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Posts posted by thegx.ca

  1. 17 hours ago, JR Ewing said:

    Other than somebody like Voss, who made it in as a Builder, it seems really odd to refer to Hall of Fame players as journeymen. I always thought that the terms was used to describe a player who is decent, but not so good that he becomes part of a team's long term plans, so he ends up bouncing around the league. Brent Ashton played for 8 teams in his career, but 6 of them before he hit 30 years old; he just couldn't establish himself as a core player on those teams, but somebody was always interested in having him around because he was... adequate.


    "Journeyman" makes me think of guys like J.J Daigneault and Matthieu Schneider. Decent, could never establish themselves on one team, and then bounced around as expansion gave them opportunity to stick around in the league for a few extra years.


    Hall of Famers who won major awards and Cups who played for a solid decade on one club and were traded because the owner of the team was going bankrupt? Not so much.



    Yeah I guess you're right...seems weird to say Hall of Famers are journeymen and I just thought of it as someone whose been bounced around so many times...but looking at it this way I think more now that some Hall of Famers can be journeymen too towards the end of their careers...probably because they didn't quit when they should have and continued to play until they weren't worth as much as before...

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  2. Ritchie got injured so that opens a spot to try a new guy...also Mangepanne skated with Kadri so hopefully they do end up together...so far Coleman/Backlund are paired together too...Sutter does like to keep certain pairs together...

  3. Some lines so far at training camp:








    I'm thinking the Backlund/Coleman duo from last year will continue on this year so all they need is anyone to fill a spot on their line...and that Kadri will end up with two others that play like him which I think we'll end up being Dube/Mangepanne since those two play well together and are hard on the puck going into corners same style as Kadri...


    The last line are all going back to the farm except for Lewis who Sutter loves...


    Mangepanne is injured so won't play till closer to opening night...so if he's out most likely Ritchie/Lewis/Eakin/Milano will be bouncing around different lines finding chemistry...whoever are the faster grittier players will get a chance with Kadri on the second line...whoever more responsible defensively will get a chance on the Backlund/Coleman line...and whoever leftover will get the odd chance on the Lucic line...

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  4. 1 hour ago, JR Ewing said:


    I should hope that he didn't ask to be the highest-paid player in the NHL after his entry-level deal, because Sakic would have laughed him out of the room at the time. He's a wonderful hockey player, likely tracking to a Hall of Fame career, but at the time he was coming off of 63, 38 and 52 point seasons with no visibility/votes for major awards. My guess is that he said something more along the lines of "I left some money on the table so the team could have some more cap space", which others have done as well.


    But $6M when he could have had $12M or more? No way.


    Yeah that was the gist of that interview how he didn't ask for all that he could and just took whatever they offered him without negotiating or holding out etc...


    The interview was around 2015 or so maybe 2017 but can't remember date...so at that time I remember he took 6M when the max was 10 or so...I remember McDavid getting 9M or so when McDavid could have gotten league maximum of 10 or so...or maybe I'm off by an M or so...I think Sean Monahan got 6M too around then so MacKinnon settling for same a Monahan was big news...

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  5. 3 hours ago, JR Ewing said:


    MacKinnon is incredible hockey player, is worth every penny of that contract and surely more but, sorry, but that doesn't make any sense. MacKinnon signed his contract in July of 2016, a full year before McDavid signed his own extension. At $925,000 + performance bonus, he was already making what McDavid was getting.

    I just remember him saying he didn't ask to be the highest paid player in NHL when he could have...he purposely signed for less than he could have have for.

  6. 12 minutes ago, J0e Th0rnton said:

    When did he "take less"?

    His contract previous was signed when he was a 50 point player lol. It was comparable to scheifele at the time. He got so good that he was criminally underpaid


    In any case, good for him. He deserves this contract.

    I saw an interview with him being interviewed just after signing his extension he said it could've asked for what McJesus was getting and said he wanted a Cup more than money and specifically said taking less was good for the team to get closer to a Cup...think he said he'd ask for raise after winning...he sounded serious too not joking and laughing during the interview...that was years ago when he signed his extension obviously but I'll try find that interview...on Sportsnet or TSN it was...

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