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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. 16 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:


    Habs had everything to lose and they played like it.


    I wish Giroux would come out the gates one time like Gallagher and take over a game even if it was just for one period...just one period.


    He is the worst Captain in these playoffs...

    I think the playoffs might determine if he remains a first line player for next year.  2017-18 might have been his Indian Summer.  We'll see.  

    • Good Post 1
  2. I guess this has a few angles.  Hart was outplayed by Price.  Our PP clicked but the even strength defense was unsound.  Gallagher set the tone early.  The Habs had nothing to lose and were committed.  


    This is a game where healthy Lindbloms or Patricks might have made a difference.  Their youngins had pep in their step and were scrappy.  Farabee belongs.  Our other lines were invisible, and the seven million dollar man was benched.  We played well in the round robin, and here we are very inconsistent. Yes, per flyer4ever..Hakstol like.  I don't think this is an AV problem.  

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, SCFlyguy said:

    Pitlick I could see, but Grant may get paid more than he is worth.  At $700k he is a bargain.  He had 15 goals this year in a shortened season so you could end up paying $1.5M per year for multiple years for a guy who may never score like that again.  I think you rely on guys like Bunnaman to  pick up any slack and reassess mid-year.

    Dear SC:

    I concur with you 100%.  At 1 million he is fine.  Whether he gets multi- or even two-year is TBD.  I think other GM's will see things your way as well.  I doubt he is a late bloomer.  I thought he was only with Anaheim...he has knocked around a lot.  

  4. 1 minute ago, Podein25 said:


    Greetings Howie,


    But, um....





    I thought about running after the game when it would be cooler but possible thunderstorm and the boredom made running in 90+ heat make sense.  This was tough to watch. The announcers and some folks here said it.  I have to wonder how we will handle a more balanced opponent.  

  5. Random Thoughts:


    1.  Price is human--two goals to the far side, the second being a wobbler, but still, you take it.

    2.  Raffl may be a playoff hero.  He drives play and doesn't agonize over shooting.

    3.  The incompetence of the PP makes me think that Nolan Patrick's value could go higher if he returns...and produces.

    4.  Hart contributes to team composure.

    5. Hagg and Bunnaman will go to the body.

    6. I think Grant and probably Pitlick are keepers.  


    I went for a run after the first and missed most of the second.  Candidly, it wasn't fun to watch.  Let's finish this up tomorrow.  

  6. The advanced stat-Corsi types confirm the eye test on this series.  Montreal is driving play.  Ghost vs. Hagg is a trade-off between defensive responsibility and offensive potential.  Ghost's differential on the Corsi front is better than Hagg's, but if you are conservative, you prefer defensive responsibility in the playoffs.


    I hope Grant-Pitlick-Raffl plays more to drive play and wear out the Canadiens.  


    Overall, you can't be happy with the PP or overall lack of offense even if this is a goalie showcase.

    • Like 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, mojo1917 said:

    The speed of the forwards for Mtl is a problem.



    I agree. This is a problem.  We've seen this versus Tampa Bay, Columbus, and Carolina.  There are certain teams that tend to skate through us unless we knock them around or forecheck to keep them bottled up.  The MTL team is small and we can wear them down.  I am not sure about other teams in the east.  We'll see. 

  8. Greetings:


    If you can get a few bottles of Canoe Ridge Vineyards Cabernet, Vintage 2018 you're in for a treat. Very good, and under ten bucks on sale. 


    The Flyers PP made me appreciate the cab...needed relief.  God bless Hart.  I have to agree with Mike Milbury--Therrien needs to do something to get this gang on at least a few cylinders. 


    Shot blocking shows commitment and it was big tonight.  But you aren't going to win 1-0 every night.  Good bounce from Friday, but not a lot of fun to watch. 

  9. 2 hours ago, tucson83 said:

    i agree, we cant pull a phillies and hold on these players too long mentality because it will backfire on us for not getting anything back. not to mention we can shred cap space and use the assets we get back from the old core pieces and trade them to get a few young stud players that are on the trading block and they can be the new core pieces without trying to tank for them. i mean look at vegas golden knights, they used their assets to acquire young stud pieces without tanking and they are playing at a high level because of it.


    san jose is example of them of just holding on their players too long and not getting any talented players back accept karlsson and redwings as well. we cant be those teams. we have to retool in the offseason if we get knocked out. this team could go south if they dont.


