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Everything posted by Spinorama

  1. so if they've been saving at least 7 mil a year in salaries for the past 6+ years, why in the &**$#^@W*# are ticket prices still going up? Parking is up, tickets are up, concessions are up but salaries are way down and have been so for over 6 years now? what have they been doing with that excess 7 mil each season? not giving it back to the fans I know that.
  2. I'll agree with that but it is only limited to situations where the head making contact with something at the point of the helmet becomes a problem. A lot of the lateral hits, coming from the blind side and what not knock these guys out cold and it has nothing to do with helmets. A shoulder to the face/ jaw or even elbow to the face/jaw coming across from the side is more like a boxer getting caught on the chin with a good shot. Those guys don't have hard plastic for gloves but you can see how a guy's head getting rocked from one side to the other is more than enough to knock him out and nothing short of a helmet that is connected to the shoulders a a la the Hans device seen in racing will stop that. I think softening the pads will work more to discourage the player looking to deliver the hit since he himself stands a greater chance and hurting himself than it is the softening of the pads will keep the player getting hit safer. I'm not saying the softer pads WON'T help the player getting hit but soft pads or not, you get someone coming at a good clip towards another player from the side and he catches him towards the front of the head near the neck/jaw area, he's getting knocked out.
  3. that really is about it. Can he endure the entire season and be useful in the POs? The second question being almost a yes as long as the first is a yes. All of the other questions regarding this guy have been answered. I'd be all for giving this guy another go next year, and maybe the year after that BUT I'd only want them to do year to year contracts.
  4. ah, the problem with having the 9yr, $51mil contract. makes you do things you otherwise wouldn't do. I too would start Bob. He's certainly earned it.
  5. that'd be fabulous and if we were talking about Cote, I'd be willing to bet they'd do it too
  6. remember his first season with the Flyers, he had some ungodly minus number? I can't remember if by season's end it actually got back to even or close but I remember it was a very high minus number very early on in the season. I agree though, I'd like to see him play some better D as well. As far as the C goes, I'm almost sick of hearing about it. Does it matter? I like a suggestion made by a poster here whom I can't remember at the moment about doing away with the C for the Flyers and just rolling 3 As
  7. he does have that "reputation" thing to deal with after all.
  8. what's funny about that is it isn't the Flyers as a team, it's just their goalies. At the beginning of the shootout, they showed the Avs stats and it was amazing how good they are at it... but again it's just to goalies. Eh, shootouts suck! I'd much rather see them get rid of them all together. It's not a good way to determine a win.
  9. after a slow start Voracek has really turned it on! I wasn't expecting to be this pleased with him. What a pass to Hartnell there, in such close quarters and not much time to think, yet he made it look like it was nothing!
  10. got to watch him a little last night. Had an impressive "check of the game". He did seem to skate fairly decent and possess "some" hockey skill, much more than I've seen in Shelley. I'm not gonna blame that first Avs goal on him, he was looking up ice to the potential pass and had no idea that the puck would come his direction,let alone redirect off his skate. by the way, anyone have a count of how many of those redirect goal have been scored against this season? It's maddening!!!! Now how the hell do we unload Shelley?
  11. http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/Giroux-makes-more-progress-Walker-in-lineup-Mon.html towards the bottom of the article it says that Sestito will be in and Shelley will be a healthy scratch. Has a trade partner been found for Shelley? As a healthy scratch Shelley doesn't help the cap so what other reason could there be to scratch Shelley for Sestito?
  12. I sure hope it's right and that he isn't rushing it for this game. Though it is a spectacle, at the end of the day it is just another regular season game worth 2 pts. Anything that possibly sets him back for the playoffs should be avoided at all costs. If he's genuinely ready to go and can take regular hockey hits without recurrence then game on!
  13. I never said any of those players were crap. If they were crap, they wouldn't be good trade bait. I was just articulating that of all the valuable pieces we have on this team, they are the one's I'd be willing to part with and listed the reasons why. I was glad to see Richard's go but that didn't mean I thought he was crap. And I'm not trying to be clever with any of these moves that I just suggested. JVR isn't playing the way I'd like to see him play. That doesn't mean everyone sees him that way. He may have just stagnated with this team and a new team and new role MIGHT bring out the better in him and many other GMs might view him in the same light. Schenn is the same thing. The best player NOT playing in the NHL he still could be. We did trade Mike Richards for him but again, I'm just over him. This thread was about the Flyers making multiple moves and I would assume that means for good players. As @brelic said, you've got to trade value to get value. If I wanted crap, I wouldn't have brought up those 2 players. Doesn't make much sense to start rolling out posts that say "trade Shelley for Weber" does it?
