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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. 3 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:

    Stanley Cup or bust...



    For whatever reason, I have near-zero faith in this franchise's ability to do a long-term deal that's worth the investment.  That is sad. But, that's where I come down with the gang.  Whether it's MacDonald or Mike Rathje....SOS, too much money, too much term.  Hopefully, Kevin Hayes isn't a new installment. 

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  2. 19 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:


    Not who you are referring to so i can't properly address this.


    There are some worse ways to go when you look at the recent signings. Ellis 6.25 doesn't look that bad.



    Dear Occ:


    Yes, when you see Doughty, there could be worse.  Hope all is well.


    I have lost faith in this organization's ability to ration cap space based on sound benefit-cost.  My fear is MacDonald redux.  


    That may be irrational. I am not doing as much Merlot given doctor's orders.  Work is numbing.  So, I may be in a dark space with the O and B and a lot of other stuff.


    All in, I'd let them grow some youngins and hope for the best.  With our luck, we sign Seth Jones and he hits the fan.  





  3. Spending a lot on a D-man scares me.  Our track record with this and long-term has not been good.  If we are in a flat cap era for 2-3 years, there's even more room for concern.  


    Hopefully, we lose one of our albatrosses during expansion. If not, we know that in two years or so the worst is over.  Bringing in a 30+ D-man on big money...bad karma. 

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  4. 5 hours ago, mojo1917 said:

    While I agree things with the Flyers aren't all Disney Princesses and puppy dogs, I also don't view the team with the same gloom as a lot of what I'm seeing in this thread.

    For instance I wonder what the team would have looked like had they had only mediocre goaltending this season and not worst in the league?

    This last season there were games when the full roster was together after COVID where there would be long stretches of shot suppression and offensive zone possession during games only to leave the period trailing because one of the 3 shots the goalies faced went through them.

    Hart and Elliott were at times putrid and at times pretty okay, what they were not was consistent nor reliable. 

    We can debate chicken or egg with this, there were some atrocious defensive breakdowns and some terrible penalty killing this season so sometimes there were 2 on 0s or far post tap-ins because guys were puck watching. 

    The team only played well as a team a handful of times.

    I don't think it's because all the players that were good 9 months earlier suddenly and inexplicably forgot how to play hockey.

    The team I remember from the end of 20/21 wouldn't stand a chance in these playoffs.

    I can't help but think guys got demoralized. Before a bunch of old school alpha wannabes tell me it's unacceptable blah blah blah, I didn't care for it either, I found better things to do than watch those stumble bums play out the string.

    But that's what happened- so now what?

    Clear out some money and shake up the veteran core, even though, they actually led the team, I agree that the 14, 28, 93, 25 group isn't the best mix.

    Add some toughness, add a legit top pairing player to the defensive mix, and have Carter Hart revert to the mean, and this team is better. A lot better.




    Mojo:  There is much truth in your assessment, but I think the mix of players on this squad, even with a rejuvenated Hart, won't be too good, as you mentioned.  The more thought I give it, the more we need to move at least one, if not two our veteran core.  This is both a signal and salary cap gig.  I also think the fanbase is ready for some lousy years if needed.  The kind of mediocrity we saw this year is unwatchable.  Carolina fans knew they might have some stink bombs en route to an exciting group.  I'd feel the same.  Candidly, I think the team goes nowhere soon with this core.  We need a true Number One Center to be with Farabee to scare and break down our opponents.  Yes, another strong D would help.  But G, Coots, Hayes, and Laughts are not geared to break down the opponents.  As for Hart--my Q is depth.  Who backs him up?  Who is here t bail him out if need be?  There's a lot to be determined with this gang, and it is easy to be gloomy given the last decade of false starts.  BTW--I don't know if AV is part of the solution, but I am quite sure he isn't the core of the problem.  

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  5. What's sad is that some analysts feel the only movable Flyer is Coots, who is affordable and would fetch a lot. That is a sad assessment, but moving the other contracts would mean salary eating we can't digest. 


    I might argue that is a reality that means the team is in rebuild and nobody is sacred. 


