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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. After last night's game in SJ I think "addition by subtraction" may help this team.  Simply let the youngins step up and let the old-timers fade away. Seriously, we played our best defensive effort of the year without Timonen and with Gus.  As some have said, playing the youngins last year had positive results.





  2. To me, there is absolutely no point in squeaking into the playoffs, only to get knocked out in the first round. We do not have the leadership, consistency or defense to get far  in the playoffs. Timmo can never survive a long physical series. Sometimes its better to take 2 steps back in order to take a step forward. So the Flyers should be sellers at the deadline.

    When you make a trade at the deadline , teams are bidding against each other for that final piece to the Cup, you get a much better return than if you made the same trade in the offseason.


    To me these are the guys we look to trade...and Hartnell gets us the best return for sure ,since we are not trading G, Simmonds, Voracek ,etc


    Hartnell -playoff bound teams would love a warrior like Hartnell, he is made for playoff hockey, there are not all that many physical wingers with a scoring touch out there.


    Timmo- many teams would love a seasoned veteran like Timmo for the playoffs


    VLC- not sure if we can dump his big contract, but we have to hope for a key  injury  to another team and they may be desperate.


    Streit- its a longshot but worth a try, again we have to hope for an injury on defense



    One of our young centers  Schenn, Coots or Laughton for a top young upcoming defenseman.


    As much as everyone wants to dump Luke Schenn and Mez, we really can afford to dump too many defenseman



    Thoughtful post Sir Ron.  I never pondered Hartnell but he might get some sniffs. Mez is a strange one to assess. The trade-off between talent and injury-magnet/prone is well...tough. I might keep him but nowhere near what he's getting now..  





  3. Greetings:


    I reckoned Super Bowl Sunday warranted speculation on the Flyers' at the trade deadline...would rather focus on a puck than on two teams I don't frankly care about one way or the other. 


    FYI, if I believe the Puck Daddy, this has been one of the quietest trading years to date--only 13 when there would normally be about 20. You have to reckon that the Olympics has played a role, as does the short-term cap constriction this year.


    OK, I am not going to put myself in Homer's shoes.  But if I did, what might go through my mind:


    1) With the cap going up next year, salary dumping is not as important as prior years;

    2) My farm club is mediocre at best and as others have pointed out, doesn't seem particularly gifted with the exception of Heeter.  Our recent defensive drafts may be too early in their trajectories to make heads or tails of them;

    3) My forward corps is strong but my D is aging and slow; good D-men will be hard to acquire via free-agency.  


    Where does this lead me?


    A) Emery may be trade-bait--some team may give a second rounder to have a solid 1A goalie on hand. I doubt he wants to live in Emery's shadow.


    B) While I would hate to lose him, I wonder if Read is a candidate.  Moderate cap hit for a versatile player.  Raffl may be seen as a cheaper substitute.


    C) Luke Schenn is packaged with minor leagues or low-round drafts for a second rounder.  He is not mobile but he is physical. He might fetch something.


    D) Raffl's success reinforces this franchise's belief that it can acquire solid players outside of the draft (Read, correct)?


    E) Timmonen or Mesz might be moved for different reasons--the former might want a chance to play for a Cup contender before hanging up his skates; the latter may be dumped to a team willing to take a chance of his rehab.  Either might fetch a second or third rounder. 


    Bottom line: I think Homer is relatively quiet. We stand to get a fair-to-middlin pick on the first round. I don't see big changes.  Of course, tomorrow Homer will probably dump half the squad.


    Any takers?







  4. Greetings:


    I think last night's game against Anaheim underscored the lack of talent.  I agree with Berube that the team worked. But work ethic can only go so far. The Center Ice feed was from Anaheim--they observed lack of skating speed on the Flyers' part.  The D is getting skated through. Or it is too dependent on blocking shots and doesn't have the talent or mindset to prevent them.  Meanwhile, Mason looks like a fool because he's blinded by his own D.



    • Like 1
  5. I just posted this on the other thread to jammer, but I'll repeat it here.  They'll make a trade just to give the appearance of trying.   The last thing they want is to look like there's no hope and they certainly don't want to be honest about "it may take a couple years."  It's about ticket and merchandise sales.  Nothing boosts both more than bringing in some big name whether he fits or doesn't.  The Facebook and HFBoards crowd will keep hitting the feeder bar and eat it up.

    I am willing to support your motion!


  6. Greetings:


    I may not make it through the whole game tonight but will try.  


    The trade versus patient development theme is "old hat" for this board but like the Plague it comes back after every losing streak.  I think Snider-Homer are an impatient duo. Moreover, I worry about this organization's ability to draft/develop outside of forward. You put those things together and what do you get--lot's of frustration.


