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Posts posted by thegx.ca

  1. Lines for the 5-4 shootout win in Florida:











    These lines I can live with...not just because they won but the defence pairings are better with Tanev helping the new guy Gilbert get settled...


    Also Dube and Mangiapane should stay with Kadri and Huberdeau with Backlund...Coleman there is better I think...I like the fourth line like that too...I still can't get used to Ruzicka on top line even though he lighting it up haha...

  2. 55 minutes ago, TropicalFruitGirl26 said:


    I wasn't talking just about the goals.
    Just the movement of the players in general.

    I've seen Tampa Bay struggle so far this season against lesser teams such as Buffalo, Philadelphia, even Anaheim, in terms of being able to move and set up plays.
    Those teams seemed like they were the 90's Devils to look at the Lightning struggle to find lanes for skating and shooting.

    I thought they did that pretty freely against the Flames, which is surprising to me, because I consider Calgary to be much higher up on the defensive scale than those sample teams I mentioned.
    Yet there were the Bolts skating at will, and finding lanes to shoot to get the puck to Markstrom.

    Granted, I know the Lightning DO have the capability still of making any team look mediocre in coverage, and the Bolts could have very well skated the game of their lives in this one, but I thought Calgary should have fared better in that department than they did.
    Seemed to me, Bolts players were beating them consistently man to man, to the point where many Flames players had to resort to almost clutch n grab tactics to try and keep up.

    I'll be watching the Flames-Panther game tomorrow to see if Sutter lit a fire under your guys after this loss, because Florida will look to try and run n gun and the Flames will have to be on point defensively to not only deal with that, but to transition that into offense of their own.....something I have come to expect from Sutter's Flames.

    Offensively, Calgary did well.
    It was mainly Vasilevskiy that kept them from getting anymore than they did.

    Yeah I'll be watching tomorrow too Calgary Florida gonna be a good game👍

  3. 4 hours ago, TropicalFruitGirl26 said:

    I felt the Lightning outskated Calgary for the most part in this game. Credit to TB for having a bit of extra spring in their steps, so to speak, but it did make me wonder about Calgary and why their overall defense just didn't look as solid as they normally do....especially for a Sutter coached team.

    I thought Bolts skaters moved pretty freely through the neutral and offensive zones and the Flames' coverage wasn't up to their usual sharpness, allowing TB to get very good looks, have premium guys open, and move the puck around with the kind of speed and precision they likely wouldn't have been able to had Calgary's defense been more close-to-the-vest.

    At any rate, game was entertaining and the Flames DID get some dangerous chances offensively that, had Andrei Vasilevskiy not been on top of his game, probably would have gone the way of Calgary.

    I actually thought Calgary did well except for penalty kill...the 3rd goal was a bad one...but I thinking Calgary team defence will improve as the games go by...I think Vasilevski better than Markstrom and was definitely the difference in the game...

  4. These were the forward practice lines Sunday:









    This setup I could live with...since defence is a harder skill to master than offence...all 4 lines look more dangerous than ever offensively and defensively...all lines look more balanced and none are really a first line anymore all are what they wanted last year more parity in the lines...this forward setup is deeper than on opening night and Ruzicka is interchangeable with Rooney or whoever else they bring up...


    I got good feeling about next few games time for a winning streak🔥🔥🔥

  5. Huberdeau/Lindholm/Toffoli












    That was opening night lines above...


    And this was yesterday:













    Gotta say I like the rookie defend pair of DeSimone/Gilbert they with good together and they're already best friends too.


    The forward lines make no sence and sure just be put back to what they were opening night...

  6. With Stone getting injured could see The Calgary defence struggle and make mistakes...that makes 3 defencemen for Calgary now...I like Sutter going back to the opening night lines though...was concerned about Lucic and Rooney getting benched for entire 3rd period and Sutter did mention in interview that he didn't like their energy...

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