    MTL took out TOR.  We barely beat MTL in six last year. Our team is going nowhere fast. If we could get some picks and salary space down the road, I say fine. Jake is out in two years and our Captain will probably settle for a hometown end of career discount. Let's move on and hope we get some good company for the youngins who are salvageable. 


    When I watch the speed or skill of a Vegas it makes me realize how far we have to go.



  6. 50 minutes ago, ruxpin said:

    You gave up a #2 overall for him.  I know we want to keep him in the unfailing hope he can get to the place where "okay, it's not #2 but there's value" or enough that someone else thinks he's worth at least a 4th rounder to take a shot.    But I'm saying take the 6th rounder, cut your losses, open the roster spot to one of the kids coming up next year BECAUSE THEY CANNOT BE WORSE and move on while it's a 6th from another GM and not a laugh and a dial tone.

    It's weird. 50% of me says this is the route.  The other possibility is a lowball two-year offer on the assumption he does turn it around. Then you might have a bargain or a chip for trade down the road.  If he stinks, the cost of waiver is low.  I agree that roster space is the intangible and important thing to consider.  It is pretty messy.  I wish we knew more about the long-term prognosis of his migraine (even under control) and linkage to concussion.  That linkage makes him vulnerable down the road.  

    • Good Post 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:


    Never said better. Amen and i will have a drink. And it's not even 4 yet.



    Occ: I am still under doctor's orders to stay away from alcohol.  So, I can't join you.  My post-COVID shot reality is still pretty boring.

    • Sad 1
  8. 2 hours ago, FD19372 said:




    I'll address your points like this...


    1) Carter Hart is still figuring the league out. This is a game of chess. The league figures you out by studying video. You modify your game, and get better. I don't take much stock in his sophomore slump, because the defense was atrocious in front of him.


    2) This defense has potential, but an awful lot needs to go right for most, if not all of them to pan out. Couple that with the fact that a lot of these defenseman aren't THAT young anymore. I have serious concerns.


    3) We have a lot of...the word I would use is...vanilla players. They bring nothing REALLY special to the table. We also don't seem to have a lot of players with snarl, grit or toughness, and there is still a place in today's game...undoubtedly, for that kind of player.


    4) I don't have a lot of faith in our drafting either. The team has no clear identity...are we skill, are we finesse..are we physical? What are we, organizationally?


    5) I've already realized...a few years ago, that we would suffer for the contracts of Giroux and Voracek. Now, we have drafted players such as Provorov, and for as much as I really do like him..is he a true #1 d man right now? Are we counting on him too early? I think so. Patrick is a flat out bust, and no one can convince me that he is not. The Flyers should have gone away from the conventional wisdom, and drafted another..healthier body, at the pick. They pulled a Roseman, except that Howie usually does this with his second round picks.



    Pryor's departure did not upset me, to be polite.  Whether CF and Flahr are better...well, that is TBD.   I am unsure how to classify Patrick.  Was it high-risk, high-return?  Semi-suicide.  What's sad is that Keith Jones was spot on during the last game--the kid has flashed talent.  I guess the question with him is consistency and fragility?  Either way, I suspect he gets a one-year extension at peanuts to further the experiment.  Sadly, I doubt it pans out. 

  9. After reading this:




    I was scared or perhaps thoughtful.  Yes, this has been a challenging season.  But one could argue that applied to all teams.  


    The housecleaning at NYR this week says AV and CF have another year or so to show progress.  I don't think a fourth season of mediocrity will be tolerated.   AV has high standards for himself and found this year personally upsetting--as the journalist notes, he is a straight shooter.  Like the Rangers, I'd say three years is enough to show something.  The cycle of being a year or two away from....has to stop. 


    Per other comments--we need to think about depth in goaltending, not just Hart.  As for our D--yes, it needs help.  But keeping the puck in the opponents' zone is the best D, and our divisional opponents frequently showed us how that's done.  Stated differently, I wish/hope Farabee is joined by a another winger and center with his attack sense and bull in the china shop play.  That may also mean players who do well on the PP and in OT.....



