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Everything posted by Spinorama

  1. well I guess that pretty much ends all discussions regarding Betts
  2. I like his approach. At least he's being honest with himself and fans regarding his playing ability. He could easily try to sign a longer term deal and then suck and just sit back and collect paychecks but seems like he want to make sure he can commit to something before actually committing.
  3. I read that too, the article likened it to when the Flyers always played Nitty against Atlanta for the same reason
  4. right on, I was approaching the discussion purely from a playing stand point. Contract and cap implications are more than valid. Right now I'd put a healthy Betts in the lineup purely for the sake of shopping him. He was a serviceable player when he played but he's too one dimensional for me and if you are a one dimensional player who isn't all that physical, then I'd rather find another player to fill the role. plus, his arm pops out of socket too easily
  5. that's not fair. Colombus knew they were getting Carter, they got a good piece. No one knew which Voracek was going to show up and in Columbus it was the wrong one. Voracek for Carter alone wasn't going get the deal done so they threw in a draft pick. Carter would demand a high draft pick. It isn't a forgone conclusion that everyone taken in the top 10 picks will pan out. It just so happened that the Flyers got lucky Couts slipped to 8th AND that he's performing at a high level. If Columbus knew they could draft Couts AND get his production, you think they still make the trade? Over the summer I thought the Flyers actually got hosed on that deal but was fine with dumping Carter. No way anyone could've predicted that it was going to be the Flyers doing the raping. I doubt even Homer got the pleasure out of that signing as he could've at the time.
  6. if Shelley was a regular, I'd agree. It seems to me at the moment, if all forwards are healthy it's either Z or Rinaldo in the line up, not both. And anyway, no way I'd sit Zac or Harry Z for Betts. They do what he does and much more. I liked Betts when he was playing, but the young guys that have suited up in his place to me have won over his spot. Aside from his faceoff ability, I'm not sure Betts can bring anything to the team that you can't already get with at the very least Z. But to each their own
  7. oh no! now that Carter is gone, has JVR taken up the new role of "line cancer"
  8. negative. when you get paid what he is getting paid, it is your job to instill confidence in those playing in front of you,management and the fans. Plus, the guy isn't a rookie, he's 31 and playing in the final contract of his career. The Flyers signed a sure thing and he's been everything but. I don't want to be hard on the guy and I have very high hopes that now that we are in the second half of the season, and the 24/7 nonsense is behind him that he can get back to just playing hockey and not worrying so much about the spotlight. Myabe the All Star break will allow him to collect himself mentally and get into the much needed groove this team needs at the most important time of the year.
  9. well it is sunday... what the heck!
  10. the bright side is his style of play doesn't wear down as most of the bigger guys in the league. As long as he doesn't lose a step, he should be fine.
  11. maybe Shelley just doesn't want to get bossed around by Cote
  12. who would you sit in his place?
  13. haha, I apparently didn't read the entire thread before my post. Nice to see we are on the same page
  14. that will read "but that creates a hole at starting goalie" in a week
  15. I say forget Snider's image, at this point it's cemented where it is anyway so who cares about a wrong decision or two..
  16. I saw that... looked like he was being fresh with himself but yeah, I saw that. point still stands, while the playoffs could be made or missed in January, you don't win a cup in January...
  17. while I think it's a nice honor to be selected to the team, I think a midseason All Star game is a waste of time. The game itself sucks, and it really isn't worth the time. Take Timmo, I'd rather he stay home and rest up. And you could you imagine a freak accident? Like Matt Read maybe wiping out hard into the boards trying to win the speed comp? And now he could be lost for the most important time of year. no thanks. I'm sorry, I never answered your question... those selected deserve it. I've seen articles making a case for Hartnell. I can see it.
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