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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. I was going to post a thread like this, but glad Bak started. So here is my take.

    Let me start with the following: I think Flyers' history prior to the first strike should be all but-forgotten in assessing where we are today. The salary cap and rule changes have made for a very different reality. We are well past the days where the same six teams were almost always in the Finals. In fact--I don't think we've had a repeat Cup winner since the "lost season."

    So, what does that leave us? Homer was candid about it earlier this week. Inconsistency.

    We have had two flukey Cup runs. Two seasons out of the Playoffs. And four seasons that were good to OK in terms of points with an important asterisk--sub-par play against better than .500 teams.

    My take is that Homer (and his patron Snider) is the principal culprit. And the last few weeks may bear out the problem and the solution. Homer is an excellent opportunist. For all we know, Mason may be the real deal. And...maybe Voracek will be one of Homer collected first-rounders who stays consistently good...not like a Steve Eminger or nose-picker Pitkanen. But on the other hand--a group of no-name AHLers and youngsters outperforms the vets. Maybe that's the other side of the coin. A group of not-so-hot picks who have time to play and develop together may be a better base than Homer's usual opportunism.

    Bottom line--I think Homer probably needs to go. Unfortunately, that might not happen. So I suspect Lavy may be scapegoated. Meanwhile, I almost don't care about where we draft. Why not follow the Blackhawks' experience and keep a cadre of players together and see how they gel.



  2. Greetings:

    So, on back-to-back nights we take out MTL and NYR. And we do with the likes of Manning and Rosehill (tonight's 3rd star) and Mason playing like he deserved the 51 million contract. They have energy and Kimmo plays like he is 10 years younger. Maybe the injuries and the early season ebbs and flows are leading to a new core that has some energy and togetherness. I suspect Mez is probably done. But we may have Gus or Manning or Lauridsen. So, even if this season is "lost" it may have some long-term payoffs.


    • Like 3
  3. Exactly how I felt. At least on every save he made his momentum didn't carry him three feet out of the net like Bryz. I forgot how big he is.

    Alberta: I wonder how much more we will see of him this season. I suppose more rather than less if he is a replacement for 30.



  4. Greetings:

    I thought Mason looked steady and balanced. He squared well to the shooter and made some good passes out. Unlike Bryz, he did not make every save look like an adventure.


    • Like 2
  5. I love Gags, always have. He still has nice wheels, but did you notice how easily he got caught from behind last night when it appeared he could have had a clear cut break away.....4 years ago, Gags would have not been caught there, not even close, so he has lost at least a half a step, but he is still a very nice skater. Like many have said, if the price is right I would welcome him back without a second thought. I'm thinking anywhere from 1.8 to 2.2 is fair, anything over that and I would begrudginly part ways with him.

    Jammer-I agree and if I were a betting man, I'd bet he stays with a hometown discount. He is respected by peers and a fan favorite.



  6. Bobo may have found a home there with clear starting role and less media/fan attention. Mason may find a new home with a good franchise. We give the guy a start and see. I suspect Bryz's ironman role will diminish to give this guy a few starts, especially if playoffs become less likely. Truth be told, I'm happy Cal Heeter is backing up tonight...would almost like to see if our system can generate any f.....(ing goalie...



  7. I think the interesting part will be how bryz reacts to this? Is the guy going to be deflated and stink? That might be a disaster. I agree this is another Emery-style project. If it is what it is, then we are in for full rebuilt with Meznaros gone on D, Briere bought out, and room even under a reduced salary cap. We may bear witness to a wholesale retooling of the roster over a year or two.



  8. See what happens with a little effort boys and girls....just keep it going Flyboys. I really am impressed with Jaky boy man what a great season he is having. Like I said in a topic I made I really got to give him some props on tonights game when he stuck up for Giroux and won a fight. Alsowhat he said the night before that he was dissapointed with himself the way he has been playing.

    It was good to see some emotion from the gang. I didn't fall asleep watching. I also think Lauridsen looks like a keeper and the new D man looked better than most of our other 4-5-6 folks. At least he could move the puck. Now I worry about Talbot.



  9. Gosh, we are struggling against a team of waiver wire types and a few good draft picks + a reluctant ancient goaltender. Ironic that one of the fluke goals was off Gervais. Perhaps that was a signal...we should not have gotten him?



  10. In my mind, one can't go back and "revise" history. Given the current standing of all the trade pieces, no one in their right mind makes that trade. NO ONE.

    That being said, very few people, even "astute" hockey minds, had little issue with the trade when it happened. Lupul was the first of the old Center City party crew that was shipped out, and everyone was glad he was gone(from a fan standpoint). He accomplished very little as a Flyer. Sbisa was an up and coming prospect, no doubt, and IMO, was the key player in that trade. Most people knew he had the potential to be an accomplished defenseman in the league for a long time. I saw him play in Hershey, when he was with the Phantoms, and the kid just stood out above everyone else. The draft picks at the time, were just that, draft picks. Impossible to predict who they would be used on, and how those players would have/have turned out.

    Pronger was exactly what the Flyers needed, at that time...an unquestioned leader, a rock on the blueline, and a player that had experience leading teams thru the playoffs.

    So, to answer your question, I think the Flyers made a good trade, at that time. Most everyone did. Looking back, it would appear they massively overpaid, given Pronger's injury/end of career, and the upward track of the kids traded in that pick. If Pronger was still healthy, playing 20+ mins a night, and being, well, Chris Pronger..I think the trade would be viewed differently.

    There is a lot of street wisdom to this post. The real question might be along the lines of the recent Meltzer post that is on another thread: Is this trade consistent with a franchise that has habitually traded its developmental players for "seniors" and paid dearly down the road?



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