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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. Howdy:

    Some of these exchanges are a bit like the BS on Philly.com. That may be a "good" thing given the passion some have for the team. Some may reflect a genuine feeling this trade borders on desperation. Really. If this guy gets more than 4.5 mil a year either Homer has lost it or the command staff smells no Mes + Kimmo Decline + "Other" that mean a pseudo AHL D. It is just sad. I would rather have a lousy year and get some good drafts than pay through the nose for this dude.



    • Like 3
  2. Greetings:

    I think there is agreement the deal is probably a stop-gap. I doubt Mesz is back. Maybe Homer sees Grossmann as another injury-prone player. Draft and salary dump will allow for a gradual rebuild of the D. Right now, he may be heading into a season where he worries if Gervais, MAB (maybe) and the others he has picked up Huskins/Foster, are just not there or worth keeping, while Timmo declines...it ain't pretty. Streit at 5 million would be a waste in my view...but maybe Homer thinks he can be had for less.

    The whole deal underscores what we have said on this board for ages...the organization breeds forwards...other positions get no attention or poor development.


  3. Howie... I think you hit the nail on the head with this post and find it to be incredibly spot on. I look at Homer as the opportunist as well and always seems to be making decisions based on the reactionary nature of team management:

    • Goalie - Let's go out and create our own market for a goalie, overpay him and give him a contract until he is 40 years old
    • Defense - Let's go out and try to land Suter - oh wait, he singed in Minn. Since that did not work let's go try and offer sheet Weber to a monsterous contract - oh wait, that didn't work either. Lets no have a plan B and be left w/ AHL talent in Gervais and Foster...

    For once I would like this management crew to exercise some patience and build a Team using a strategy. Grow the young group of players, make smart trades that make financial sense and stop the madness with some of these contracts.

    Sadly, I see no strategy and if history proves true we will see another offseason of craziness.

    I hope we don't have to wait for Snider's demise before team architecture is put in different hands.



  4. The problem is linked to one man, Ed Snider. If he showed the patience and let Holmgren build a contender instead of trying to buy one then Holmgren might have a chance. Snider wants to win another championship so bad but doesn't want to do it the way the Flyers did when they did win their two championship in the 70's - thru the draft and trading players to benefit the team. If Holmgren was fired and they brought in Brian Burke, Snider and him would clash from the start which wouldn't be good. Hexie has been away from the Flyers culture for a long enough time that he wouldn't be a bad choice because he understands what Snider wants, he understands the passion of the Flyers fans and he's learned to build a championship team thru his time with Lombardi in LA. I can see lots of changes this summer I only hope these ones help the team unlike years past. The Read/Bernier rumour is interesting, if it happened it would be interesting to see 2 young goalie fighting over the number one spot but the bonus would be seeing Bryzgalov gone.

    It is sad to think we have to wait for someone's demise to make this work. The other "hope" is that Comcast takes away Spectacor's autonomy if it sees the investment going downhill. But that may not happen as long as bodies show up (not like my backyard Panthers). My short-term fear is that Lavy and/or Homer are given the boot early next year. Then there will be chaos.



  5. Their rings beg to differ. So does the fax that they were the only players giving the kings any chance in the playoffs this year.

    But thanks for proving my poit about the thick skilled myopic fans here in Philly (not all, but certainly some and loudly) that can't see straight through their need to be hating someone.

    I even said that I didn't think they should fill be flyers, I swear to god the only words you must have read we're Richards and carter and then you went off.

    My point was tht the THINKING here in Philly is what's off. It's the thinking that decided those two guys who are now invaluable to a cup champ that returned to the conference finals were better off traded than sorting out.

    It's the thinking that got us Bryzgalov and Mason, and a second missed trip to the playoffs in 6 years.

    You want I tell me again how I'm wrong?

    Homer is struggling to maintain or build a competitive team. He's out of his league and he doesn't have the know how to get it done.

    I think the Carter-Richards trade is not the biggie. It is seeing tons of friends former Flyers in the playoffs. It is thinking about Chiarelli's work in Boston or Bowman's work in Chicago that makes me wonder about Homer as strategist rather than opportunist.


    • Like 1
  6. Greetings:

    Other than an experienced goalie to complement Mason, I would really like to see this franchise avoid 30+ players for the next few years. I would like to see youngsters grown from within. I also agree with others this guy may have some issues. It is in part tragic but that is what it is.



  7. Per nhl.com http://www.nhl.com/i...id=nhl:topheads

    Assuming we have any kind of cap space whatsoever when the dust settles, is it worth taking a shot at Streit as a short term solution? He can move the puck well and QB the PP. Seems to be one of the elements of what we need on our blue line.