    The Vinny deal may be a real nail in Homer's coffin. I concur with Pinnacio's assessment--this is bad in terms of current productivity and it is even worse in terms of denying playing time to up-and-comers. 


    Our franchise's performance since the first strike has been a roller coaster. And I don't think it is a coaching issue. It is a management problem. 





  7. After Saturday's debacle I think it is a natural reaction (for Flyers fans moreso) to overreact.   I understand the Flyers were outclassed and outplayed in just about every facet of the game on Saturday.   The Bruins were relentless w/ the forecheck which is the #1 ingredient when it comes to easily beating the Flyers.   The defense simply can't read the pressure to make a good first pass and the forwards are not in position to help defense on the breakout.   This has been the issue since last year and with the current roster it will not get measurably better anytime soon. 


    I think the one thing that needs to be readjusted, or for some of us I would say regrouped, are the expectations this season.  This Team is, at very best, barely a playoff Team in a weak Metro Division.  Before the season started this roster, in particular the defense, was not going to be an above average or average Team.   The defense has no mobility other than Coburn and Streit and the rest of the group are "stay at home" type defensmen that quite frankly are not very good defensive players on whole. 


    This Team is incapable of beating good Teams on a somewhat consistent basis:  It took the second month of the season to beat the Pens to finally notch a win against a good Team.  The next win against a good opponent was in December against the Wings.   Looking at this years schedule they simply can not close out good Teams and have trouble maintaining a lead against bad Teams.  Combacks are great but they have been against average Teams for the most part. 


    There are a number of issues that need to be resolved before this team is considered a legit playoff team:


    • #1 is defense.
      • There are no #1 dmen available via trade.   The defense needs to be blown up and retooled so my hope is that Homer can retool the defense.   Why Gus has been in the pressbox is beyond explanation.  Give the kid some minutes and see what he can do night in and night out. 
      • Fluke Schenn is and was not the answer.  Give him some rest in the pressbox and let Hal Gill serve him some nice buttery popcorn and teach him what it means to be a professional.
      • Streit:   Why we acquired him I understand but why is he on the 2nd line Power Play?  Kimmo needs to be moved to the 2nd unit and give Streit some time to QB the PP with his shot.
      • Mezz:   Although he has had a nice run I think he needs to be traded, or at worst, let him walk at the end of the year.   He is a defensive liability.  It is nice that he is getting goals but we need people that can play defense - let Streit and Gus be the offensive type defensmen.
    • #2 is Wing:
      • I am a big Jake fan and I would keep him on the top line but G and Jake need a pure shooter.  Someone that can finish.  Raffl is not that guy.
    • # 3 is the logjam at Center:
      • It is becoming more apparent that VLC really does not have a spot on this Team.  Personally, I think VLC needs to be played at Center. 
      • How many Centers does it take to fill a linuep?  Why are we always drafting Centers?   We have talented kids and talented vets that are continuously being asked to play out of position.   While some think this may not be an issue w/ the way the game is played today it does take time to adjust and not as easy as X1, X2 and X3.   Some adjust well and others do not.
      • What happens when Laughton comes up?
    • #4 is Coaching:
      • I do think Berube has done a very good job but why would you sit Mezz over Schenn when Mezz is finally playing with confidence.  He is still a defensive liability but he is scoring goals.  Schenn is a defensive liability and does not score.
      • The line tinkering to fit VLC in the lineup needs to be addressed.  Have him Center the 4th line if it needs to happens.
      • Rosehill should not be in the lineup - period.  End of story.  I could care less if the other Team is dressing a goon.  Like it or not that part of the game is no longer needed.
    • #5 is Intangibles:
      • What and where is the heart and soul of this Team?  Someone that plays w/ smarts and an edge...  Someone to lift the Team in a time of need.   I hear all the same things from G and Kimmo.  Where is the accountability when someone is not doing their part.  IE:  like Pronger getting in G's face for not playing the right way.
      • Youth: this is the #1 question and  I do not think there is an answer right now.   Is Cooter and Schenn developing at the right pace?  Are they the future of this organization?  Will the Flyers and fans have enough patience to let them develop?
      • Goaltending:  Although I do not think Mason has played great over the past few weeks I think he is a product of an incredibly bad defense.   With that being said he is going to have to be the best player on the ice each and every night for this Team to win.  


    I am not in favor of trading away the youth or Giroux.  G is still a young Captain and I think he will be fine.   The question is how do you retool the defense and add a legit scoring winger w/out moving some of the young core?  IMO it is time for Homer and the Stooges to start building a team through the draft.  Dare I say a new perspective?


