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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. Take your choice of any 1 of 3 in the top 17 of


    #6-Chad Johnson (28yrs)-925%


    #16- Thomas Greiss (28yrs) 920%  


    #17 Al Montoya (29yrs) 920%


    ...all worth a shot.


    Ray Emery (32yrs) 903%.......................pass.

    As others have said, I wonder if Wells Fargo is viewed as the equivalent of Mad Max, Beyond Thunderdome....two men enter, one man leaves, when it comes to goalies....this is not a good signing. I worry about Emery's health...I know he is a good teammate but that is not the only factor. 


    Hey...I will sign for a league minimum, they can waive me....



  2. I like the guy in terms of competitive spirit but we saw his Achilles Heel by seasons end. I am not happy with this. I wonder if other alternatives stayed away based on what they believed is a hostile goalie environment.



  3. Greetings:


    Well, Gus, McGinn, Akeson, and Manning are in; Heeter out.




    Gustafson and Manning are perhaps 6-7 guys down the road.  Akeson seems to have some scoring potential. McGinn has shown some flash. Heeter must not have generated enough heat.  But from my vantage, this underscores just how bad a feeder the A has been for us in recent years.  I am not sure we will get much out these four horsemen. 





  4. Greetings:


    It's interesting that the press hasn't focused on goal as much as I might.  Mason can do 60-65 games at most. And we have to hope we didn't have a one-year renaissance that goes to hell in a hand basket. Meanwhile it would appear our friend Emery is history. At some point we have to pull the rabbit out of the hat on goal.  


    Peace and best wishes,



  5. here you go:



    It would cost them $9 million in cash over the next three seasons to buy out Umberger. His current $4.6 million salary-cap hit would become $1.6 million for the next 3 years, then $1.5 million for the next 3 years after that. It's an immediate cap savings of $3 million.

    With that Canadian television deal kicking in, the salary cap is expected to rocket to $75 million in 2015-16. Meaning that $1.6 million in dead space due to Umberger would be an increasingly smaller drop in the bucket each year the cap grows, which it will with continuously record-setting revenues.

    So, why would the Flyers buy out Umberger after just trading for him? He's a lot cheaper to buy out than Scott Hartnell, who had 2 years more left on his deal. That's a savings of $10 million in cash for a team that is now internally pulling on the purse strings. The fourth-round pick in last week's trade would just be a bonus.

    Umberger was in town last week and was not given any indication he would be bought out. Players must be bought out by 5 p.m. today.

    Since the Flyers are desperate to rid themselves of a bad deal, Umberger makes even more sense than Lecavalier. A bad year for Lecavalier is 20 goals; it would be a borderline career year for Umberger to climb over that mark again

    Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/20140630_Salary_cap_not_friendly_to_Flyers.html#TcgFT1DjpYAKp8uH.99



    We are in a new era.  Discounted cash flow really matters to the decision makers. I also suspect Hextall is really eager to put his stamp on the franchise.



  6. Greetings:


    Here is a thread from NHL.com on the available UFAs.




    Greiss has gotten honorable mentions here. I find the the Vokoun option sort of interesting. The guy also looked top-tier with the Panthers. I know he is older but that makes him a non-threat to Mason.  I noted we might not give Cal Heeter an option. I am not sure if Solarz is ready. So a vet who knows his place may be appropriate.





  7. Interesting that G was not selected. Are they happy with their prospects? Do they see G as a position to trade for?

    Were they unimpressed with what was out there? They are stocking the D big time. It seems a bit strange that not one prospect was chosen. But they know more than Merlot Man!



  8. The draft TV team seemed to have great things to say about the guy--he moved from off the radar screen to being among the top North Americans.  It's nice to know that after years of neglect, the team is taking D seriously and trying to build a core of folks with speed and skill instead of size and immobility. We can keep our fingers crossed and hope that things turn out for the best.  But I think many on this board might say it will be 3-6 years before we really know what this guy is about. 


    Now we wait for the next few rounds....



  9. MC:


    Some feel that Karkoleinen fleeced Hexy in that the raw material and Corsi are better for Hartsy. Well, we will see soon enough. This is one where both parties may be diminishing assets.  By Turkey Day we know if we have a Turkey!




  10. I agree it's cap-related, but I also think Chief wants a more disciplined/defensive player.



    I like RJ. I hope a change of scenery helps his numbers. I don't doubt his work ethic and he will take fewer penalties. 





  11. Howie, clearly it was a long day for you... that's the only thing I can attribute this thread to.  ;)

    Forgive me father for they know not what they've done. 


    Seriously, I probably was hallucinating. But I have good memories of the guy's puck management. It is sad things went south for him...but he can laugh to the bank or a KHL contract or whatever.





  12. That's funny, because one of my first reactions to the Hartnell trade was that maybe nobody is biting on VLC and they were looking for cap relief wherever they can get it.



    I suspect cap relief + ability to open up line space is a key driver of whatever our friend Hextall does. Sarah Baicker's piece on Comcast summarizes this very well.



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