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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. In accord with Pilldoc's wishes, I will not do a separate thread.  


    We are underdogs for tomorrow's game:



    This bookie raises an interesting question/point.  What if the Bruins' first line outperforms ours?  Well, then the question becomes whether our next three lines can outperform the Bruins?  I think so.


    Rask may not get the start. He was reported injured this evening.  




  2. There's a sense of optimism that hasn't been present for a long time.  Our summer discussion for the past seven or eight years has been "we are one year away from being elite...or one year away from being a year away."  Our performance this year suggested we are entering elite status, if not there.  That said, I think eight years without a playoff series win will leave us very disappointed.  So, I may hold off judgement until the end of the playoffs.  All in, the talent level on this team is probably the best in a decade or more. That reflects talent acquired by Hextall and Fletcher.  Now we need results on the ice during the playoffs.  

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  3. 3 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:


    They are going to move Ghost to free up space.


    I'm not hating on Ghost but someone has to go.


    I don't Braun will be back. 


    And yes possibly only one of Pitlick, Thompson or Grant will be back.


    I haven't crunch any numbers I think it shakes out like this.


    Thompson, Braun and Ghost will be playing elsewhere.


    Ghost with 3 years left at 4.5 per is very movable the Flyers just can't afford to pay him 4.5 mill to be a 7th D man.


    I'm not saying this lines below are concrete just somewhere close.


    And I'm not saying Lyon should be the backup but they may trim the budget with the backup.


    Unless Elliott wants to sign for a friendly deal.



    JVR- Hayes-TK













    Thanks for reminding us about Morin.  This will be the final chapter of his ongoing "project" status.  It is up or out.  On goal, the question I might have with Elliott isn't salary as much as durability.  We lucked out this year...he was healthy.  Will that be the case next year?  We get a possible glimpse in the playoffs.  I have no problem staying in the system with a backup.  Lyon may have it.  I don't know much about the UFA goalie market, but I'd just as soon put the money elsewhere.  One more point on the backup...AV has made it clear the days of a Brodeur doing 60+ games are over.  I think the backup needs to be capable for 25+ games.  Moose may not cut the mustard for a long stretch.  

  4. 2 hours ago, SCFlyguy said:



    No team can afford to pay $4.5M to their 7th D.  Even if he would be a 5th or 6th D on another team, I don't see anyone giving up more than a 3rd for Ghost at this point. I would take that because I don't see him ever equaling his 1st or 3rd seasons again.

    My gut says a trade would be for pick plus prospect or multiple picks.  The taker would have be gambling on his return to form.  Think what NJ did with Subban...OMG.  Agreed that he is an overpriced 3rd pair unless he is put on PP unit that really clicks.  This is a tough call. We may need another full season to figure this out.   

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  5. I read a piece that quoted Fletcher as saying he hoped this is the lowest paid contract he signs with the team.  That's a cool thing for the GM to say.


    Bigger picture, I wonder what this means for other re-signings.  The cap is apparently flat with some degree of revisiting. He was going to be signed as an RFA.  But doing this so early, medical prognosis aside, tells me some other decisions have been made.  Braun and maybe even Grant come to mind, even though I see him as a bargain.  


    Well, let's see what happens in Toronto.  

  6. It seems that with every passing day a reopening becomes less likely.  I also worry about encroachment of next year.  But what do I know?


    BTW, my backyard Miami Dolphins became the first major-league franchise to unveil their plans for a return next year.  The Centerpiece: Hard Rock Stadium capacity goes from 60,000 to 15,000.  People at risk or those who aren't comfortable with social distancing and other are unwelcome for their own sake.  


    If that is a model for other teams/leagues, think about the impact on concession workers, etc.  I think the NHL will be hard hit given their relatively limited TV revenue.  







    • Sad 1
  7. Greetings:


    I think of the '08 and'10 runs as flukes.  Yes, they were great.  But neither run reflected a long-term base of players that kept us elite for at least a few years.  I hope things have changed but guess it will be some time to find out.  Meanwhile--it has been a frustrating decade.  


    This is another reminder of how time flies.  Last night I watched the last episode of "Band of Brothers" to celebrate VE Day and the Greatest Generation (my dad was part of that gig).  It was hard for me to believe that series was done in 2001.  Yeah....that means we are just shy of the 20th anniversary of 9-11.  Yikes.



  8. Howdy:


    I just saw this post about the distribution of games and goals for the 575 skaters in Flyers history.  




    I guess a lot of players have their cup of coffee and don't stay or score.  On the scoring front, note that in the Metro, we rank only above Columbus.


    Another take on this is the import of finding gems in low draft picks.  That was a big part of the SF 49ers success years ago, and part of the Patriots gig as well.  That used to be a Detroit Red Wing thing as well.  I also suspect this explains the high to low salary range.  


    Food for thought during the COVID era.  I hope all of you are OK.





