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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. On paper our D is pretty good. In practice, the 10 bagger Pitt put up against us might say otherwise, and for a Flyers team to be 20 in the league in GAA...strange.

    That said, 600K goes a long way towards paying for a backup, so even if there is some payout, there was a method to doing this.


  2. Maybe he was just not developing as they had hoped....who knows. Like DGG said, with so little organizational depth at this position....kinda puzzling. I expect our first pick from a few years ago Simon Bertlisson (sp?) will not be signed to even get waived...lol.

    I was reading and noted that the guy did not play one game with us in 11-12. So I suspect Bourdon is the anointed seventh man. Bartulis had his chances. I guess the brass saw more upside elsewhere. One commentary on him on Yahoo questioned character/grit.



  3. Howie,

    I hope all is well! I saw Garrison play in the AHL here in Rochester before getting a FT shot with Florida. He has a huge shot, but the knock on him is that he plays to the level of his defensive partner. When paired with an offensive D-man like Brian Campbell, Garrison had a breakout year offensively. Cheap option, maybe paired with Kimmo??


    Good to hear from you and hope all is well. Wolski started well with the Panthers but dropped off. Garrison is sort of a surprise...thought the guy had potential. You know more than me....many wondered why Tallon paid a declining Jovo millions and dumped this guy.



  4. Howie:

    Could not agree more.

    I just think Holmgren will insert Leighton as the back-up and try to use the money elsewhere. I donlt understand why people are so down on Leighton. Obe goal does not nake a career. maybe i am missing something.

    Will give Reise some time to develop those 2 kids in Adirondack.

    You think Holmgren is going to make any sizeable moves?


    BOI: Howdy and I hope you are well. I believe a move for a top 4 defender can't be ruled out. Granted, Schenn's addition makes that less likely but I think Homer wants to build the D.

    I think the question is with Carle resigning? If that happens the D need drops. If not, I smell a trade.



  5. Hi Howie-

    Are we talking goalies or other players?

    The JVR trade is fine. One "supposed" failure for another "supposed" failure.

    The Bobrovsky trade is the pisser on the fire for me.

    I am waiting for @DaGreatGazoo to send me some rum so I can cheer your vintage Merlot.


    Good to hear from you; had some Cab earlier tonight. No, I stand corrected and meant goal. Sorry for my unclear reference.

    If I could send you some good stuff, electronically, I would. Actually, I just ordered some wine from a place called "Wine Insiders" that was good and very fairly priced....my first mail order of wine, something that was illegal until a few years ago and still not allowed in many states.

    Homer finds comfort in former players. So I might prefer Clemmenson it would not surprise me to find Biron here. Nitty might be too much of a stretch.



  6. Hey @Howie58.

    I'm thinking the message to Luke will be precisely the opposite, at least from management/coaching staff: "Keep it simple, hit, be physical. Don't panic!!!" LOL

    I think they will do everything to help him succeed and that includes taking pressure off. Will the fans do the same?

    Sure they will. They will be so busy yelling at Carle that they won't notice all of Luke's gaffs. Plus, he will hit people. Hard. All Flyer fans like the sounds of that!

    The fans are gonna love him, you watch.


    I hope you are right. The big picture tell me that we are facing a redo of the defense. It may take some time to gel.


  7. Jammer:

    Glad we have a set of ears/eyes in Toronto. I think this is a good trade for the players involved; it allows for the proverbial "reset" of their careers. And I wish both well. My fear is that Schenn will have a lot of pressure on him as part of a rebuilt defense. But I wonder if the rebuild will work with Lavy's coaching style.



  8. Heheh do you fly often Howie? I am just wondering how many non-Canadian message board residents would get the YYZ reference unless they were fluent in airport codes or unless the knowledge of YYZ is commonplace and I am just unaware. I used to live in Buffalo and I do travel often and would always be checking fares from BUF ROC YYZ and sometimes even SYR, ERI and even JHW. Oh well all we do know is that the Flyers will no longer be landing in JVR at least until we get him back after he wins the cup elsewhere.


    Nice hearing from you. I have flown into YYZ a few times; last girlfriend's hometown. I give at least a 50/50 shot he hits 35 goals up there. But I think this is a good trade. We need help on D and having the Schenns together might help both improve their game with mutual support.



    P.S. I haven't flow into ROC for over 30 years..my grandmother lived there. But your comment brought back good memories.

  9. I wouldn't be overjoyed at Leighton coming back. But if this is what happens, it happens. Let's face it, he is not the sole reason we lost two years ago. And fast forward to our 10 goal blow-out with Pittsburgh a few months ago. What's sad is that our organization just can't seem to develop people..even backups.

    If I were a young player, the O and B would not be high on my list of NHL squads. We seem to grind them out or trade them too soon.



  10. Howdy:

    I don't think we miss him. Schenn helps us more than an oft-injured JVR. The salary savings goes toward a backup goalie. I won't say he was a bust but it's clear JVR did not meet expectations. Frankly, I think Burke must have felt that Schenn was disgruntled in YYZ.



    • Like 1
  11. Greetings:

    I am beginning to wonder if the Flyers Brain Trust sees the draft as more of a crap shoot and stockpile for the AHL than a direct feed (other than perhaps some first round people). Maybe they feel one Read a year makes more sense than the draft.



  12. Greetings:

    I am not surprised we went after someone with a shutdown mindset. We need it. But I also suspect someone is going in a trade and this is a precursor.

    What I also suspect it says is that D is going to be dealt with not only by trade but with rebuild over a year or two. Maybe the brass is unwilling to lock up 6 million in a long-term contract.

    If we see today's moves in the D and G areas, we have a better sense of strategy.



    • Like 1
  13. Look, Rux is correct if we think about Flyers over their history but Podein is accurate as well. Homer is bright enough to know that we are in a new era. There have been no repeat champs since the strike and I think player turnover under the cap will be higher, and youth is important in that structure. That said, Homer may be tempted to get a senior statesman for fear his current D is lacking to the point we fall apart. I and most other fans would take a year or two of sub-par play to build the D through draft and marginal trades (like Grossman). But Snider and others may not.

    On paper, our forward corps is darn good and should get better. I hope Homer preserves it.



  14. Greetings:

    I am sure you've been reading the Inquirer and whomever about our lack of D, Pronger's LTIR, etc. With some fermented red stuff and a bad commute from downtown Miami under my belt, I think it boils down to a long- or short-term fix. Does Homer sacrifice a forward and maybe our #20 + Bob to get a blue chipper with immediate return or does he give up assets for another pick that he uses defensively, and maybe he goes for two picks on D, hoping that with a Carle resigning, Bourdon, and a cheaper pick up he has a respectable D while he grows his forwards. No Cup this coming year but he retains a nucleus of excellent forwards and builds a defense slowly, knowing that with Kimmo off the books next year (and certainty about the cap) he goes after big buck mid-career type.

    OK, just a thought.

  15. Howdy:

    Here is a recent post.


    If we believe NHL and Columbus Dispatch, almost half the league has some interest. Columbus desperately needs scoring so you reckon that this guy has to fetch lots of goals in return.

    ....so, a pick, Simmonds, Read....maybe even Bobo, for Nash...

    Interesting thing on this thread--Howson has the ability to move his number one pick to next year...may do so because LA will be number 30. Ha



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