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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. I think there is one part of this thread that has to be put under the proverbial microscope or at least defined: What is a "blow up?"  The across-the-parking lot Phillies should be blown up if you feel a COHORT of players put together at roughly the same time is past prime and needs cleaning.  Yes, the Flyers have a core of young players. But as I and others have said before, Homer seems to like collecting other teams' first rounders (Eminger too, right); we don't seem to "grow" our own.  If we were disposing members of a team drafted and "grown" together, that might be a blow up.  Voracek and Schenn are other teams' first rounders. We would like to think they will grow together.  I am not so sure if that is the same as what a Pittsburgh or Nashville might do with picks. I agree with others on this thread the Flyers don't show patience with growing their own.  And G-d only know why Homer goes for the seniors he savors.




  2. Greetings:


    First, we saw that our D is not particularly capable. It is exposed against mobile teams.


    Second, we are seeing something more problematic long-term...maybe Mason is all-too-human. This is three games with four or more out of the last five (I think).  I hope he doesn't lose confidence.  


    Not good. A very unsettling loss.





  3. Lets face it, our team is mediocre, we will probably finish around around the .500 mark, and if we make the playoffs we are not going too far. I also think this has to be the most boring Flyers team I have watched in a long time. So, on a positive note, it looks like our 25 year search for a good goalie is over. Mason has great skill , does not let in many bad goals and his mechanics and fluid movement are impressive after having so many bad goalies over the years.


    Going forward I think our biggest needs are as follows....


    An offensive defenseman with not only puck rushing skills, but also with playmaking skills and an accurate point shot. We have had defenseman who could skate over the years.. Timmo, Carle and Coburn, but none of them can shoot the puck and none are exceptional playmakers. Ghost is looking good, but is still about 30 pounds and a year or two away. Morin and Haag are also years away and haven't shown as much offensive skill yet. So do we sit back and be mediocre for a few more years or do we trade for a dman? With the emergence of Laughton, this makes either Schenn or Coots expendable, or do we move Laughton for a good young dman?


    A pure finisher to play on Girouxs line, we really need a sniper to benefit from Girouxs playmaking skills, since no one on his line is playing that well and is a pure scoring threat, teams are keying on Giroux and shutting him down. As its been written many times, we also need some overall team speed, but of course a mix of speed and size is always best. The biggest problem of course is, even if we have a great draft, we cant expect an 18 year old to step in and be a big factor for us, so I fear we have 2 more years of mediocrity ahead of us.


    p.s. and to those who keep talking about trading Coburn, if we trade him our already slow and immobile defense, becomes even slower....




    I think your assessment is accurate. The whole team needs assessment but the immobile D is the highest priority. It will be interesting to see if the trade deadline brings some "dumping" of one or more of our forward corps. If Homer remains the principal architect...we are going nowhere fast.




  4. Spot on Howie,  maybe we could see how the youngsters are doing in the AHL and Juniors, bring them along slowly and develop a team that way, since we are basically locked into this team for a while.



    Fred: Go to www.thn.com and compare the Flyers with any other team--they break down draft versus trade versus free agent, versus other. We are built by trade and some FA. Most teams are primarily draft and a few trades. 



  5. It is possibly forgotton that the year the Blackhawks won the cup, they won their division by 10 points over Detroit, with 112 points.  We had to beat the Rangers in the shoot out the last day of the regular season and had a mere 88 points (24 less than the Hawks) yet we still managed to make a miracle run to the cup final (beating Boston 4 strait after losing the first 3), and we had journeymen as Goalies.  So...my point is...Charchidi is right about us going in different directions now, but my contention is that we were never really going in the right direction in 2010 anyway.  So aside from a shoot out win (which we stink at anyway) and an historic 4 game run in Boston, our team seems to be playing the same way we did in 2010...not very well.  The playoffs and a cool playoff run make everyone forget the regular season, but there are two seasons in the NHL...the regular one...which we stink at...and the playoffs...where we do a little better.  Overall, we have not changed much over the past couple of years, just spent more money and traded a bunch of guys that are wearing rings.  (Sharp, Eager, Carter, Richards, Carcillo, Gagne, Williams, Recci are the ones I can think of off the top of my head).   Just saying...




    In prior posts I've made the point that our most successful years since the strike have been bolts from the blue. On occasion, Homer's opportunistic team building (no long-term strategy, collect other teams' first rounders rather than develop your own), will yield a surprisingly good team in the playoffs. That was 2008 and 2010.  So I agree with you. But sadly, the strategy only seems to work on occasion. And Homer's LTCs and NTCs may prevent his "genius" from working in the next 3-5 years. 