    Tuscon:  I agree that we a first round exit and/or a poor 2nd round performance will raise questions along the lines you've asked. Yes, I think Voracek and Giroux will come under the microscope.  I also wonder about JVR--that may come to be increasingly "MacDonald" like.  


    Braun and Ghost will be under the scope as well.  The former is probably not going to be around next year.  Ghost--could really be a sad tale.  That is TBD.  


    From a structural/design/drafting standpoint, I worry that we don't get the quickness some of the MTL players seem to exhibit.  But that is a topic for another day.


    But to answer your question--yes, I think a first round exit...or a lousy 2nd--will raise questions.  I also believe younger teams and players may be more adaptable to the routine changes being forced this year and next....don't forget, next year's schedule will have, as I understand it, more back-to-backs and and no bye weeks.   I'd also add that we can't invoke goaltending as an excuse...nor coaching.  I think those two levers are cool.  


    Peace, and welcome to the board.



    • Like 1
  10. Greetings:


    My "fear" is that the Canadiens will have confidence to take us out.  You can argue they've taken four of six periods from us.  Hart stole Game 1.  When your top scorers aren't scoring, and your third D pair is really suspect, the bleep can and will hit the fan.  Yes, I hope they right the ship on Sunday.  

    • Like 2
  11. Greetings:


    This was a messy performance.  MTL outplayed us in the second. Niskanen looked a bit discombobulated. Agreed with Occ that our first line needs to up their game.  Hart was great, and at least we had a PP goal.  That said, the PP does not seem to be clicking.  


    I don't care how you slice it, JVR on the fourth line is not so good.  On the plus side, Grant earns his keep, and Thompson works hard.  


    We need to slow these folks up.  We have the depth.  We need to wear them out. 

    • Like 1
    • Good Post 2
  12. 26 minutes ago, Podein25 said:


    Or Clarkie. Worked once, lol

    Hi Pods:


    I was thinking the same thing...he could truly retire to FL.  They will need someone with a lot of experience. Having Q on board might not be such a great thing if he is perceived to be a roadblock. They also have some serious cap problems--Hexy might do a good job with that. 

    • Like 1
  13. Well, after 10 years and another disappointing season, Dale is gone, despite Bobo and Q.  


    My affinity is for the Flyers...always has been and always will be.  But on occasion, it would be OK to attend a team that plays a few miles from where I live.  Sadly, I've tried being a fan..and going, and end up feeling that I've wasted my time and money.  NHL Center Ice and the Flyers make a lot more sense.


    The new ownership team was supposed to make a difference.  Well, based on what I've read, it appears this ship was as rudderless as ever, with intense bickering over its future.  Tallon brought in some good young players (Ekblad, Huberdeau, Barkov) but other drafts and signings have been questionable. This team has had a quarter century to build a quality franchise.  It hasn't happened.  And, I do think there are folks here who might support a good team.  


    I wonder if Hextall is a possible candidate? 

    • Like 1
  14. Greetings:


    I remember playing them the year before we won our first Cup. We lost in six but knew our squad was on the way up and no longer an expansion doormat. 


    I hope our power play gets untracked. Meanwhile, Farabee is growing up very quickly. We really can roll four lines!

  15. Hello:


    Big game on Saturday; one of the biggest in many seasons.  Hayes was inspired and Laughton is maturing into another Coots, and in some ways, more flexible given his ability to play wing or center. 


    TB has been a thorn in our side for many years.  I still remember the 7 game series loss to them in '03-'04.  What we don't know at this point is the advantages of the 1 vs. 2 seed but a win will be an achievement for this squad.  We are already ahead of the game--entered at four and will do no worse than two.


    JVR's benching is a good thing in terms of accountability.  But it stinks in terms of cap waste and what it may mean long term.  I doubt he is trade bait or Kraken material.  CB may be no better but he is a bleep load more cost-effective, and at least he plays his size.  I am not even sure if JVR is a PP force.  Yikes. 

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