  14. can't the Flyers for once have their cake and eat it too!?! and hey, are you saying Schenn and JVR aren't quality?
  15. out of those guys, I'd say JVR and Schenn would be who I'd look to package. JVR is taking way to long to really wow me. I can't think of a single time when I heard anyone say "man, JVR is looking great!!!!" it's all excuses of why he hasn't returned to the form he was in last year's POs. Uhhh, what? he forget how to play hockey? Did all the money he get in the offseason distract him? Were all those extra workouts he was doing making him regress? But he IS still young and does have plenty of potential, I'm just over him at this point. Schenn is in the same boat kinda. Young, lots of potential but once again, I'm over him at this point. Sure he's been hurt but I've been un impressed with the limited sample set I've seen so far. My biggest disappointment with him was when I went to the rookie game. I had heard all the hype so I couldn't wait for the guy to dazzle in the game. Oh, and as a side note I wanted to take a look at this new rookie we just signed that probably won't make the team. Schenn should've looked like a man amongst boys and he didn't do any of the dominating I thought he should've. Harry Z caught my eye though, and I wasn't even looking for him. Couts even looked more impressive. Then I wrote that off to him playing with a lower quality team and when the preseason started I should see more..... nope, same mediocre cra... er stuff I saw in the rookie game. If he still has value, that's the way I'd go. NO WAY I let go of Read at this point. This kid's the real deal and we got him signed for 3 years at a nice price! And when Couts looks this good this young, gotta ride that out before making moves with him.
  16. $10mil this season accordingly. I can appreciate people being patient but if it was YOUR $10mil would you have the same patience? It's one thing to keep your sanity as a fan and say "oh, it's too soon to judge" or "oh, dial back your expectations" and blah blah blah, but there really isn't much else to take out of this the guys is getting paid X and is delivering a much lower product, plain and simple. And as many have pointed out, it's not like he can't get his act together, and really start shutting it down as the season progresses. And then we fans who have been hard on him to this point will then be allowed to say "finally, the Flyers are getting what they paid for and we fans are getting what we expected and be happy". You don't throw $10mil at a guy and HOPE he's the answer, you are buying a sure thing with that kind of money.
  17. I'm not so sure I'd let him go no matter what comes in. Bryz continues to refuse to show he is the consistent stud we thought we signed in the offseason and to this point you still aren't sure which Bryz will show up for any particular game. I personally would like to have Bob around for at least just in case. Now that I got the rational reason out of the way, I've maintained that I don't want them to trade Bob period. I like Bob. I think Bob is going to be a great goalie and I'd rather see him be a great goalie with the Flyers. I don't care that we have a $51 mil goalie. Things can happen, things can change an I'm not sold on the fact that Bryz is going to be our #1 for all 9 years of his contract. Bob is really young and can ride out a few more years as back up getting more and more starts each season as he continues to adjust to the game. We are only one year removed from his rookie season where he still needed to adjust to the size of the rink, the speed of the game, the length of schedule and so on. He doesn't all of a sudden HAVE to be a #1 somewhere and I don't really think his being slighly overpaid for a backup is THAT big of a deal to have someone that good and has that much promise to be in the back up spot. Sure we'd like to have someone that costs less in that spot but what kind of goalie would you get anyway. So I say forget about trading Bob, good goalies are nowhere near as common as decent forwards so if there is a position we should be looking to sacrifice to bolster another it would be that one, in my opinion.
  18. that's the part that scares me. I don't know how much longer they will be able to keep up the pace they've maintained so far and I'd hate to think the only way they can win is by putting up that number of goals every game. You have to be able to win low scoring games too.
  19. considering that's all you posted I'm going to assume that heavily was HEAVILY!
  20. WHOA, we have profanity censorship now? when did this kick in. I will admit when I was typing out my response I gave a moment of pause and thought maybe I should tone it down but THEN thought that it was the sensor thing that pissed everyone off and brought them here in the first place. Say it loud and say it proud. interesting. I know I know by the way, don't need everyone pointing out that it wasn't the profanity but having simple hockey terms like shot and shift and all that getting the 'ol #### which was annoying. I was there, I remember that. But still, doesn't mean this didn't take me by surprise. In case anyone is wondering, I don't mind if this site (or any other for that matter) sensors my profanity, not like you couldn't figure out what I was saying if you weren't already in the know.
  21. when's the all start break again? sometime after that pls... don't need him ******* himself up in a meaningless game.... and a meaningless play could f**k him up, I mean, look at what caused this injury... yeah, let him and Timo sit out the yawnfest that is the All Star break thank you
  22. a great way to put it.... I used to think that his "watching the game" was him being the "cool, calm and collected goalie" that was signed in the offseason
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