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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. Observations after watching about 2 periods:


    1. Elliott has lost a lot of lateral mobility

    2. Patrick is invisible

    3. Our D cannot handle most first lines

    4.  We outshot but underscored the opponent--a common thread the last few seasons

    5. Our GM needs to draft a different type of player--we aren't skilled or speedy

    6.  This back-to-back underscored our inconsistency. 


    I didn't see this as an "effort" loss.  I would say this is talent.  I am not sure if a different coach would have a different result.  

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, tucson83 said:

    which makes it very concerning because now you really have to figure out what players actually want to play for a cup and not play for paycheck which jvr, jake,giroux, tk are. like i said when giroux and jake got their paycheck, they folded like a chair.

    Good Morning:


    The inconsistency we have lived with for the past decade is mind-numbing.  We will probably get a taste of the same medicine tonight....a collapse in the first with a buzz saw Pens squad.  Maybe I am wrong.  Well, yes, CF has a lot personnel decisions to make in coming weeks.  I think he needs to reflect on Lincoln's dictum to think anew and act anew.  

    • Like 2
  3. Well, there's nothing like scoring first and getting some timely saves from a goalie.


    I saw the first and third periods, and Center Ice carried the post-game.  Ed Barkowitz of the Inquirer asked AV what everyone was thinking: Why didn't we see more games like this?  He didn't want to answer and made a remark about not wanting to spoil the win.  Well, Morganti and Hatcher were right--it was on everyone's mind. In a sense, it makes the win kind of sad.  


  4. 3 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:

    However i think his assistants may need to be shown the door. Find some new ones.

    Occ and Grateful:



    I don't want AV fired--that might have sacrificial lamb written all over it.  I agree the assistants are probably in the crosshairs.  That said, I think a slow start next year will cost AV his job--and perhaps that of CF as well.  


    I will start a post-mortem thread after the season.  Meanwhile, I think we saw some of these problems during the playoffs last year, particularly against NYI, so the poor performance this year didn't shock me.  That said, I think this season is even more disappointing than '06-'07, the worst in history.  We knew that was a sub-par gang reflecting Clarke's design work wedded to an old NHL.  This group is a bleep load better on paper, and the performance is dreadful.  There are lots of issues.  Would I be angered if G and V are gone? No.  But the rot is deep and I see a Metro Division of teams on the upswing, while we stagnate. 

  5. Before the game, one of the announcers said the Flyers had given up the first goal 19 of last 21 games.  So, tonight's would make that 20 of 22.  I looked up the probability of winning in the NHL when scoring first: It is 67%!




    It is hard for me to figure out why they are so slow out of the gate?  Talent? Poor preparation from the coaching staff?  Lousy conditioning (they started the season well, now what)?  You'd figure they would be sick of losing, but that must not be the case.  They are professionals being paid a lot of money--motivation shouldn't be a factor.  It is hard to understand how bad it is.  I will give Jones and the others credit for being candid.  Taryn and Morganti aren't mincing words either.  


    Yep, Sir Chuck has his hands full.  And I have to wonder if ending the season below .500 will lose AV his job?



  6. 18 minutes ago, GratefulFlyers said:

    Ha what a great intro! Well played sir...


    Hard to imagine anyone paying to see them in person....I feel abused cuz I paid $85 for NHL’s online feed this year, which only covers Flyers games...a few weeks later it dropped to $49 for all the games....and of course, “sorry but we do not refund or apply credits to NHL product purchases.”

    Thanks! I feel your pain. I wonder if it is good for my health to watch!

    • Haha 1
  7. Greetings:


    Even the computers have a tough time figuring out a favorite for the upcoming schlockfest between two cellar dwellers:




    I have not seen anything about another newbie audition.  I'm amazed that Mezzanine seats are selling in the $60 dollar range.  Lower level are at $100+.  Are people still willing to pay that much for this product?




  8. 14 minutes ago, flyer4ever said:

    would trade these guys for picks and retain salary today. It's the only way you are going to get the dog turd taste out of my mouth that this group has created. And sorry, I will give you 80 million reasons why covid is not an excuse. Not caring, not trying, BYE BYE.


    To move forward, one or more of these have to go.  How that happens will be tough given salary.  But I agree with your take.  My only hope RE: Giroux is that if he stays, it is with a shorter contract at lower salary to recognize his diminishing value.  If he doesn't, I say bye.  

    • Like 1
  9. Greetings:


    In case you haven't heard, NBC/Comcast is out, and ESPN and TNT will take its place.  




    From what I've read, the deal is a lot better than Comcast's final offer.  This is probably a good thing in terms of salary cap.  As a Flyers fan, I wonder what it means in terms of coverage (we were always given a lot of exposure)? I suspect we will be seeing less of Keith Jones and others nationally.


    My vague memories of ESPN coverage were not very positive.  I was happy to see NBC return.  I think of TNT and basketball and canned, old programs--don't watch much TV period but they would be at the bottom of my list.  Bottom line--the Comcast-Flyers gig is ending nationally.  What the newbies bring will be anyone's guess. 

  10. Greetings:


    I wonder about watching tomorrow night.  There will be time to reflect on Center Ice for next year.  I can understand the need for incessant ads for ticket purchase.  Paying good money to watch in person, with possible health issues, is not "cost-effective" given the product.


    Fletcher is on the point, even more so than AV.  He was brought in for change and we got a unreal sniff last year.  I think we are behind our Metro competitors in squad development.  It's sad.

  11. Lyon probably the lost the game after the first goal. This team can't score first and it was not a tough stop.  That said, they didn't challenge Blackwood that much.  Our D was what it has been this season.  


    I am glad the kids are auditioning.  Cates and Allison may be in our future.  Lyon isn't.  I don't care how you slice it, we have a long slog to respectability. It really is system failure.  

    • Like 2
  12. Greetings:


    We are a mild favorite (hard to believe) going into the game:




    NJ was perfect on the specialty teams last game, killing off two and scoring two.  And they are one of the worst on both.  I will be curious if they run Elliott into the ground again.  

  13. 20 minutes ago, CoachX said:

    I could see a player being afraid. I could also see a player doing only enough to secure the money he is making, not knowing if it will be his last.

    That is well-said.  At some point he may need to wonder what his life will be at 30 or 40 if things don't go well medically.  Keith Primeau's commentary applies.  

  14. 6 minutes ago, radoran said:

    Patrick is still an RFA after this season. He took a $50K cut after his ELC and c/should be around that level again. For risk/reward at ~$1M they will probably take that gamble.

    Thanks for the correction.  I've read two pundits that think his career with the O and B will be over sooner than later as a change-of-scenery play.  He won't be the overall second draft pick who hasn't done much playing elsewhere.  I see some truth to that...maybe not much, but some. 

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, radoran said:

    Nolan Patrick is 22, and has experienced a very unfortunate migraine issue. What "scouting" was going to reveal that when no other team in the league saw that coming, either?

    I agree and respectfully (emphasis on latter) disagree.  I believe there is some evidence linking concussion-proneness to migraine.  




    We might have gambled on this young man given concussion and hernia history and made a decision the benefits outweighed the risks.  Going into the post-RFA status, I  the linkage needs to be factored, and I suspect AV's concern a few games ago probably reflects the organization's awareness that Nolan's head issues may be "systemic" and linked. It may also impact his "tradeability."  That is one non-medico's opinion. 


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