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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. Greetings:


    He is a third round pick from years ago...seems to come under the heading of fringe NHL'er. 




    For $600K we aren't losing a lot.  If he makes the 4th line work better, fine.  What happens when Laughton comes back is an interesting problem.  We shall see. Meanwhile, the 4th line shows some energy.  I am a bit disappointed that Pitlick hasn't hit the back of the net. I guess that will happen eventually.





  2. I get what's said. Hopefully we are at the start of a new era. But I suspect it will take a few years of improved, energized play, including playoff runs, to juice the atmosphere. 


    I find myself less inclined to watch on Center Ice. That is a reflection on prior years of full play. More games like the last few may change that.


    On attendance, one thing Sielski doesn't touch is cost. The median cost of two seats, parking, and food is $250+. In a country where earnings are flat to declining adjusted for cost of living, that is a lot. Selling standing room seats for $25 may be their Walmart model to bring in cost challenged fans.

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  3. 1 minute ago, ruxpin said:

    On a scale of 1 to 10, the chances at one being low and the chances at ten being high, would you rate the chances in the high teens or low twenties?


    1 minute ago, ruxpin said:

    On a scale of 1 to 10, the chances at one being low and the chances at ten being high, would you rate the chances in the high teens or low twenties?

    I really hope Patrick's condition is controllable.  But the longer he stays injured, the less faith I've got in that outcome.  He also seems to be injury- and concussion-prone.

  4. 3 hours ago, Howie58 said:

    I have a feeling this may be a season in which we declare victory by parting with two of our first rounders, Morin and Patrick.  We might even part with Pitlick, another first rounder.  I guess first round status does not always equate to success.  

    Correction: Pitlick is second round, Hartmann was first, sorry, getting senile.

  5. Greetings:


    We are mild favorites in a "schlockfest" between two teams playing lousy hockey:




    NJ is blowing large leads.  Both teams have challenged goaltending.  But, this would be the game we take this weekend if I had to choose between the two.  


    I have a family gig so I'll watch on replay.  Win or lose, I might say the big thing with this game is effort.  Will the O and B overall, and the first line in particular, play to their talent level?  I also hope the newbies add some grit.  You'd think a guy like GR wants to show the world he wasn't a wasted first rounder.  

  6. While I started a separate thread eons ago, this also raises a question about Morin's long-term prospects.  A rehab stint might help to get some ice time.  Fine. But the question remains what he is down the road?  Candidly, I am not so convinced he will be claimed off waivers, and I might not be shedding tears if that happens.  I even wonder if he is part of a trade package?  

    • Like 2
  7. I guess some action is better than none.  The loss against Pitt was horrific.  


    Laughton's absence takes out a good defensive forward.  I am not sure about the Braun acquisition.  Ghost is not the Ghost of old.  Something had to be done.  I hope Rubstov shows promise and delivers.  

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  8. 36 minutes ago, Podein25 said:


    That's barely enough time to pour yourself a nice Merlot, or Pinot Noir, good sir.


    Priorities man. The Flyers can suck anytime, but you only get to live one life.



    I had some "grape juice" with lite bite and took a walk...more important than watching a debacle.  When I came back and saw 79 in goal, I knew the bleep hit the fan.  


    The Pens broadcast team noted the experience of Flyers' coaching.  Yeah...will it get this gang in shape?  Can this gang be gotten into shape?

  9. Greetings:


    I came home, put on the tube (I had the Pitt feed on NHL Center Ice), and it was still 0-0.  I decided to take off work clothes and put on jeans.  When I return to the game three minutes later...we're down 3-0.  WTF.  After another 15-20 minutes I said enough.  Our D is porous, our first line is uninspired,.  Not pretty!

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