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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. Agreed Howard,


    I haven't watched very closely this year, more lately, but here is my 2 cents on the whole "stamp" thing:


    What I see lately is a team where the guys are starting to look like they want to play for each other.


    You certainly see it with Simmonds taking on two guys at once and helping Vinnie out.That stuff is important and goes noticed in the room. But you have to see it all over the ice, all the time, every game. And I don't see that with the Flyers. Yet. Dare to dream I guess.


    I think I'm seeing it in Winnipeg right now under Maurice. He gave them structure or whatever, yeah, but what is noticeable is the commitment to playing it. Ultimately, that means commitment to each other and to the collective "project."


    That's when character starts to matter a whole bunch and you can throw all the x's and o's out the window along with all the "systems" talk. IMHO what Berube represents is the opportunity for an otherwise disparate group of players to get there, because they are playing for a player, a tough one, who obviously stayed in the league all those years by hard work and commitment. You know it when you see it, but I think it also shows up in stats, as proxies, in things like blocked shots. One of the things about blocked shots is that they are a very noticeable thing. They are pretty tangible evidence of a player's commitment to the project. Because it damn well hurts!


    Anyway, you know it when you see it, this thing.


    To bring it back to Mason and the OP, personally, I'm not worried about him. In fact, I think Steve Mason is plenty committed - and plenty motivated - to be a rock back there if you could put that kind of team in front of him.

    Long time no hear...glad you posted. I hope you are right about Berube. It would be good to see this team grow.  As a long-time fan it might be nice to see us back in the elite. Heck, I might even live to see another Cup....





  2. This is a good thread. I will add the following. I am wondering if our inconsistency reflects the way the team was put together? We build via trade/free agency. This is not a team with a "stamp" that comes from growing together. I hope that changes under Berube.  





  3. The fact that the Flyers are always leading (or close to it) the league in PIM and minors is baffling.


    Under Berube, we lead the league (15.6 pims/game)


    Under Laviolette we led the league a few times, and the year of the Cup run (2010) we were 2nd at 16.6 pims/game.


    Different coach, and only 4 of the same players. Same result.


    Under Stevens in 2007 we were 3rd in the league with 17.9 pims/game (leader was 18.1 pims/game).


    In Hitch's first year (2002) after taking over from Barber, the Flyers were one of the least penalized teams, but then in his second year, we were one of the most penalized again (5th most pims/game).


    Different coaches, completely different squads, same result.


    Can anyone explain it? Is it just the Broad Street Bully mentality? Or is there something else? Two of those coaches were from outside of the organization, two of them from within. 


    I say that because I keep hearing - over many many years now - about how the Flyers need to cut down on penalties, play a more disciplined game, blah blah blah, yet nothing changes, regardless of coach or players on the ice.

    What's really going on?

    Howdy:  Excellent point and I suspect you answer your own question. The emphasis on "toughness"  is translated into stupid penalties.  





  4. Greetings:


    I found myself strangely detached from tonight's win. Yes, the O looked good. But instead of putting this sucker away they almost coughed up a loss. I am wondering if Mason is as alert as he possible. His awareness after a save seems impaired. The D is spaced.  I think Voracek saved the win by keeping the momentum.  A win is a win but this was almost a reversal of last Sunday.


    Peace, and I am glad Homer kept the core together...at least for now.



  5. Greetings:


    I am beginning to wonder if Long Island is now viewed as Defense Minor for our team...Gervais, Streit, and now...Andy. . .This is hard to assess. I agree the price of possible resigning is the bone of contention.  Let's hope this isn't Baumgartner II.  I recall we got him after a "breakout" year....yabba dabba doo.





  6. Brelic:


    Good to hear from you. 


    It might be nice to see if this organization could develop a goalie...heck, even a backup. I have to think that at some the goalies in Adirondack reckon they exist to be cut loose. Other than Nitty, I can't even remember someone we called up other than Little for a game or too. I don't even remember if Bobo spent time in the minors.




  7. Greetings:


    I thought he might start the third today to give experience and jump start the squad. 


    My gut says Emery's days as a Flyer are nearing an end. He is too costly to have as a backup, he is not a 1A, and we might be seeing physical deterioration.



  8. FC:


    I guess this was the game thread...interesting assessment.


    I think you are saying that it was good we didn't drink the Miller Cool Aid...yes, agreed.


    I think this game was the best and worst of the Flyers.  The best was grit and forward skill, and to some extent, critical saves by Mason. At its worst, we saw that our D either gives up bang-bang goals  or fails to give the goalie clear sight.  This was a tough one to assess..but glad we got two points.


    Berube may be the unsung hero.  He must have gotten them motivated.





  9. King:


    This was a pick-up to stir the pot when we are in our lousy start mode. I think history will judge this to be one of Homer's poorer moves.  I do not think he will be resigned. I don't even think he is trade-bait as rental.


