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Everything posted by Spinorama

  1. just saw the play with Pheneuf (sp?) was giving Schenn the business. I wonder if Luke told him to give his brother "the business"
  2. if Lindros still had his skating legs, I'd sign him and put him on the 4th line. Jagr said something to the effect of "I loved it there, no one touched me". That'd be perfect for big E and on that line he wouldn't be expected to score
  3. I guess what I was getting at with the turnover thing was that a breakaway should be looked at as a breakaway once it occurs from far enough out and how the breakaway came about shouldn't factor into decided whether or not the goalie should've had it. to your point, then I guess it's up the actual play. St. Louis' goal was amazing, no goalie in this or any other league should be expected to stop that. But for the most part (and obviously I'm not talking about JUST the specifics of this game), his breakaway goals against don't look like that. He's just not as great of a breakaway goalie as I would like or his pay would indicate. He gives up too many breakaway goals for my taste. Some of those slappers he lets in are Jody Shelley type slappers and to me there's plenty that a top tier goalie should be able to do.
  4. yeah, I post there from time to time as I visit that site usually anyway for news and it's an old habit I guess to hit the forums once I'm done with the news. It's not a slick interface like this site but sometimes there's topics that just haven't been brought up here. by the way, I don't think the Flyers can easily win the Eastern Conference. I actually think that provided most of the team if not all are healthy (legitimately healthy, not just good enough to suit up and then we find out later there was a reason why they didn't look like the players we all know they are) they have a legitimate shot. Every concern that arose both prior to the start of this season and during have shone to be worked out. The only thing I see holding them back now is if they allow themselves to revert back to any of those points. The big factor is if they advance through the POs, how many rounds can they get through with minimal games played.
  5. I don't typically agree with his articles but this one from Carchidi was an interesting read: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/20120327_Inside_the_Flyers___Wacky_NHL_playoff_seedings_reward_underachivers.html I liked the idea of some of the changes that were being proposed when trying to figure out what to do with Winnipeg. The idea of having divisions and division leaders is a great idea in concept but doesn't mean a whole lot when that division is ridiculously weak. I haven't figured on a format that I like the most but I do like getting closer to rewarding teams that have been strong all season with the biggest prize, like baseball. Only the best get to challenge for the ultimate.
  6. I liked Manning as well. With all the different defensive call ups, I wonder if Lavi is simply trying everyone out so he can make final decisions for the POs. I wonder if the Flyers are higher on MAB than we think and they just wanted to get a good look at all the other guys and get them NHL experience since there's a likelyhood that the Flyers will have to dip into their reserves come playoffs.
  7. hahaha I still can't believe how much that infuriated you know who. I mean, he really went off the deep end with that one. and yeah, what @JackStraw said, everybody's buddy is still kicking around philly.com and last I checked he's always up for some spirited discussion.
  8. exactly. I mean if it's a turnover like Carle's, where it comes out of no where and has players caught in positions where they can't do a thing about, it is one thing. Turnovers that occur far enough away that it basically boils the play down to a breakaway that Bryz has plenty of time to get set up for though shouldn't be as big of a problem as they are. He just seems to just struggle with breakaways in general, I mean, that's basically what the shootout is and we all know how fabulous he is in those situations. Don't get me wrong, I'm not excusing those turnovers but just because a play gets classified as a turnover doesn't mean it should indicate that it is the direct reason for a goal. The way turnover and deflections are classified and talked about in relation to goals, it almost sounds like unless the Flyers play absolutely perfect airtight hockey, then forget about it.
  9. well, since we're getting really specific here, posts 19-current all need to be moved to a different thread because this thread is NOT about thread policing policies, it is about the Flyers winning the Eastern conference and I haven't read anything regarding that topic in the last 7 posts... I mean, we do want to maintain consistency here regarding said policies do we not?
  10. Briere's gaffs were horrible, but when you have a moment like Matt did there, everything just gets shoved off the table. It truly is amazing that it feels like the Flyers do stupid **** like this all the time yet they hardly ever get to cash in the same way against other teams. Carle's deal of course is a ton worse given the timing of everything. With the score what it was and how much time was left, the Flyers went from setting up to possibly tie the game to being down 2 with very little time left. I'm amazed they got as close as they did regardless though. Oh Matt, every time people find reasons to back you up, you go ahead and give the other side more fodder.