  10. 53 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:

    And holy sh it batman Nolan Patrick you suck -30!!!!!!!!!!! Are you fcukning kidding me??



    As posted in the post-mortem thread, the kid is a reminder that '21 is when we reaped the harvest of our underperforming or non-game-changing first rounders.  Nolan Patrick is a symptom.  Sad. Rubstov...zilch.  Sam Morin...maybe third pairing.  Provorov....high quality but maybe not as good as hoped. Scott Laughton...character dude and valuable Swiss Knife....but probably third-liner.  Farabee may be the first game changer we've drafted in ages.  

  11. I suspect the news conference tomorrow will be interesting, particularly if AV finally opens up on why the team regressed.  Meanwhile, a quick take:


    1)  The question isn't whether Carter Hart returns to form?  We won't know until next year.  Meanwhile, why can't we be the like the Preds or NY and develop bench strength at that position? 


    2)  Yeah, the D is weak.  But it may have potential.


    3)  Our forwards are a strange mix and overpaid.  We have no Huberdeau line.  We have a lot of 2nd/3rd line center.  And I believe letting Pittlick leave was a mistake.  


    4)  I have little faith in our drafting quality.  And I have even less faith in our ability to make round-out trades (like Jeff Carter going to the Pens). 


    5)  This may be a year we come to realize our near decade of first-round misses and underperformers has come back to haunt us.


    Thinking back to last year's playoffs, we saw some clear signals against MTL and NYI that this may not be a stellar year.  Did I think it would turn out this badly? No.  But this team's character and talent shortages have been with us a long time.  Last year was probably over-achievement under a new coach.  This year was the real deal. 

    • Like 4
  12. Howdy:


    I will open a Post-Mortem Thread after the game tonight.  Meanwhile, I was ribbing about putting up with me about starting the game threads. For some reason, I feel it's kind of a family obligation.  Seriously!


    Well, let's hope the year ends with something positive. It would be great for Elliott to go out on a high note. 





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  13. Greetings:


    The O and B are favored, though the sportsbook notes that NJ plays well on the road:




    It will be Brian Elliott's start, perhaps the last in Philly or his career.  You have to believe it will be the last time in a Flyers uniform for others.  And you won't have to put up with me starting the thread again 'till next season.  





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  14. Greetings:


    I have never thought of Tortorella or AV as "developmental" for a younger squad.  Would Torts enforce accountability more than AV? Maybe.  If you think the next season or two will bring an infusion of younger players, neither might be so so good.  That said, we'd go from Martini-drinking smooth talker (to reporters and media) to a hard-nosed dude who has contempt for the press.  The question on that score is whether the front office feels better with more or less scrutiny. We may want more--which you'd have with Torts.  AV's skills with the media deflect attention away from the front office.  He is both candid and wise-ass.  



  15. This was a sad loss.  I felt badly for Lyon, who played well.  I was bothered by the reality that we had a tough time going up against a B-squad depleted by injuries.  


    Laughton was awake. But he was the only person I noticed.  Our PP was deplorable--lucky not to give up a shortie.  In general, most of our shots were peripheral. 


    Yep, CF has his hands full.

    • Like 1
  16. Greetings:


    The bookies make us heavy underdogs:




    On the plus side, Cam York will make his NHL debut, paired with Sam Morin in the third slot.  On the down side, Tom Wilson's presence could be ugly and I worry nobody on our squad will stand up to him.  Sandstrom has been called up to the Taxi Squad with an outside chance of playtime. 


    • Like 1
  17. Over a 24 hour period, we saw the best and worst of the squad.  It was as if the Hockey Gods wanted CF and AV to witness the prior 52 or whatever games in a compressed version.  Whatever Ghost did, it is not in the league of our buddy Wilson...and I agree with the Rangers--Paros and others were blind.  I saw a rehash of Todd Bertuzzi's crap with Moore when Wilson punched while on top. 


    This season will not be over quick enough.  Even half a game is really unsettling.  The SCF of 2010 and the ECF of 2008 are really distant.  Even worse, they are reminders of how this franchise has floundered over the last decade.  Sad.  

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