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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. This is all too depressing when I need to get some work done.  We've seen this crap too often. You could be proud of the SCF bunch in '10.  They were outclassed but they fought.  


    The Calder Cup nucleus didn't survive to be Cup competitive for 3-5 years.  Holding our Captain out, it was gone pretty quickly.  Since then--twists, turns, Bryz...a few glimmers of hope, but mostly circular mediocrity.  Current management doesn't seem to get the New NHL.  It never will.  As I said last night, bring in Punch Imlach, Fog....probably won't matter.  This outfit will draft and trade for mucker grinders with high hockey IQ......and the usual results.  


    Another thought from last night: Leslie Groves as GM. For a chuckle:



    Thank God Groves had his hand on designing and building the Pentagon.  Without that, 9-11 would have been much worse.  We need someone like him to get us out of the morass.  



    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, FD19372 said:

    Management picks the players. So, to me, *Flyers management should be more ashamed that they can't assemble a successful hockey team. They might as well have picked a GM, a team president and scouts that started watching the NHL last year, FWIW.

    Yes, there is much truth to your post.  I suspect any three or four of us would do a better job than the "experts" running the show.  When you start seeing ads with urinals...it's time to run scared, very f....ing scared.  

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    • Good Post 1
  3. In the decade on this board, I've never felt sadder.  The franchise has hit a new low.  The players should be ashamed, perhaps more than management.  


    At least Yeo has origins outside the organization.  



    • Sad 4
  4. Greetings:


    Tampa Bay is a favorite and the computer projection is a 5-1 win.  TB has taken 44 out of the last 65 and plays well on Sunday.




    TB will be playing on the second of a back-to-back having beaten Boston in overtime and Vasilevskiy in goal.  Maybe we see the Moose.  





  5. I am not inspired by AV's confirmation of what some of us have said for the last month--the only way we win is in defensive struggles of 1-0 or 2-1 with Rad's "goalies standing on heads" performances.  That is quite a confession.  


    This may turn into the low point of the franchise since 2010.  Fletcher tried but his efforts may not pan out.  Meanwhile, WTF is goin on with JVR, Laughton, and yes...Oskar.  I understand what happened with him on the health front, but this is really scary.  

  6. The Flyers are underdogs (-167).  Statistically, the teams aren't much different, but in terms of W-L, they are:




    Apparently, the Chuckmeister thinks things can be solved internally:


    "It's difficult to go to the outside and keep looking for help from the outside," Fletcher said. "You've got to look to the inside. We have good enough players, we're a good enough team, and that's where our focus is."


    We shall see.  On a positive note, Hayes may reenter the lineup.  

  7. 4 minutes ago, flyercanuck said:

    If Fletcher trades Giroux he may as well hand in his resignation. He's gone all in with his idiotic long term signing of Hayes, trading of picks/players for soon to be signed too long Ristolainen, more picks/players for signed for too long Ellis. He brought in old man Yandle (he of ZERO points in his last 17 games) to replace the guy he gave away along with draft picks Shayne Gostisbehere (who LEADS his team in scoring). He brought in old man Brassard. And old man Braun. And old man Atkinson. And older man Thompson. Who all looked like great pickups...for 5 games. Sadly the season is 82 games long and most of these guys are almost done. 


    Nobody saw this coming. Oh,wait....lots of us did.


     Blow it up. But first you need a gm capable of a rebuild. And Chuckie is NOT that guy. 

    Dear FC:  That is quite a post.  Yeah, it is painful.  

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  8. 6 minutes ago, pilldoc said:


    ^^^ This x100


    I know we all loved it at the time, but most of us realized what a fluke it was and the roster should have been properly gutted but no ...they just kept saying we are only a player away .....


    Yes...before anyone torches me, I enjoyed the run that year.  Some of us who where around on the old Silly.com forum had a great time that spring......However, must of us also knew knew the serious flaws that team had.  To this day in NHL history the Flyers are the only #7 seed team to be the home team for the Conference Finals.

    The 2008 Conference Final was another fluke that made us feel good, but that team was built on the fly and gave us little sustained excellence.  Homer copped a GM award for his work, but in retrospect, it was a blurb after our '06-'07 disaster.  There were no long-term cigars...

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