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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. Greetings:


    I just saw this post from the Inquirer:




    In a positive vein, CF takes responsibility for the mess.  On the other hand, saying that youth are in flux may not be a great rationale.  The comment about unwillingness to accept salary or is telling.  The cap reality may really restrict a lot movement.


    It does not sound like a coaching change is imminent.  On the other hand, he may not really want to tip his hand.  



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  2. Greetings:


    The only comment I'll make on Morin is the following.  Before the season started, we were told he would play in the A to get back in game shape and further develop his skills.  Along comes the season and he is put on the taxi-squad or morphed into a forward.  It looks like the morph experiment has ended.  Now the question is whether he can become a "successful" first round pick, which is defined by the pundits as playing at least 100 NHL games.  If he doesn't hit that mark, the pick is a failure.  

  3. Greetings:


    These really are the times that try Flyers fans' souls.  


    Before the first game, I asked the question--which team would show this season?  The one that stormed 9-1 into the playoffs and went 3-0 in the round robin, or the one that struggled against MTL and showed serious flaws against Trotz and the Islanders?  I think we are getting an answer in spades.


    I suspect AV got over achievement last year.  Now it is a bust.  As others have noted, we've had the same crap under a number of coaches, but the accumulated talent (on paper) makes it worse.  As I said earlier this week, the franchise is at a pivot.  If Fletcher dismisses AV (unlikely) or does some doozy of a trade, we get confirmation of worst fears.


    As for G and V--if someone wants them, fine.  I'd think a Cup contender might be interested.  Meanwhile, the lack of effort and defense around our goal is appalling.  Sounding my usual BS--I understood the 2006-07 squad.  That was AHL on steroids.  This gang is different and their underperformance raises a lot questions about character--and on the defense, whether we've really misjudged upside play of youngins. 



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  4. Good Morning:


    Here is another take on the game:




    The Devils are a better defensive club and actually warming up while the Flyers have been declining. Blackwood-Wedgwood have better GAA/Save Percentage than our duo.


    I hope the gang doesn't take this team lightly and has recovered physically from last night.  

  5. 21 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:

    Our personnel may not be what we expected. 



    Carchidi wrote a piece several days ago and made the observation that CF has to thank himself for the dog doo.  He failed to re-sign Tyler Pitlick, who was aggressive and physical and has 6 goals compared to Voracek's 5, and he signed Gus, an offensive defender, when he really needed a physical defender.  On that score, he signed off on turning Morin and the now-departed Friedman as wingers...when we need Morin as what he was drafted for.  So, it is like Hosea in the Bible--you sew the wind, your reap the whirlwind. 

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, pilldoc said:

    I''m totally on board if you want to can them but not AV.

    Greetings and thanks for the shout-out...the board rocks.


    I commented last week that the Assistant Coaches seemed to be logical "targets."  I think AV knows his stuff.  Somehow, this collection of talent is less than the sum and G,V are not cost-effective.  As I've said before, G's contract ends next year, and it will be interesting to see how the team handles a re-sign if that is their mutual decision.  

    • Like 3
  7. I was thinking about this a lot earlier today.  We've had an attack head coach--Laviolette. We had a "structure"/D-first coach with Hakstol.  Now we have forecheck-defend the neutral zone coach.  My take is that we haven't changed too much one way or the other.  We seem to be several steps slower than our opposition.  We win faceoffs--but don't do much with them.  Farabee may be a sniper....shoot, it's taken awhile to get one.  Morin and Rubstov are probable busts among the first rounders.  Our D was supposed to be a strength, right?  The horror, the horror:




  8. Greetings:


    To nobody's surprise, we are the underdog:




    It is hard to believe we are 30th in defense, while the Islanders are 2nd.  


    Looking at stats, our PK versus there's is glaring:




    On another front, as some have noted, when do we start Lyon?  I don't think you can justify Hart starting if he continues to climb to a 4.0 GAA.  You damage him and the team.  


    I don't think it's an exaggeration to say the franchise may be at a pivot.  Another 5-10 games with marginal to bad performances will lead me to think AV coaxed one year of over-achievement with no gas left in the tank.  Our personnel may not be what we expected. 

  9. Greetings:


    For the record, I think we have a talent problem more than a coaching one.  That said, it's hard to argue with the numbers, and our defense and PK are awful.  If there is accountability, it needs to start somewhere.  I thought this was a good piece:


    The Flyers need a coaching change - Broad Street Hockey


    I would not want to be in CF's shoes.  But he needs to do something.  His squad is coming unglued. 

  10. Just now, OccamsRazor said:

    Man they should just forfeit this game before it takes place. Do not start Hart he doesn't deserve this call Lyon up and let him get shelled.



    I think you will see Lyon get some spot starts to spread the pain and give Hart/Moose some psychological R&R.  Lyon might also get some support from folks who don't want to see him shellacked. Last night was a good natural experiment--both goalies got bombed. It says something.

    • Like 1
  11. 25 minutes ago, FD19372 said:

    This organization is, and maybe not slowly, going to alienate every Flyers fan under the age of 60. We loyal Flyers fans deserve better than this crap.



    I am 63, and it offended me.  But, as I've said here before, the question is whether I live to see another Cup?


    Last night's implosion may be important and "confirmatory."  I suspect no amount of coaching will alleviate the frustration of pieces that aren't working well.  Perhaps we saw that last night, with players throwing in the towel, just as the Rangers, without their head coach, may be seeing their potential on the way up. 


    There's a lot to unpack here, including a reality that our D prospects aren't what they've been cracked up to be.  If we are sellers before April 12th, so be it.


    Sounding the beaten horse, I think we saw a glimpse of this against MTL and NYI last year.  As some pundits have noted, a new coach getting buy-in got over-achievement. But that wears off--I think Dallas is another example this year.  Now the frayed edges come through.

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