    Stop throwing away second round picks like used tissues and draft.   In todays world of the salary cap and teams holding onto defensemen it becomes clear that drafting players is the most important aspect of any organization.  I am okay w/ a losing season this year and honestly was not expecting the playoffs to begin the year.  It takes years and patience to build through the draft but IMO is the only way to truly build a Team.   Not treating Team like a puzzle every other year.  The revolving door of players needs to stop.  Create consistency in the Club by **building** a team.   Is it easy?  No but it works. 


    Just some random rambles from one murraycraven.   Cheers.



    This is an excellent post and your ramblings are better than most folks' "learned opinion."


    I would not overreact either. But as I mentioned in the thread on Morganti's piece, we need to consider the architect and staff.  Being deliberative/patient means little if the design and execution of future plans leave a lot to be desired.  Since the '04-'5 strike we have seen a lot of inconsistency. And that spans what, four coaches.  Our two flukey deep playoff runs seem like...flukes. Meanwhile, I am unsure of long-term direction and I wonder if this team can draft/build anyone outside of the forward position.


    Peace, and one of the joys of this board is the intelligence of posts...no Philly.com schlock...hats off to the moderator and gang.



    • Like 1
  8. Greetings:


    I agree that a loss to one of the best teams in the league is important but would also note that manner of the loss (looking inept) is important. And he is saying this was a kind of defining moment for the season, which makes some sense.


    At some point people have to ask: "The inconsistency of this team has now run through four coaches over seven seasons.  Our two deep playoff runs were unexpected (one from making the playoffs on the last day of the regular season). We are going in circles with unclear forward momentum.  And our winning seasons still reflect poor performance against top teams.  Something is amiss with how the team is designed."  I think Homer is a good guy but I wonder if he is the GM we need.  And I think Hextall may be too much of an insider as well.



  9. Greetings:


    This mix of players is having a tough time and without superb goaltending, they are toast. At some point the architect has to take responsibility. Whether that will happen in this environment is a different story/question.  Our inbreeding in the organization may be costly.  




  10. Jammer:


    I am almost tempted to start a thread along these lines. I'd argue that if we've signed Mason long-term and could get a 2nd or 3rd rounder for renting out Emery, I'd do it. Mason may or may not be the answer but this signing tells me "other" wouldn't be playing more than 20 or so games a year if indeed Mason is the starter (OK, maybe 20-25 for other in the New NHL). At 1.8 million, Emery may be a costly backup. But I am no GM.





  11. Jammer:


    Don't forget Yann Danis. He has his cup of coffee with the big leagues; I suspect either he could be called up and/or Heeter get's called and they leave it with Danis or "other."  Candidly, at some point this franchise may need to bring up a minor league player in goal to show it can do so.  Nitty was our last youngin brought up for any length of time...I think.




  12.   Just took a look at the Phantom stats, not very impressive at all. There seems to be a distinct lack of scoring down there in  Adirondack.





     Some thoughts.


     1) The only one who is close to a point per game is Jason Akeson, with 35 pts in 40 games. With the Flyers struggling to score, perhaps he is worth a look. My big problem there is, he looks like a tweener. That is, he plays a top 6 forward type game, but does not have the physical attributes to play on the 3rd or 4th lines in Philly. Don't see him displacing any top 6 forwards on the Flyers, so unless there is a sudden burst of injuries, can't see him making the jump, also...not a great skater, so that does not help his cause. Add in the fact he's a -12 at the AHL level and it does not look good for him having a pro career.


     2) Next in line is Chris Newbury with 25 pts in 32 games. We all know he is a bit older and will never be a legit points contributor at the NHL level. He could be a call up if toughness is required, then his respectable AHL numbers could help his cause. His 112 PIM are par for the course.


     3)Ben Holmstrom and Petr Straka's 19 pts each are very meh, but at least Straka is on the younger side and early in his pro career. Ben is now 26 and dangerously close to being a career minor leaguer. Last years brief call up might have been the swan song for Ben.


     4)Sitting 8th in Phantom scoring is Tye McGinn. This is very disappointing. Some (including myself) see a bit of a power forward type in Tye, but if your not lighting it up in the A after a few years, the chances of doing it in the NHL are slim to none. What once looked promising is now flirting with mediocrity.


     5) Nick Cousins has an underwhelming 4 goals and 9 assists in 33 games. It *is* his first year pro, have to remember there is a learning curve, but even 1st year kids have better stats than this if they hope to make the leap to the next level eventually. I suspect his skating could be one of the problems.


     6) Another prospect who is not tearing things up is Marcel Noebels. A pretty sad 1 goal and 5 assists in 29 games. I really thought he would score at this level. The chances of him getting called up with these kind of horrid stats is nil.