  9. Greetings:


    The Patrick and Lindblom cases are sad, but RJ certainly raises a good point.  Mario Lemieux made a great recovery from Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.   We can only hope and pray that Oskar makes it through safe and sound.  Nolan Patrick's case is a bit stranger/complicated.  He is fragile.  My biggest fear with him is the Forsberg Scenario--in sometimes, out for a stretch...etc.   I recall reading that  Flyers management is likely to offer him a one-year deal as an RFA, knowing full well that he needs to prove skill and health during his next go-round.  That strategy makes sense.  He has had a prolonged audition and there is a bleep-load of talented forwards in this organization.  



  10. On 4/10/2020 at 1:29 AM, WordsOfWisdom said:


    Atlanta crashed and burned twice. If it were up to me I'd say "never again". Atlanta is not a hockey town, and it's obvious why that is. Atlanta is a mostly black city, and for the most part, black people don't watch or play hockey. It's like putting a team in Mexico City. Wrong demographic. Sure, there are exceptions..... but you don't fill a 20,000 seat arena with exceptions.


    Kansas City has the right democratic in that sense but no hockey history and no fan interest there. That's baseball/football country. Bad place for hockey imho and probably why it failed the first time. 


    Quebec City is the perfect hockey market in every way. I'd be interested to know how much money the NHL has lost by not being in Quebec City the past 25 years. Having lame duck teams like the Panthers, Devils, etc..... rather than add another "Montreal Canadiens" franchise to your league. Hmmm.  That's like MLB saying "nah, we don't need the Dodgers in our league, we'd much rather have a team in Alaska". 





    I am sorry for not responding.  


    Your points regarding demographics have some value.  I suspect South Florida, which is becoming "majority minority," may be an exemplar.  But you should try to find Gary Bettman's announcement of Vegas, and rejection of Quebec City.


    I was driving home when this was announced.  The rationale was interesting.  Of course, conference balance was important.  The 16-14 at the time was a driver.  With Seattle, East-West will be equal.


    But...the bigger kicker was the small market-Canadian Dollar connection.  Remember, NHL salaries are paid in U.S. Dollars.  Small market Canadian markets (Ottawa is an example) are marginal financially and probably money-losing without playoffs.  Bettman had nothing but good things to say about the proposed management.  The facility must be top-tier.  But the finances were questionable.


    I read a report several years ago that the big, underserved and very profitable market that isn't serviced is Southern Ontario/Hamilton.  However, your Leafs will put the kebosh to a team so close, and there is fear in the league that a franchise so proximate to Buffalo (which went bankrupt years ago) may hurt them, being a small market.


    I hope you are doing well.  Things are OK here.


    Stay safe and sane!





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  11. 1 hour ago, notfondajane said:

    I would bring back the Atlanta franchise and name it the Inferno!

    To be honest I would like to see the Devil's move back to Kansas City. ( Would KC except them back?)

    My understanding is that KC has a beautiful arena that's hockey-ready, owned by the Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) which owns the Lakers--it is the Sprint Center.  Years ago, there was talk in South Florida of relocating the Panthers to KC, which would have a much lower fee than a new franchise. But the whole East-West team balance came up, and it's unclear to me if there is demand. 


    Gosh, I believe KC picked up Doug Favell from the Flyers in the expansion draft!


    I hope everyone is safe!

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  12. Opening day next season (whenever that is), will seem more significant and exciting than before.   FYI, I read one proposal that had our current season reboot in the summer, end in October after award of Cup, with the '20-'21 season starting in November.  That would end in the usual time frame, but there would be many back-to-backs and no bye weeks.  Candidly, I don't see a reboot.  Starting the season around American Thanksgiving seems a tad strange.  It worry for the players--Recycling after a month.  Yikes.  

  13. The Carona Crisis (or whatever) took hockey and just about everything else by storm.  This will be a strange season with an asterisk...no strike, but disease shortened.


    It will make every GM's assessment of future personnel calls a lot harder to make. But relative to sickness, death, and economic chaos...the NHL and its product seem a bit trivial.  Hopefully, next fall brings back hockey...and no 2nd wave of the Carona.


    I hope the gang here is OK.  These are stressful times. 





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  14. Greetings:


    I have a feeling we will be shut down sooner than later.  My university has gone online.  Thesis and dissertation defenses will only have the major professor and graduate--no other committee members, family members, or students/friends.  Interestingly, employees are still reporting for duty...strange given how abandoned it has become.


    Social distancing buys time.  We don't want potential overload of the health system.  Italy is apparently using a military-style triage on care...that is pretty scary.  


    The only thing I could see on the NHL Front....if things improve my late April, perhaps they consider a playoff.  Who knows?





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  15. Greetings:


    While we have been playing better than TB of late, the home team is favored:




    We are winless against TB over the last seven; 2-12 at Amalie over the last 14.  Mark Friedman and Connor Bunnaman are called up.  The latter is due to Thompson's injury.  I am not sure if Friedman plays or is a Ghost backup.  I am wondering if this will be played in light of the NBA's suspension. It sounds like Bettman is considering a shutdown.



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