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Everything posted by Spinorama

  1. they might need a new poster boy but I kinda like my team's superstars be awesome and fly under the radar. Keeps them grounded and continue to work hard.
  2. @radoran @terp I agree with both of you. He has nothing to gain by pushing it in January.
  3. I don't remember the exact details but I was under the impression that Asham was going to be looking for a raise so the Flyers let him walk. After a little while it didn't look like he was going to get what he was looking for so he signed with Pitts at the attractive $775 I tried looking it up to provide proof but all I could find was an article announcing that he signed with Pitts that was dated late August indicating he was available for most of the summer. Nothing concrete at what he was looking for OR why the Flyers specifically didn't reup him. I was very disappointed when we didn't resign him. He wasn't blazing fast as Doom pointed out but he was a fantastic team guy who could play the game and take on the more tougher fighters in the league.
  4. totally agree. JVRs slump to me makes him expendable but that doesn't mean he doesn't have value. No way he just gets given away
  5. haha, he should be, certainly had enough practice this season
  6. right now he's getting paid NHL dollars to eat popcorn in the press box
  7. I know, but that's where I first saw them on Bryz... and at this point, Bob only has the legs pads brown and not the glove or blocker... Bryz has all brown. It's a good look.
  8. what you are talking about is probably why, but even on the ice the last two seasons he was here, I found myself wondering where the Mike Richard's of old was.... and he's not even old
  9. if the D can figure out the issues and Bryz somehow starts resembling the goalie we all thought the Flyers signed, yes, I believe they can be contenders. If the O has to suffer in order to tighten up the D, then no, absolutely not. We need the O that has been produced so far. Why not trade Jagr? That's a tall order. He came back to the NHL on the terms of the perfect fit. He came to the Flyers cause they are a legitimate team, who would put him into a legitimate role on the club. How many other teams out there would be willing to do the same? And if not, how could you insure they'll get what they want from Jagr at that point? He has no guarantees past this season? He's been awesome for the Flyers but if I were a GM I wouldn't give up assets because there is too much unknown. He came back to the NHL for the experience, not the money. (at least that's my understanding)
  10. Just watching the beginning of the Carolina game. I gotta say, I love the old school looking brown faux leather pads both Bryz and Bob are wearing. Really cool. I thought they were going to be just for the classic but cool to see they aren't.
  11. Couts made a great play for sure,but Rinaldo's awesome hit completely separated the player from the puck to set the play up. Not too many players on the Flyers are even capable of hits of that nature. He isn't the number one start of that play but he definitely had a hand in it. As for the 4th line, everyone on the 3rd and 4th at this point are more or less interchangeable. But lines seem pretty equal to me with the exception of Rinaldo. Man, could you imagine still rolling out a 4th line with Betts and Powe over Couts and Schenn? I can't
  12. great find, that's too funny! So he's suited up for 40 gms so far. That's only3.6 times down a game, or just a little over once a period? not bad
  13. definitely yesterday's, after the way Saturday's game was played, I'm actually surprised he wasn't... are we gonna get ANY mileage out of this guy at all? This is only his second season right? one more year after this? I dont know how much of a difference Shelley would've made, maybe none at all, but I still was expecting to see him in there.
  14. @Dynamo 47 everything you said plus dumping those contracts allowed for Jagr and Talbot as well (yeah I know about Bryz.... I won't go there, it's practically a dead horse at this point) which I think have been fantastic additions as well. Factor in the addition by subtraction aspect of gaining a harmonious locker room (for the time being) and it's all but a slam dunk. Sure I guess it could be argued that with the caliber players we gave up we may have gotten some higher profile player in return but I don't think that'd have helped as much. the group we have is young and hungry, as well as affordable. Without getting into Bryz again, could you imagine what this team would be doing if they were living up to the expectations of the D and goal positions from over the summer, the expectations that those 2 positions would make up for the forwards... man, that'd be deadly. Still plenty of season left to tighten it up though
  15. absolutely, and it's that kind of attitude I think we are seeing permeate through the locker room this year. For the most part, everyone is just playing harder and seem to care about winning for one another much better than in the last few.
  16. haha, that just conjured the familiar image of him getting up from the pile with the goofy "what?" look on his face. Yeah, not much of that this season either
  17. you know what stat I'd be interested in? How many games have the Flyers spotted the opposition a goal in the opening moments of a game? That and allowing goals in the last minute of a period. Both painful to watch when they occur and they seem all to frequent. Oh, and as a side stat, how many goals have we tipped or deflected into our own net... I don't remember it ever really being an issue but it seems like the Flyers M.O. this season.
  18. I just thought it was awesome Giroux won it clean. To top it off with a goal puts it over the top. If I were Ott, between that and having to relive an opposing coach telling me to go **** myself, I wouldn't be tuning in any time soon.
  19. Read and Schenn need to be swapped but yeah, I love that line of Rinaldo, Couts, and either Read or Schenn or even Talbot. Get energy line with some skill to boot!
  20. aside from how well he's been this season, the fact that he isn't always on his butt has been surprising
  21. one of my favorite fight vids... just gotta love the editing going from fight to fight almost seamless and Metallica on top of that to boot. not sure how you put that one together better.
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