     7) Oliver Laurisden is not an offensive type of d-man, so the fact he only has 5 assists does not matter much. He does lead the team in plus/minus with a +7, so that is something to build on. He is also showing his physical side with 106 PIM, which is promising.


     8) Of course, one of the lone shining stars is goalie Cal Heeter. He is among the league leaders with a 2.17 GGA and a sparkling .927 save %. The fact that almost every Phantom is a minus with this type of outstanding goaltending speaks volumes as to how very crappy this team is.




     Overall, you can't put a lot of stock in the point totals because this Phantom team might be our worst ever AHL squad....literally no depth there and even the top pp looks putrid.


    Thanks for the write-up; it is as others note a farm club depleted by trade and what I suspect is second tier scouting.  Heeter's performance may be of note if Emery is traded away by the deadline. Candidly, it may be time to stop the rotation and give Mason the reins to see if he is the real deal and have a backup like Heeter ready if needed. 


    I would bring Lauridsen up sooner than later.


    Thanks again,



  13. It makes no sense whatsoever... None. I still do not see what people are excited about with Guy honestly buy he is the least of our worries.

    Maybe a high draft pick is not out of the question after all



    A high draft pick may not matter with this GM. We will either botch the pick or rush his development....or trade elsewhere to blossom.



  14. Greetings:


    Giroux is what he is...an upper-middle class but not necessarily elite player. Did we overpay him?  Probably.  We never accept losing here for long, so there is no accumulation of first rate players. We have to hope and pray that mid-first rounders and behind picks will morph into game changers. Or that we have the patience to let those folks gel.  Does that happen?




  15. Greetings:


    This was a good afternoon for mixing laundry with the game. Doing the laundry was more enjoyable than watching this muck.  I am wondering if we have an AHL squad in drag.  I will stick with my statement of earlier this week here....the "Berube Effect" may be wearing off. Yep, we got a stretch of defensively responsible hockey and effort that came from wanting to please a new coach. But now the flaws in the defense and the parts being less than the whole are showing up. 


    Goal is even concerning me. Mason may be what his critics pointed out. But I even worry about Emery. That said, with this D, Bernie and Bobo would wither. There is no teamwork. Even the announcers, who are Comcast Homers, speak the truth. 


    This stretch will say a lot about the character of the team but more importantly, I think it will tell us that Holmgren and staff may not be particularly good judges of talent. On that score, Iginla at 1.8 million is a real bargain compared to Vinny.


    My apologies for dumping. But seeing the old geezers like Schultz and Leach in the stands made me think about a franchise that had pride, character, and skill.  Can we say the same about this bunch?



  16. and some on this board claimed that Downie was "just what this Team needed" :ph34r:


    take solice in the fact that the Flyers are an average Team in a terrible division.  No matter how good the offense and goaltending may be this Team will never go anywhere w/ this defense.  


    Also not sure how anyone can say Mason is like Bryz... I will take Mason any day of the week.   Has he been perfect lately?  No...he has done enough to keep them in the game on most nights and very good late in the game.  We will see where they stand in the upcoming games b/c it wont be easy to get points.


    PS:  Please, please rid this group of Fluke Schenn...   please.  



    I seem to recall that Bryz had an amazing stretch in his first season when when we thought he performed up to his cost. I think Mason has potential and may pan out. And our D sucks. That said, I think he has been inconsistent.  



  17. Greetings:


    I hope to G_d that the "Berube Effect" isn't wearing off. Agreed with Poulin that the effort seemed lacking. But FD is right on the D--look porous at times due to limited speed and mobility. Schenn's coughing up the puck cost us dearly.


    Mason is become....I hate to say it...."Bryz-like."  He makes brilliant stops that show amazing athleticism. Then he lets in goals that seem soft. Tonight, I wouldn't fault him on the game winner. Yes, it was a juicy rebound. But nobody was around to impede Jurusti.


    Tomorrow's game with Columbus should be interesting.



  18. Greetings:


    I think Ron Jeremy's assessment is spot on. This D has limited mobility and I am afraid Berube's system of tight checking is already limiting our solid forwards' ability to attack. We have too many short-term  defensive lapses because our D is simply not capable of restraining people like Tavares. Maybe Bourdon makes a miracle comeback to fill a position.  Mason and Emery (or his replacement) are OK. Our forwards are fine. This D is our Achilles heel. 



  19. Greetings:


    If he finishes strong, we offer a one-year deal well south of current salary as a sort of try-out--ala Gervais. Otherwise he is is history. It's sad how injury-riddled he's been of late.  In this organization, lack of depth at D puts more value on him that we should assign. But as others in this thread have noted--where does the A help us? Who trades a good D-man in their prime? 



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