    Of course given that the UFA crop is somewhat thin (unless the compliance buyouts skew the market) he will probably get way overpaid and might be outwith our cap limit...

    Per nhl.com http://www.nhl.com/i...id=nhl:topheads

    Assuming we have any kind of cap space whatsoever when the dust settles, is it worth taking a shot at Streit as a short term solution? He can move the puck well and QB the PP. Seems to be one of the elements of what we need on our blue line.

    Of course given that the UFA crop is somewhat thin (unless the compliance buyouts skew the market) he will probably get way overpaid and might be outwith our cap limit...

    I don't want any older players. Let's grow some youngins together.



  8. or decides to take a nap on the bench... or decides to duck out of the way of another puck... or naps in a team meeting... :lol:

    For some reason I think the Flyers got a steal with Mason. I look at his age and ability and he isn't even in his prime years for an NHL goalie. With Bryz there is plenty of better options out there at a 1/4 of the price. Right now in my opinion Emery is a way better option as tandem with Mason. Just my two cents. There is just to many holes in Bryz's game right now. And the side act that goes along with it isn't worth it. And the fact that I don't really think he has the support of coach or teamates. The comments out Phoenix after he left says a lot. They weren't to crushed that he left.

    This is a great post; thanks for the thread. The comments are intelligent too--it's hard to imagine Bryz around for another year and Mason's comments about fighting for number 1 didn't strike me as something coming from a guy told up front he was a backup.

    Trying to size things up, I'd say it portrays a group where the sum of the parts performs as less than a whole. Individually there is talent; collectively things aren't so great.

    Buyouts aside, we have to ponder who goes from the forward slot to make for player/cap space. And I really wonder if Mez will ever play again. The same for MAB. We may have more cap space than we think.

    Now we have to hope that Homer and Company will put it to good use.



  9. Greetings:

    I found this on a website with TV themes. This used to be played before games; Parent and his orange mask were among the images. For those who remember the Cup years, this theme accompanied some great moments.


    I hope this helps to overcome the depression of seeing so many of your former players in "The Final Four!"



  10. Greetings:

    The article was indeed a tough read. But even if the dude is right--that we value forwards and "best available" rather than D, it still begs the question of why we really fail to nurture a lot of young players, period? I look at Chicago and see a team that has held a cadre together since the 2010 SC. We are the cast of thousands, cruddy D or not.



  11. Howie,

    The schizophrenic nature of this organization is enough to drive any fan crazy. Just look at some of these quotes. It's amazing how diametrically opposed their actions are to their words.

    Ok, good. I'm on board with you there, Ed.

    Ok, now you're starting to lose me. You signed a 31 year old to a decade-long contract, and effectively bury the "hardest-working player" you've ever seen at any position???

    Go on...

    Oh, now I get it... I'm just not sure you do.


    This is a painful but accurate read. I suspect change will only come when Snider is out of the picture or Comcast sees its investment going South and decides to intervene. There is management inbreeding and hearkening back to the Cup years.



  12. The thing is, I honestly believe that Bob would have put up similar numbers to Bryz in Philly this year. The goaltender in our "system" is not the one static piece that needs changing. It's part of the problem, for sure, but not the only one.

    In January, Bryz went 2-4. That doesn't look very good. But he posted a 2.19, .924. You should win a lot more than 2 out of 6 games with those numbers. In the early part of the season, Bryz made us look better than we really were (and I know the opposite is also true at other points of the season).

    The biggest difference between having Bob here instead of Bryz is that one would be growing, and developing with the team, only getting better and better, while the other one is on the tail end of his career and showing very clearly that he was shielded in a defense-first system.

    And the fact that neither Homer nor Snider and their team in charge of player scouting did not see that (compared to, say, Vokoun, whose save % has always been in the elite-level) is the most troubling part of all.

    Bryz is a career .913, but only three times in his career (9 years) has his save % been over .910 for the season. Those high years are outliers.

    Vokoun is a career .917, but only ONCE in the last 9 years has it been below .917. This includes FOUR different teams.

    If you look at the boxplots it becomes even more obvious that Bryz save % has a much wider spread (i.e. more variation... more inconsistent) than Vokoun. Also, Vokoun's mean and median are both higher than Bryz.

    Seriously, if an organization is not making decisions based on data, it is doomed to fail.

