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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. Well, I guess time will tell if this is a bargain or a noose.  If he performs well, it is relatively cheap. A repeat of next year and we're pooping bricks. 


    Something tells me that this board will be a litmus test for the turnaround (or lack thereof).  By Game 15 or 20, we'll have a consensus on the Fletcher 'rebuild.' A big part of that will be GAA.  I suspect posters and CF himself will not be happy if GAA is out of the top ten or fifteen.  Fletcher made it clear that was an imperative.

    • Like 1
  2. A lot of our potential improvement is tied to turnaround of the team, particularly in goal.  Regarding the latter, I agree with some pundits that the Martin Jones signing is quite risky.  What if Hart has issues and Jones isn't returning to earlier form.  Lyon is gone and we have no designated successor.  


    I see this as a marginal playoff team at best,  We may have improved.  But so did everyone else in the division.





    • Like 4
  3. I wish him nothing but the best in their system.  I suspect he is a career AHLer with an occasional start in the majors.  I guess he saw no future with Philly and was signaled to that effect.  Now we hope that Martin Jones does better.  


    On a broader note--despite all our drafting of goalies, we hope that Hart pans out and we wonder about the others.



    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Digityman said:

    This exactly Howie.   I don't understand it really unless they think nobody is ready yet.  I guess he can serve popcorn until injuries happen? 

    Being charitable, they don't want to waste a top prospect with fourth line time or sitting out. That said, maybe the team motto should be:


    "2021-22 Anytime, Anywhere in One Year or Less"

  5. All these one-year deals reinforce what I said after Risto.  It has the feel of 2008.  Our GM wants to change things up.  Yes, maybe we get a shot in the arm.  But are we building a core taking up the Cup.  We hope Risto works. Jones--a reclamation project who has been sub. 900 the last three seasons.  Ellis isn't one year but pray he doesn't lose it. Signing Thompson keeps a youngin off the squad.  It worries me.

    • Like 1
  6. I will have eggs and tomatoes thrown at me, but the projected first line (Coots, Atkinson, and G) should be number 2. I wish they'd have Mr. Farabee unleashed with others, put Coots on second (preserve his career and G's to boot), get Hayes on third, and construct a fourth line for checking, PK, other.  That would be a helluva team to defend against and very sound defensively.  


    Yes, our D should be better.  But you win by outscoring the opponent.  That in part is keeping the puck in the other guy's zone.   I'd almost give Frost or other a try and start developing our first line of the future.  Coots, Atkinson, and G may be declining.  Let's start ascending on a new first, even if there's hiccups.  


    Just a thought...now start the eggs and tomatoes!



    • Like 2
  7. On paper, this team has a better leadership core than last year. Let's hope that impacts play. 


    Now we turn to goal. CF hopes Carter Hart returns to form but has think about a solid backup if that isn't the case. He also has to see if the youngins can grow. Otherwise we are, as others say, a marginally better team. I'd almost say we would be repeating 2008. Homer brought in some statesmen and we had a surprise playoff run. But that team didn't really have a long shelf life.

    • Like 3
  8. I watched the YouTube replay of CF's presser.  They have had their eye on him Risto for three years.  They believe operating under five coaches has been a problem.  This is a contract year--telling me they will not extend without body of work.  


    These don't make me feel any better about the deal.  But the organization must like this dude for reasons unclear to me and others. 

  9. What I don't get is cap.  We lose Cap on Ghost.  Same for Haag.  Then add this dude, who is very questionable.  It looks like a virtual wash on salary.  


    I hope Chuck has something up his sleeve for Voracek.



  10. 2 minutes ago, ruxpin said:

    I really like Twarynski, but honestly, has he shown anything in his time up?   I think he will, but at this stage I'm okay with it.   Hagg and Ghost might actually bring something in a package, so I'm okay with it.   Plus, if they're both still on roster, working to get a dman via trade might not then be from a position of perceived weakness.


    We have like seven Twarynski's in the system, so whatever.  I wish the kid well either way.

    He may be flipped or a draft pick. I wish him well too.  

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, ruxpin said:

    It's great, in theory, saying "no contacts over 5 years," but unless all GMs stop doing it, the few that refrain are never signing a premium free agent.

    Yes.  Agreed 100%.  And if we had the revenue base of football or the other majors, our system might be OK.  But we don't.  What's more, we don't allow the kind of walkaway clauses seen in the other leagues, like football.  If we have a few more flat cap years, the players might need to think about that.  As it stands, I think the age distribution of the league is going to skew increasingly young.  The big, long-term contracts will be a privilege of the few. 

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, flyercanuck said:

    Huge difference between having to buy out two horrible contracts that leave your franchise in cap hell for 4 years, and trading away two young players (one that came free as far as draft picks go) that could have easily brought back more picks/prospects. We got a good player...Minnesota got screwed.

    Dear FC:


    I agree--my thinking is at the 30,000 foot level.  We've been hearing/discussing for the last half decade that our defense would be a cornerstone.  Yeah. One would have thought we'd have a first-class D at this juncture. Instead, we have to rebuild.  


    As I've said here before, I agree with Ron Wilson's view that contracts over 5 years are a noose and should be avoided.  All GMs need to think what they are doing in that sphere.  




    • Good Post 1
    • Sad 2
  13. Last week, Bill Guerin erased some of Fletcher's handiwork.  Yesterday, Fletcher undid some of his predecessors' messes.  We wouldn't have needed this trade if our picks panned out as we hoped.  Now we have to undue some overly long contracts from the past.


    BTW, Ghost as buyout isn't bad.  I have to think that possibility is in the future if he isn't picked up or traded.  Just one man's thought.

  14. Hello!


    I haven't posted for some time...good to see the gang.


    This may be significant in terms of the expansion draft.  Haxstol has always been viewed as developmental.  Francis may think Vegas was something of a fluke and avoid taking high-priced vets.  That means no JVR, Voracek.....unless a high draft pick or prospect is thrown in.


    I also see a preference for yes...."structure." Defense, two-way.  This isn't being designed as attack-style.  Just a thought.



  15. Here's a piece on relatively affordable pieces that might help the O and B if they were available:




    This is speculative, but if we don't go hog wild in free agency, these are some potentially available players.  If you believe our youngins are on the upswing, this kind of acquisition makes sense.  I get sick thinking about the O and B signing people long-term.  

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