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Everything posted by Spinorama

  1. don't dare do that, a purely futile effort that would be
  2. these next few games he will have an opportunity to live up to Lavi's "when the best player in the world" comments. The whole team to me just isn't bringing the intensity needed across the board. G is certainly to blame as is everyone else.
  3. I could hear a crowd chanting "cin-dy cin-dy" (though who knows what effect it would have) whiner and cryer doesn't sound that intimidating when chanted by a large crowd, heck, I'd be surprised if you'd be able to even make it out. As far as not seeing the point in taunting players,well that's just a difference in philosophy of how to be a fan. Obviously there is no right or wrong way to be a fan. If you throw down money to watch a sport live then you can do whatever you want (short of acting a fool). In all sports it's part of the game to get into the other teams head. Why else would "home ice, court, field" advantage even work? Players get upset because they hear a crowd cheering whenever the home team does something good and that alone is enough to grate on the opponent's psyche? If that's good enough for you then fabulous, however, I'm not so sure there's no place for taunting the opposing team, nor do I see a problem that it exists. If anything to me, it's almost obvious that taunting would take place, it's part of the experience of being there. Crosby in the Pitts series lost his cool, most will agree on that. The media, and the fans on top of what is happening on the ice all contribute to that. But that's cool, like I said, I don't believe there is a right or wrong way to be a fan, though there are certainly plenty of different ways and for me, to each their own.
  4. it's amazing what the Flyers have been able to do considering what went down in the off season. Even more so considering the expectations and what happened, strong D and Goal tending was supposed to make up for an unknown front line and the exact opposite happened. the Flyers survived a war with Pitts and were thought to sail through to the ECF. They have apparently taken their opponent lightly but they can still recover. If the SC ends up being something other than Flyers/Kings would be a real shame. The story lines would be ridiculous.
  5. I felt like they played a much better game and could have won no prob, just didn't capitalize when they could've. for me it seemed like a team that realized that their opponent needed to be taken seriously but still was trying to avoid going all out like they had against the Pens. Maybe they thought that the Devils needed 7 to take down the Panthers coupled with that they took down the heavily favored Pens meant that they could get through the series at half speed, attempting to get to the next round good to go. Maybe I see it that way 'cause that's what I fear but they don't seem very "inspired" (as this thread is titled) in this series as of yet. This last game showed some hope but I thought the Flyers were going to really impose their will. Instead they may have lost Couts for a while... Jagr looked spent (was hoping he'd be given a shift off or two so when he was out there he had some jump). And please Carle, play the body please and take the bricks out of your skates.
  6. I've heard this before and I've always been curious but never asked. What would be a more appropriate taunt for Crosby?
  7. Once the playoffs are done one of the first announcements I can't wait for the Flyers to make is that they won't be tendering him an offer. He doesn't deserve what he makes now much less the supposed raise he is due. I don't care about that goal he scored, the dude blows on D. Soft play lead to the first goal. No hustle lead to another goal (forget which but he should've been back to the net and wasn't). He was skating around like he had bricks in his skates and when the play was obviously his, I would've liked to have seen more urgency. Of course it'll turnout to be an undisclosed injury that supporters will eventually point to as to why he blew but I've been watching him do this for a while. Cr*ap the bed but then make up for it every now and again with a nice offensive play. Play D, stop being a pu*ssy and put a body on people, enough of this swatting at it with the stick, especially by the crease. it's the effin' POs Carle, or did you forget?
  8. that's funny, I'm with you. Anytime we get that crew I roll my eyes because I feel like they call it more for the other team, especially when ****** bag Edzo aka, former Penguins coach (who clearly holds no bias against the Flyers, his team's one time hated rival) is on the crew. more times than not it feels like he is passing a kidney stone when asked to say anything positive about the Flyers. I wish I could record the Flyers radio broadcasts with the games I DVR so I can listen to those guys when we have the national broadcasters instead of the homer crew. I don't necessarily enjoy homer play calling, but Jim Jackson and the boys have gotten a LOT better at calling the games straight and I'd much rather listen to them than the NBC team. The one guy on the crew that I like is Joe Beninati. and my favorite, his reaction to Cote getting nuked by Brashear (the "woah" (s) are great)
  9. sounds good to me. He surprised me this year with his physical play and now is the perfect time to impose it
  10. haha, and when I first read this I thought "this gem" was meant for that angry birds pic
  11. yeah, I certainly don't discount that. Lavi has my trust. I'm really glad the Flyers got JVR back for the playoffs actually. A lot of people were speculating (not necessarily here) that he WILL find that gear that seemed to have gone dormant all season once the POs come around. A JVR playing to his potential or at least heading in that direction is all I ask. He's done really well since coming back. He's expected to not only not be a liability but contribute as well and he has.
  12. I'm okay with that as well to a degree. One thing that I'm not the biggest fan of is that he was a non-factor for most of the season, while the young guys stepped up and got the Flyers to where they are without him (both while he in the lineup doing nothing and while he was hurt). Then they get their hard work rewarded by just handing JVR his old spot back instead of forcing him to earn it back. If I'm Schenn, I'd be frustrated. As a Flyers fan though it really doesn't matter, I just want Lavi to put the best players in the best spots at the right time of the game and as long as the Flyers win, I don't care if JVR get 22 minutes a game or only 5.
  13. I agree. JVR's game for the most part drives me crazy but if he continues to park his keester in Brodeur's face the way he did on that OT goal then he'll get a pass from me.
  14. I as well. Schenn has earned his ice time.
  15. can he NOT keep that damn 5 hole closed!?! sheesh!
  16. i really hope they don't bother to name a new captain till the off season. It won't make anything better and all it'll do is distract. They can tell us in July that Giroux is the new captain!
  17. I always fear rushing a player back from injury. I feel more times than not it usually sets them back more than their being there ends up helping the team. And I wouldn't want to see a set back with his back so here's to hoping the Flyers don't need him this round and he can fully heal up
  18. absolutely! however I don't think Mez is that close. I doubt we'll see him this round.
  19. haha, I brought that up because it was mentioned that they need rest. I actually did go on to say that "I'm not worried about them going to a concert"
  20. Rest, yes. Partying at Nickleback concerts... not so much. they need to keep their focus and their drive going. But I'm not worried about them going to a concert or anything like that, I'm just worried about momentum. The team definitely needed the time off for health reasons for sure. Could you imagine the layover if the Flyers swept the series?
  21. I think the helmet still being in the picture is hilarious. everyone's helmet is either covered or off but G's is still there!
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