    This is a game where our good work ethic is being undercut by lack of speed and clearing ability of our D (the third goal).  Downie is only part of the problem and I think he will be gone soon.  Our D and its rebuild won't be so easy.





    • Like 1
  10. The danger with last night's "boys vs. men" loss is that it could push Homer into panic mode right before the trade deadline.



    I hope not. But the mentality of Snider and colleagues is short-sided so you may be right. i am glad the fans booed last night. The team deserved it.



  11. I am sorry for dumping on the boys but the denizens of the board agreed this was a turd.  I was thinking this was a "natural experiment."  The stench was as equally bad with Mason or Emery. Both looked shell-shocked. Emery looked nearly comatose. The Rangers game will be an interesting test. Meanwhile, Homer and the brains trust have to pray that our defensive prospects come of age sooner than later. It's amazing to think that the absence of a 39 year-old warrior means so much. Play aside, what's the character of his teammates? 




  12. Greetings:


    Obviously we didn't know the way to or through San Jose tonight. Yikes, this was an awful performance. Our goalies were left out to dry. We ceded the game after the first period. It was almost as if we intentionally let them occupy our turf.  Our D can't cope with a team like SJ...they were too fast.  




  13. Howie, can we have Gudbranson instead?

    I would love to obtain his services. He is the real deal from what I know. I just wonder if they would part with him. Kulikov has had ups and downs. People wonder about commitment but not talent. Maybe he is depressed playing for a chronically bad team. 


    The Panthers will be sellers. The new ownership is disgusted and seeking a cut in their payments at BB & T.  I think they need field a respectable team ASAP.  I think a character guy like Hartnell (Tallon loves that) would be a commodity but he has a NTC, I think.  


    It will be interesting.




  14. Hello:


    What would folks think about raiding my backyard Panthers...one of our forward prospects...or perhaps...a tough guy like Hartnell + a 2nd rounder for Dmitry Kulikov. 



    The guy is mobile.  He has a good shot from the point. He may not be a banger but I see some potential.  This team needs mobility. I am not sure Tallon would part with the dude but I have to believe the new ownership has to field a more competitive team soon.  Come to think of it--they might want a guy like Ray Emery.  Markstrom may or may not be the man. Thomas is 39.  Clemmenson may not be what he used to be.





  15. Greetings:


    This is thought-provoking. I hope we make the playoffs in terms of player development but won't be too surprised or disappointed if we don't. 


    I don't think this team will have the surprise factor on its side.  Since the slow start this team has done very well. We won't be catching anybody unawares.


    Best to all,



  16. Greetings:


    The truth is probably in the middle. Initially he may have made a difference but now I really wonder. I'd give it no more than 50/50 we resign him.  I put myself in the shoes of a coach and wonder what shows up at game time.  


    I could see some team taking a flyer on him for a lot less than current rate if they wanted to add toughness. But in the main, I think he is probably not such a hot commodity.





  17. Downie (UFA) -no- trade at or before the deadline.



    B. Schenn (RFA) - yes-sign to a nice 2-3 year bridge deal like G signed.



    Raffl (RFA) - yes-1 or 2 year for about 1 mill-making-790k now



    Hall (UFA) - yes-on the fence kinda but i say a 1 year deal for about 700K-making 600k now.



    Kimmo (UFA) - yes-1yr, $4M-5mill tops



    Mez (UFA) - no-trade at deadline



    Gus (RFA) - yes-1-2 yr 1.5mill or a nice bridge deal he only has two years till he is 27 and a UFA.



    Gill (UFA) - no-trade him if you can...but something tells me they will keep him.



    Emery (UFA) - no-find a cheaper option my choice even before they signed Emery was Khudobin and would still like him if the Canes let him go. He is only signed this year for 800k all he has done this year was go....12-4 927% 2.16 gaa....that would be big boost here. If not Griess from the Yotes or even...gulp give Heeter a chance at it???????????


    Anyways i'm done GMing...howd i do am i fired?????????????????????????????



    I think you should submit your resume to Homer for appointment as Vice President of Personnel Development....and a no-trade, no-fire clause in your contract.





    P.S. Giving Heeter a shot might be an important signal that we can begin to grow our own in a position we perpetually trade for or get via free agency.

    • Like 1
  18. Greetings:


    I am not as educated a consumer as most here but I think Gus needs a guy like Schenn to make up for his lack of size. But Gus has speed and puck sense. So maybe they are a good pairing!


    Long term, I see one of two things..maybe three, for Kimmo.  First is that it is the end of the road.  Second, we resign him for a finale at far lower than his current salary to serve as third-liner and parent figure until we do have him on the coaching staff (Like Lappy...agreed, he is a warrior) or Lastly, he is traded as a rental to a contender. But his injury status may minimize that chance. In any event, I would rather see the youngins get time.  





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