  6. Hello:

    I concur with the assessment: There is nothing revolutionary in the article. But it is mass media post, not a post among the knowledgeable folks here who don't have to worry about backlash from owners/management.  I get very depressed thinking about the trajectory of this team.  It is not pretty. And I suspect that with Snider and Homer at the helm, we are not in for good times. 





  7. Greetings:


    I know many here feel Carchide and the gang are not that great. That said, I don't think he pulls any punches in this piece.




    We are mediocre by beating the "low life."  We are 3-11 against teams that would currently make the playoffs. His comparison with the Blackhawks since the 2010 finals is particularly interesting and raises a lot of questions (we have been asking for years here and on the old board) about management.  In point-of-fact, his comparison reminds me that what most of us thought was the beginning of a Golden Age for the franchise has really been the onset of further deterioration. And he also notes that only four players are left from the 2010 squad....compared to eight on Chicago.  





  8. Carchidi hit the nail on the head in his column--this is a slow team. This guy has some wheels. I am happy for him. I also agreed with Coates that Vande Velde (sp) looked pretty sharp out there as well.


    After his nonperformance in last night, Harnell deserved a demotion. Berube gets high grades for imposing accountability.




  9. icehole:


    I like your thoughtful assessment. I don't enough about hockey systems to judge what in or out of the box thinking would be in this line of work. I don't know if collective bargaining agreements prohibit off-season training/nutrition counseling. You ask a great question, however, and that is the extent to which system outweighs individual or vice versa.


    One dimension that you need to consider is how talent is brought to the table: Is it patient via draft or pall mall via trade.  Recent Stanley Cup teams have been built primarily via draft. The Flyers are trade-built. Talent aside, that may be an important "systems" question that dovetails with your read. 


    Peace, and thanks for your insight.



  10. @Howie58


    i believe you called it "returning to the mean"  .  The Flyers beat the really bad teams but lose to the really good teams.  This group as assembled is an average team. 

    I think Chief is doing a good job with bailing wire and spit balls, there isn't one place where our team is better than anyone or among the leagues top performers .  We aren't fast, we don't hit effectively, we don't play great defense, we don't have the stone cold killers that capitalize on the oppositions mistakes.  The team is just , meh , with a forecast of more meh with a chance of extreme failure.

    I say keeping stinking, Draft Ekblad this year, and McDavid next year .  Later i plan to flap my arms and fly to the moon.

    Yep..regression to the mean. We started off terribly, had our "impressive" streak against the stink bombs, and now we are floundering below .500.  It is at a point where I wonder about the value of watching as entertainment. It becomes very frustrating. 


    Sadly, I doubt much changes under current management. That is a bad thing.





  11. Howie,


    The team was old and slow in 2006-07, and they had no goaltending. In our current team's particular case, our defense is unacceptably slow and old, and they don't have the offensive firepower to compensate for it. Their goaltending couldn't have been blamed last year, and SURE AS HELL can't be this year. Berube stopped the bleeding with a band-aid for a while with a slight system change, but this team ain't making it anywhere anyway.  I said it before and I'll say it again, if Snider has any pride as an owner he'll fire Homer TOMORROW and hire from outside his buddy system.

    Sadly, I think the team progresses once Snider is out of the picture...a little like the Blackhawks once the elder Wirtz got out.




  12. FD:  I've said it before and will say it again. I understood why the 2006-07 team was bad. They were a bunch of bad players. And the management was unaware of how the "New NHL" would work. Now we have overpaid underachievers. Homer has a collection of poop with the possible exception of goal.  Raising the salary cap will mean little with current management at the helm.




  13. Howie: There is no heart to this team. They are as you say playing like they are in the AHL and when the puck is always in your end chances are it can end up in your net. Penalties once again are killing the team,

    It is hard to watch. The team I grew up with fought (literally and figuratively) hard. Cheap crap like Hartnell's push was bizarre. Homer, as others note, is largely responsible. Berube deserves credit for steadying the ship but tonight we see how talent is lacking. The D can't keep up with the Blackhawks. It is an ugly reminder of why we were runner-ups in 2010. 



