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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. 1 minute ago, Poulin20 said:


    A good way of putting it.  I was rather underwhelmed and fell asleep trying to watch this mess.  I'm really on the fence about being a STH anymore after all the mediocrity,  the Kate Smith debacle, and the transformation of the arena into Universal Studios Philadelphia.  This game didn't do much to push me back toward spending my time and money on this team.

    Sir Poulin:


    Last year I gave semi-serious thought to buying a 11 (maybe 12) game pack as a "hook" for coming up north to see family and get a face-to-face Flyers experience.  I reckoned on 3-5 games, with my brother and his friends using the rest.  After a lot of deliberation (and a heckuva lot of sales pressure), I said no.  Part of my rationale was "the product."  I hope AV and Fletcher restore an elite status, but I won't hold my breath.



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  2. Greetings:


    We are mild underdogs:




    The Oilers are playing good hockey.  We looked uninspired until the 3rd period last night, and Moose kept us in the game. 


    When will our first line wake up?  In the post-game last night, JJ and Keith Jones noted that Giroux and Company have a whopping one assist to date.  Chris Stewart looked more active than our Captain and Voracek.  


    Another puzzler that smacks of last season: We took 68% of the faceoffs.  If you recall, last year we were a top-flight face-off club, but that didn't translate into goals or possession.  I hope that pattern isn't carrying over into the AV era.  



  3. Greetings:


    The O and B continue the Western Trek against Calgary.  We are fairly heavy underdogs:




    Note that Moose Elliott has an excellent track record (sub 2.0 GAA) against Calgary).  We face a backup, David Rittich.  The Flames are off to a slow start (2-4) with a sputtering offense. Let's hope they don't get in gear with us.  The Flames took both games last year.  Maybe new faces and coach change the outcome. 





  4. Greetings:


    The O and B are mild underdogs.  As this piece notes, the Flyers have not been particularly good on Saturdays the past few seasons. 




    Historically, the O and B play well against Vancouver.:


    https://www.flyershistory.com/cgi-bin/opponent.cgi?Vancouver_Canucks .  We will see if that continues.





  5. Greetings:


    We go into the game as mild favorites:




    The youth movement on both squads makes this interesting.  I hope our youth is better.  


    I originally posted the game at 7 PM; just saw it is at 7:30.  My apologies.

  6. I watched a chunk of the replay last night.


    1)  The team moved the puck well.

    2)  Hayes does play a "200 foot game."

    3)  This fourth line looked good.  I wonder what happens when Patrick returns.

    4)  JVR is fun to watch, even if he doesn't score.  They guy assaults the other team's net. 

    5)  Movement on the power play was very good.


    Let's see what happens against NJ.  

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  7. I guess the question is "chronic" or "episodic?"  If it's the former, I can't see him staying in a profession with physical contact and high-speed activity.   I am not a medico, but as others have said in this thread, it is tough to medicate.  My sister-in-law and a co-worker have this issue and find the drugs treatments mildly sedative.  I feel for the guy.

  8. I agree with some of BSH stuff; there is good young blood in the system. If his ask is unreasonable, sayonara.  His agent is being disrespectful of the need to be around for change of coach...system, and the like.  I suspect the brass is not going to have a long leash.   At this juncture, bring up another youngin.  




    The O and B will face some big-time cost escalation in coming years if recent picks pan out.  Overpaying Konecny now could really backfire.  




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  9. Mojo and Elmatus:


    I tell students they're on their way up, and I'm on my way out.  With age comes urgency. Maybe that leads to a sense of speed.

    Yes, age gives experience and sensitivity. But....5 weeks after prostate surgery....fragility and problems.  But we are here to impart to the future.


    The O and B showed courage drafting Clarkie.  It payed off.  




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