  2. if you ask me we can thank Letang for the assist on that goal
  3. i though that was fabulous. everyone except the officials can see this stuff happening... when is the league gonna crack down on it? It cheapens the league. I still maintain. If you embellish, only you get the penalty, none of this 2 and 2 crap. and not only do you get the penalty but you get an extra 2 for wasting everyone's time. Doesn't the NHL -understand what a joke it is? And so I'm not misunderstood, I'm not specifically speaking to what other teams get away with. I don't like it when our guys did it. Carcillo while he was here was an embarrassment while he was up to those antics.
  4. you could also argue he had the assist for Voracek's GW goal
  5. it's definitely the flavor of the week, though I'm cool with it. I wonder if JR thinks all of this is "amazing"
  6. the highlights I saw also had Jeff Carter setting up another goal with his foot
  7. an amazing game! He may just very well have been the best player not playing in the NHL
  8. straight up over reaction. they had it in their head long before the hit even happened that they were going to make that call.
  9. I definitely think the Flyers should spend more time, I'll call it "wearing down" Crosby and Malkin. No matter who is one the ice when those 2 are out there, everyone take runs. Clean hockey runs with elbows down and knees in, but spend the entire time "prepping" for the POs by wearing these guys out instead of worrying about sending a message on the scoreboard. forget the scoreboard and just throw clean body check after clean body check. If they HAVE to ply this game, I can't see why any other strategy would be even considered, they have nothing to gain in the game.
  10. http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/Grossmann-signing-a-shrewd-move.html too bad terms aren't available yet though
  11. in that scenario, I couldn't agree more. anything that will deter big hits is a no no to me. I was looking at it more of one guy will lay out the big hit, and then it escalates from there with big hits coming left and right and fights left and right.... thinking about that making me think about when the Flyers rolled the 3 Dan line... ah, the good 'ol days
  12. statement, all the way. anytime he is on the ice. run him. run malkin. no dirty $#!t though. no high elbows, no knees sticking out, just run the crap out of them. wear them out as much as possible. f u ck the win, who gives a $#!t? heck, maybe even make it more obvious and call up Leighton's backup to get the start.
  13. that's one example. That was what sparked our discussion but when I was talking about it, my point (which I couldn't seem to convey) was more with sending a message that our boys aren't going to be pushed around. if that ends up being a fight so be it but I didn't have a problem for guys standing up for each other. as for the second paragraph. got it. I was misunderstood. ya gave the impression that you didn't think there was a place in the game for such shennigans.
  14. I totally agree with you so don't get me wrong, but you are confusing me. Isn't this the same guy who said he DIDN'T condone answering good hockey with goon hockey? What's funny though, I want the Flyers to exact revenge for what happened in the previous game against Pitt, but I'd rather it not happen in a meaningless regular season game with the playoffs (against the same team) only a week away. Could you imagine if we lost a few guys during that game trying to get them back and then put ourselves in whole a the most important time of the season? The flip side could occur sure but I'd rather concede the game and just get to the playoffs rested and healthy, no point in fighting the war BEFORE it actually is here.
  15. it's a shame that it's becoming apparent eh? And in my opinion, I'm not so sure there's a reason for the fine. Aside from saying that he was anxious to see what the league planned on doing about it, I really don't see any reason for the fine. I didn't realize these coaches couldn't say anything negative about anybody... OH RIGHT! he slandered the NHL darling. woops
  16. haha, I have family in New York so I guess they get the pass. It's funny though, I was thinking about it a little bit and it is weird how I don't hate this team. I don't like them but there isn't that passionate hate that I've had for past Rangers teams.
  17. I have to agree. Normally it's easy to HATE a rival but how can you hate the Rangers? They're good, and they do it right. I love Torts too, back when we needed a coach I longed for him, he'd have been a great O&B guy.
  18. very well put, precisely what it is and if this league wasn't so incredibly desperate to be taken seriously, maybe they'd have the stones to allow people to call him on it. It's like that jerk at school who no one is allowed to put in his place because his dad donated the majority of the money needed to erect a new building or get the football team new pads and jerseys. I always wondered how "that kid" could live with himself and I've often wondered the same about Crosby.
  19. ""I reached out to (Pittsburgh president) David Morehouse and the Penguins about the comments I made yesterday on Philadelphia radio," Milbury said. "In hindsight, I realize what I said was inappropriate and wrong, and I want to apologize to the Penguins organization and their fans."" it's a shame that protecting one's own financial interests has to get in the way of someone speaking their mind/truth. "We're going to pay you to voice your opinions on the air... that is until your opinions differ from ours. At that point you have 2 choices: agree or kiss your paycheck good-bye"
  20. phenomenal post!!! re-reading and laughing my @$$ of as I type this.
  21. I doubt Leighton returns as well. Something else must've happened behind the scenes. you don't give a guy a two year deal to play 1 game at the beginning of the season id have said "nooooooooooooooo" to Bob being dealt (mainly due to the fact that I really got behind Bob after his rookie season and believed and still do that given the time to adjust and develop he would become one of the better goalies in this league) but now it has sunken in with me that he will be relegated to back-up here for a while so may as well get value for him now.
  22. This team has done a tremendous job this season dealing with adversity all season long. the turnover in the offseason, a goalie that, well we know the story there. The number of injuries, the number of rookies. The team should be applauded for being in the position it is in at this point. At the beginning of the season most fans were labeling this season a rebuilding year so to help deal with what was anticipated as being a very tumultuous season riddled with ugly losses and a mid to low pack standing by seasons end. Well, tumultuous it was and the Flyers still remain in a decent position, heck, people aren't even instantly writing them off as one and done in the playoffs like they were earlier in the season. Despite all of this, It is an absolute shame that the team lost Chris. it would be an even bigger shame (from a Flyers/hockey standpoint) if Chris can never suit of for the Flyers ever again. He wasn't the player he was in his prime, but he was still a tremendous ability out there and a potential game changer when completely healthy. He will be missed by this Flyers fan, no matter how well the team adjusts to his absence.
  23. I'm sure anyone of my posts regarding my opinions of him as quality trade bait back in January should be sufficient evidence of whether or not I miss him. That said, hopefully when he comes back he comes back looking like that player right before the trade deadline (where I was convinced he conveniently stepped up his game) or even better looking like he did in last year's POs. This team is in a nice position of having players who are hurt and are still doing well, theoretically they should only be that much better when the injured return... IF they don't screw up the chemistry (lookin at you Lindros)
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