  14. Greetings:


    I think the D is slow but on two of the four goals I'd say that Ray's lateral mobility was a factor. But I have to say in general that the Blackhawks look alert and have tic-tac-toe offense ability...we are lucky to get a shot off. It is almost as if we are playing for a different league. Alumni Handzus and Versteeg scoring against us makes is even stranger to ponder.


    It is apparent we have a .500 at best. The parts don't seem to click. And they are less than the whole...far less.





  15. My gut says Streit is hurt by the overall offensive inertia on this team. He may have some mobility. But there is nobody to share it with. He starts out of the zone and there is no other real movement. In a sense, Berube's style really minimizes Streit's value. It is sad to watch. He is paid a lot and doesn't even QB the PP well.




  16. 3 years at 4mil a season sounds fair.

    I agree with Freakin here. I suspect he will take a below-average deal with the Flyers as a sign of gratitude for acceptance/rebirth.  I smell a 2-year, 3.5 million signing. Mason and his agent know their history. He has to show the flash-in-the-pan history is really history.


    Candidly, I think the more interesting question may be Emory. Do they lock him in? Does he become trade bait?  Does he seek greener pastures, even as a 1A extraordinaire? I don't know if any of the farmhands could grow into backup status but as the trade deadline approaches, I suspect Emory's stock rises.





  17. Greetings Howie...   I would consider trading right now if the deal was right and the player was right.  Out of everthing I have taken away from this season and last is that Giroux NEEDS someone on his line.   Hartnell and Voracek just are not those types of player.  I think if G had someone on his line that could be a consistent offensive player this Team would be much better.  Pushing out Hartnell or Voracek would give some much added depth on the wing as well.


    The way I look at this anymore - G will never be able to dominate like a Crosby, Stamkos or Malkenstein.   He is going to need the players on his line to produce at or near an elite level.   If you buy a Porsche you dont put cheap tires on it...   just like if you pay someone 8M a year you cant put slop on the ice next to him...


    In the end I would still dangle B Schenn out there and see what is around.   Maybe you could package both Schenn's in a deal...  



    Your reasoning is sound. And for all we know, Homer will shock us with something to get a scorer. Tonight's game gave further insight on our offensive ineptitude. 




    • Like 1
  18. They definitely need a skilled winger, I don't disagree with you there.


    I think the question is what would you be willing to trade to get one?

    I am not sure I'd trade for anybody now.  I want to see what they do with the current roster. But I hope that the franchise gets another puckmoving d-man and maybe we draft some people who can score.  



  19. This annoyed me, because it just reminded me of all the times during the season when he didn't do ****.




    I am not longing for the good old days or saying that both of these players should have been kept aboard. But I don't see a very skilled guy other than Vinnie who shows "magic" within 10-15 feet of the net and turns garbage into goals. Hartnell is a power dude. I am talking a skilled guy who almost pulls the puck out of the air. I don't see a sniper but agree Read has a quick release.  Right now I would be happier with a team that can get the puck on the net in the first place.




  20. Greetings:


    Earlier today I was thinking that our scoring from in close is lacking because we don't have a skilled set of hands in front of the net.  Briere-Gagne could pounce on pucks and/or take feeds from behind the net. Mes' assist to Coots was an exception to what we've seen this year.  I know why Briere and Gags were let loose...but I wonder who on this roster can replace their skill set?




  21. i agree with you, howie, the team lacks a consistent, 60 minute effort. their forecheck is sporadic, at best, and they lose so many little battles that i really believe they need a heart transplant. simmonds is the only guy i see busting his ass on every shift. giroux and voracek (one of my favorite players) should be ashamed of themselves for the number of shifts they take off.


    and, while i applaud the chief for instilling defensive principles, those said principles mean nothing if the team doesn't work hard ALL THE TIME.


    the tampa loss was really alarming because the flyers looked inept breaking out of their own zone and couldn't handle tampa's forechecking pressure - simply because they lost all of the battles along the boards. i am not exaggerating - they lost all of them. it's not rocket science here. the team that battles hardest usually wins and yet time and time again, the flyers get outworked.


    i really love what the chief is doing but i really think this team needs to get grittier and tougher.  


    the third line of couturier, downie and read is by far our best unit because they have the guts to battle for the puck EVERY SHIFT (and i have been one of couturier's biggest bashers). sadly, the same cannot be said of giroux, hartnell, voracek, and b schenn.


    the next time giroux forgets to backcheck, he should be benched; i think that would send a message to the rest of the team.

    I would say we were fortunate tonight that Mason's work kept us in the game.  Otherwise...more poor offense.



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