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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. 2 hours ago, Digityman said:

    The real question is if nobody stays up to watch them, does it really matter?


    I hope they can pull this one off.  

    I only made it through two periods against San Jose given the later start and play. The Anaheim game against Anaheim was earlier and actually worth watching. Starts past 9 are a bit hard to take knowing they'll go past midnight.

    • Like 1
  2. Greetings:


    We leave the decade as a mild favorite:




    The big question might be which Flyers team shows: The disciplined, hard-working bunch with superb goaltending that we saw last night against Anaheim, or the spineless, disorganized bunch with marginal goaltending we saw against San Jose?  





  3. I suspect a sluggish first after the layoff.  


    The Jones-Dell duo seems to have problems.  I head an assessment on the NHL Network after the DeBoer dismissal which suggested a team with serious personnel issues outside of D.  


    Statistically, we are a much better team, and Boughner is 1-4 since the change, which might confirm the analysis I heard on NHL.




    Based on numbers and recent play, I go with the O and B.  

  4. Greetings:


    I saw this piece a few days ago:





    I don't agree with his contention that we need to make a "splash" trade to aim for elite status.   Most of the comments feel the same.


    That said, playing Armchair Quarterback/GM, Does Chuck Fletcher:


    1)  Try to acquire a high draft pick or cap flexibility via trade of a Voracek?

    2)  Does he trade an established asset (Ghost) for a sniper to aid the flagging PP?

    3)  Does he dangle Voracek or Ghost or other "underachiever" in a "Change of Scenery" Trade?

    4)  Does he trade Moose for a piece knowing Hart is the real deal and someone can finish the season as backup....while we get a pick from someone wanting an established backup?


    Candidly, I don't see big trades.  But, our cap inflexibility may be bothersome.  I also have to wonder if Fletcher wants to replenish high picks knowing that Morin and quite possibly Patrick, are questionable.  




  5. 8 minutes ago, Digityman said:


    It's frustrating that coming into the season, it wasn't supposed to be like this.   

    Raffl, Patrick, Laughton, Lindblom.... all out.  

    Andreoff, Vorobyev, NAK....all in.  


    That lineup - even while adding back in Raffl and Laughton - looks like a #6-9 finish in the conference and a first round exit.  


    Not saying that's all bad, as it will get the kids some playoff experience, it's just hard to not look at the "what could have been."    Because with a healthy Patrick at 3C, health Lindblom on the wing and Raffl and Laughton on the 4th line.....oh what could have been.  


    28 Claude Giroux - 14 Sean Couturier - 11 Travis Konecny
    25 James van Riemsdyk - 13 Kevin Hayes -  93 Jakub Voracek
    49 Joel Farabee - 19 Nolan Patrick  - 48 Morgan Frost
    12 Michael Raffl - 21 Laughton - 18 Tyler Pitlick


    Now that is one that I could see going to the 2nd or even 3rd round depending on health and opponent.  



    Yeah; I guess we have to ask some questions about long-term loss of Patrick and Morin.  Candidly, I doubt we see either one in a Flyer uniform again.  The "souring" of two first rounders in relatively short order has to hurt.  The sickness-injury plague doesn't help.  

  6. 6 hours ago, Podein25 said:


    Lol, I don't even understand any of this - haven't seen Green Book and too young for the first - but man is that funny nevertheless.



    Viggo Mortenson...the enforcer type:




    Or Marlon Brando....that coach looks a little like he will knock the crap out of someone who doesn't play up to par.





    • Like 1
  7. Last year this team would have probably deflated after the tie and subsequent falling behind.  They persisted.  


    JVR may look slower than he really is.   He is so big that his strides may seem slower.  That said, he is a streaky dude and when he's on, he's on.


    Another puzzle is what happens when Raffl returns?  And what about Patrick...though probability seems slimmer with every game.



  8. Greetings:


    We are favorites and have played far better than Buffalo over the last 10:




    We play well against Buffalo at home (5 game winning streak) and hope that continues:



    I have to believe this is Hart's game between the pipes after his performance last night.  Who knows, maybe another of the youngins chips in for some scoring.  




  9. 6 minutes ago, ruxpin said:


    Oh good, because that would be shocking.  😎


    It's 3 games on a rough roadtrip and lousy circumstances.  I wouldn't panic just yet.  I mean, several players were trying to play yesterday with no practice with the club.  And then down a man for over half the game.    I don't think I'd project this out onto the rest of the season just yet.



    I will try to keep the faith despite personality traits that point in the opposite direction.  Agreed that an influx of newbies with no skating practice can't help.  

    • Like 1
  10. This may be an interesting trade deadline.  My guess is that Fletcher knows the score on his older players.  Their warts become more obvious and worrisome in the face of our illness/injury plague. The strange thing--do you trust these guy with draft picks? Seriously, if we could trade one of the seniors (and probably eat salary), I suspect picks would be part of the return.  

  11. RJ:


    I think you tapped the broader "design" question that arises with Lindblom and Patrick's situation:  What "youth" makes up for our declining "seniors?"  I wonder about Patrick long-term in terms of resilience.  He seems really fragile.  Oskar's situation is a wildcard.  Laughton is a first rounder who's paying off on the forward front.  I suspect we will have a truly supreme test of coaching and drafting in coming weeks.  We were probably a marginal playoff club under best circumstances.  What harvest we reap from prior drafts is a huge question. 

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