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Posts posted by thegx.ca

  1. Really impressed not only with Calgary play all year so far, but very very impressed with how Tkachuk had matured into a leader this year - just by the way he conducts himself in all the interviews I've seen so far, his more level headed playing, having more Sutter veterans around seems to be rubbing off on him for sure👍

  2. His interviews are so refreshing and honest, he's the most respectful soft spoken professional athlete ever - can't help but keep cheering for him to succeed!


    So humble, so appreciating of everyone around him and for the opportunities given to him - I didn't know Russian people were so modest...


    He's so safe around the pick now, after getting burned handling it that one time, not he just freezes the puck each chance he gets - which is good until he gets more experience handling it.


    Can totally tell he's such a positive supportive guy too have around, just hearing him talk about how him and Kylington both blamed themselves for the goals.


    Didn't think we could get another back up as positive a guy as when we had Dave Richter, but Vladar is just awesome to have on our team😁

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, ruxpin said:


    I bought that subscription awhile back.  

    This was addition by subtraction with the added benefit of addition by addition plus more addition.   I thought it was a great move by Buffalo.   I mean, there's really nowhere to go but up, but this looks good.


    I also understand WoW's subscription service, too, but I really believe Eichel was a very large part of the problem in Buffalo (hard to prove that, of course), so any door that gets him out is a plus for Buffalo both short and long term.   Vegas has a new problem, but with the crew there maybe he won't be THE guy or the captain and it may work out better.



    Good point, Buffalo had no where to go but up, also agree that Eichel won't be the captain in Vegas and that could help the situation with rumours of Eichel being a problem off the ice.

    • Like 1
  4. For me biggest surprise is Buffalo doing well with Eichel/Reinhardt/Ristoleinen, but I agree this won't continue.


    Wasn't surprised Calgary and Florida doing well. With Calgary adding Sutter boys and everything pointing to Sutter getting everything he wants from ownership, this could only work in Sutter favour in every way - including players doing what they're told, resulting in significantly better results on ice. With Florida, just so many big names there, can't help but think they'll lead east all year.


    For me I knew Edmonton would improve, simply because McJesus improves himself every year, but didn't guess how good Hyman would be for them.


    Toronto/Tampa/Montreal all downgraded, and Carolina will finish 3rd in East.

    • Like 1
  5. 48 minutes ago, Brewin Flames said:

    Games Played on 11/6/21


    NYI Scott Mayfield vs Jets Adam Lowry  Winner ?


    Flames Erik Gudbranson vs NYR Jarred Tinordi  Winner ?


    Gubrandson easily wins, not much damage done, he landed some shots to the helmet but Tinordi couldn't land any clean ones.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Brewin Flames said:

    Games Played on 11/4/21


    Buffalo John Hayden vs Seattle Jamie Oleksiak  Winner ?


    Oleksiak won. Hayden threw no punches and it was a hugging match, Oleksiak landed several punches to the back of the head.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Hockey Junkie said:

    That depends.  Tuch will be good playing for his childhood team.  The question is the kid sent to Rochester.  I know he played with Cozens.  He will again and Quinn will be called up and Powers is coming.  Two number one picks in a string draft coming.  I watched two cappers today say that Calgary will go South later.  I hope not but they could.  Your depth is not great and I’d rather be in our shoes moving forward.  


    Buffalo does have alot of picks now and alot of potential in the future, but as for this year I'm gonna have to stick to liking Calgary to go farther than Buffalo, I like Calgary to make the playoffs and even get to next round or further - this year I still don't think Buffalo makes the playoffs despite their strong start.


    As for the experts saying Calgary flops this year, I'll be betting against them this year. Calgary not a great team and is say depth is good not great, but the Sutter factor pushes them into the playoffs in betting - it's like if Buffalo had Lindsy Ruff or Ted Nolan again.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Hockey Junkie said:

    Why?  Because you might win the Cup?  Without him the road is tougher.  The Flames 🔥 should have went all in.  I like the way the Flames are playing and believe it or not I like them unlike most other teams.  I truly hope they keep winning but they should have pulled the trigger on Jack.  I’m stuck with an Eichel jersey I’ve never worn.  She pissed.  But I do like some of our upcoming talent.  Powers, Tuch and the kid we just sent to Rochester and Quinn.  


    No because Eichel doesn't fit Sutter style hockey and Sutter style system, which simply is shut up and do what Sutter says - judging from the media, Eichel doesn't listen if he doesn't want to.


    He more like LeBron James who want free reign to do whatever he want, instead of following orders.


    Also, even though Tkachuk wasn't offered contrary to the rumours, I wouldn't be happy trading anything else with his health being questionable.


    Like you, I like Calgary the way they are now, no changes - I think the tough Sutter players out together now can go far.


    I agree Eichel is second best after McJesus, when healthy though, and if he gets healthy again Los Vegas will have easily won the trade since they didn't lose their core players - and Buffalo probably just keep getting bad luck again...

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, JR Ewing said:


    The deal that myself and @Brewin Flames were talking about a rumoured package centred around Matthew Tkachuk. Would have been great Buffalo and bad for Calgary, imo.



    No doubt. Thank God it only turned out to be rumours. Looking back at the rumour with Calgary, it looks for sure smoke sent out by Eichel agents because that rumoured Calgary deal kills what Buffalo ended up getting from Vegas.


    The Vegas deal, injured player for injured player makes way more sense, the rumoured Calgary deal made no sense at all - and just by coincidence was sent out just before the Vegas deal went final.


    Looks to me the Eichel agents sent out the Calgary rumour to pressure Vegas to finalize deal - and Vegas fell for it.

  10. On 11/3/2021 at 3:40 AM, Brewin Flames said:

    Games Played on 11/2/21


    Wild Brandon Duhaime vs Sens Austin Watson  Winner ?


    Preds Mark Borowiecki vs Flames Brett Ritchie  Winner ?


    Man Ritchie took some big shots...




    Yeah, was shocked that Ritchie lost so badly...he'll want revenge next game so I'm already looking up when they play next...I like how Tkachuk goes over to Borowiecki to ask him where he thinks he's going, shows good leadership to remind him that Calgary has more guys that wanna fight him, and seems that Tkachuk chirping him kept Calgary intense and it showed later as Calgary out worked Nashville throughout rest of game.

  11. On 11/3/2021 at 3:51 AM, Villella McMeans said:

    Yep, Calgary outplayed them badly, those 3 missed breakaways were unbelievable...bad luck all around after Ritchie got knocked down in the fight and hopefully he'll be alright...


    Thinking back to the fight, I liked how Tkachuk went over to ask Borowiecki where he thought he was going when leaving the rink to repair his hand, this shows good leadership from Tkachuk to remind Borowiecki that Calgary had line up waiting to fight him for beating Ritchie.


    Tkachuk even in interviews is maturing into a good leader, doing and saying all the right things to keep team intense after losing Ritchie - and it showed with the way Calgary out worked Nashville afterwards.

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