  11. So I tuned into the game last night. It was on after the Flyers game and I had left the channel on so I kept the game on. Decided I wanted to see how Carter and Richards were doing. Without getting too into, let's just say I was amazed by how poor they looked. I kept reminding myself that these guys just a year ago were the faces of the Flyers. Richards had 3 shots the whole game and Carter only had one. I haven't bothered to look at previous game stats but according to the announcers Carter hasn't had many shots period in recent games. I'd have thought he'd come out guns blazing now that he is reunited with Richards. Plenty of time left on both of their contracts though to get it figured out.
  12. great effort tonight by the boys. Played with real grit. Bryz looked strong yet again, showing great promise for the POs. I thought Kubina had a good game tonight and Grossman continues to impress as well. The guys look like they are having fun playing for each other and I for one am excited for the post season. Nice to get that clincher tonight so there's no real concerns about missing it. For me, I always figured they'd make the POs but now it look like they're going to be a tough team in there as well. Good times indeed!
  13. I literally just found myself watching the play transition and he could barely keep up with the guy and I found myself saying out loud "man, Timmo is looking slooooooow" definitely hurting... which makes me wonder why isn't he resting up for the POs?
  14. I sure hope you're wrong about that!
  15. fortunately there's no such thing once the POs start
  16. I know during games he can get aggravating but I had no idea that extended beyond just the game as well. This is kinda Barnaby level disgust. kinda cool
  17. and why stop there? if there aren't going to be any calls to tell the team otherwise, well then......
  18. I'm not kidding, I haven't even read anything in this thread past this part of your post and I'd ask that you allow me to WHOLE HEARTEDLY AGREE with you. I can't stand that group. Shouldn't it be common sense to a network that is supposedly putting on a product for the national level to actually put people out there that are unbiased? I don't love homer commentators but with the Flyers group, I accept the fact that they are on the payroll of the team and are paid specifically to speak to Flyers fans. But this crew is ridiculous. Add to the fact that they have an ex-Penguins coach calling Flyers Penguins games? And he isn't going to have a strong opinion that he just can't help but express? I'll take Joe Beninati any day of the week over these clowns. and here's a funny little montage of the guy just for $#!ts and giggles: anyway, now onto reading the rest of the post/thread.
  19. the NHL and I guess other sports have gotten REALLY good at giving the most vague answers possible regarding injuries. technically they answered the question unfortunately those answer provide no concrete information... though I can't imagine why a team would want to be specific regarding injuries. I, as a fan, would like to know when key members are close to returning to the lineup but can understand why they wouldn't want anyone knowing anything definitive regarding anyone on the roster who is injured
  20. haha, touche I guess I'm just not on board with the holier than thou stance regarding this issue. The guy earned his criticism. At the same time I'm totally on board with giving this guy his due credit. He's turned around his play. He's turned around his focus. Not only is he getting the results but he's looking much better doing so in the process. It's been a pleasure to watch him and the team turn things around defensively (minus Bob's last game... what gives with him of late btw?) and it's especially nice given the POs are right around the corner. With the amount of time left in the season it's not a stretch to think this team could really make some noise if everyone gets healthy and the team continues to peak the way they've been.
  21. that's not the crux of my point. people complained, people kept the faith. why are we trying to give each other crap over this? Pointless discussion and pointless thread. They guy is playing great, just be happy about that, who cares who believed and who didn't? Some decide to hold players accountable differently, doesn't make anyone any less of a fan than the other just because they rout for their team in different ways.
  22. Rick is here? what's his handle? I don't think I've bumped into him yet, though I haven't frequented the shout box much
  23. scares me to think what he'll command when he needs a new deal. whatever it is the Flyers should do it but I wonder what that means for all these young guys we have coming up who will also need new deals in and around the same time. I love our core of forwards at the moment and I'd hate to see it broken up at all.
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