    Great post. The articles by Seravali and Carchidi the last few days confirm what you say. They also confirm what many here have felt for years--this organization is "forward-centric" and seems incapable of drafting and developing Goal/D. I suspect this gang thinks they can recreate a Clarke..or a Premeau..and the Cup will land on their heads. Seravali's write-up on the D was scathing. Today's piece by Carchidi shows the number of those we traded versus those we traded for. It's interesting...we would have been better to keep in most instances...or at least, something about playing elsewhere makes for better play. Eminger's plus minus is better than anybody we have. Heck...even Seidenberg looks good.



  13. Howie:

    I hear you with the middle-age thing. I just changed jobs. Much better place now.

    Merlot does help.

    This will be an interesting summer. Is there a perfect storm brewing for Paul Holmgren?

    Take care my friend,


    Congratulations on the new job. I hope it goes well.

    Homer may be facing some unpleasant realities. And I have to wonder if good free agents who might have come to the team in past years reckon this is a time to stay away.

    Stay thirsty my friend.

  14. Howie:

    You nailed it.

    Thank you,


    These reporters are probably going to "pay" for their candor with reduced access to the team. I also suspect Homer's recent outbursts show frustration...and the fact that he has to take some of the blame for what's happened. Plan B (no Weber, etc.) must have been lacking.

    Work is really tiring me these days..the merlots help but not too much. Middle-age and budget cuts are taking their toll.

    Good to hear from you...


  15. Greetings All:

    I've found the articles in the Inquirer and elsewhere on Snider and his frustration with the season to be very interesting. I have a link to one; there have been others.


    In so many words, Snider is "teflon" like, and blames the schedule, injuries, and God-knows what else for a bad season. The broader design issue, and his short-term outlook, receive no attention. The upshot as Carchidi and others note, is that we have an owner who does not understand that his decisions (Buying Bryz's services is perhaps the most recent) have led to one of the longest droughts in championship among the major leagues.

    I also thought the poll last weekend about "stay" and "go" in the Inquirer was telling. While the majority of voters wanted Lavy to stay, the majority wanted Homer to go.

    The bottom line is simple: the reporters and fans understand that short-term expedience will not yield a Stanley Cup. The articles also support my view that Snider and his minions do a good job keeping the Flyers in the upper-middle class (Snider takes pride in our Finals appearances) but the big enchilada is distant. FYI--the articles blame the fans in part--they expect winners every year...though the frustration this year tells me even the great unwashed are POed with where this team is heading.

    Maybe we are seeing a change. Maybe the youngsters on the team stay...etc. But my head and gut say that Snider/Homer will stay expedient. That is a recipe for long-term frustration.



  16. Good post Howie!

    Yeah, I think I'm with the crew that says we're back in next year making noise. My big question is when does B. Schen turn into the player I thought he was going to be (not that he's "bad" or not playing to "potential" but certainly not a game changer at this point...), and Couts is the other big question for me. I think early next season is make or break for guys like Couts and Schenn.

    We know what we're gonna get from Vorachek, Simmonds, Giroux, even Rinaldo and Rosehill. But, Have we seen the begining of the fall of Hartnell?? (pun intended) Gagnne will be a non-factor in my opinon wether he's back or not....Heck, he wasn't even getting ice time in LA was he? I would assume Read maintains his level of play hopefully...

    Seems to be a lot more question marks than certianties. And I didn't even touch on the D ort Goaltending. I really don't feel like goaltending was our issue this year....sure we pay the guy WAY too much, but most nights Bryz (and mason) gave us the chance to win.....period. We couldn't score for a while there and HAVE to stop giving up so many odd man rushes.

    Talbot? Mez? Chemistry? Mason or Bryz? Possible chnages to the lineup (buyouts/trades/etc.)?? Lot of questions left for me. Again, the play of B. Schenn and Coutier are KEY in how this team will shape up next year IMO......

    Chatter on boys. good stuff.

    My concern is that we have lots of turnover...players and coach...heck, maybe even GM is Comcast decides its investment is losing its luster.

    That could signal a longer rebuild.



  17. Greetings:

    Short-term we are wondering about draft picks, goal, resigning. Fine.

    Now the toughie: When do we return to the NHL's upper middle class? I am not saying elite. I am not even saying challenge for the Cup. I am saying one notch better than making the playoffs, which in this league, may not be saying much.

    Will we get there next year? Will it take two years? Or has the poop really hit the fan and we have only one foot in the grave?

    My belief is that it will take at least two years to get back to the top 10 or so. Our forwards may not be as good as we thought. We know what the D is, and the goal situation is a question mark. My other feeling is that if this team isn't 6-4 or better after 10 games, we have a coaching and/or GM change that brings more uncertainty and chaos.




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