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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. Howdy:


    Rosehill, Gill....OK, they are probably at the end. Timonen..other threads tell the story. He will stay because this organization's D and G development are backwards. Rinaldo--agree. Hartnell might fetch a decent pick for a team seeking a "character" add; Florida, Edmonton come to mind. VLC...boy, that might be a tough deal to erase.  I might see it happen if he had an improvement this year...and that is a low probability.





  2. Howdy:


    Here is the news from Pitt:




    They have gone 4-5 in playoffs since their 2009 Cup. I guess this is unexpected in that light given the apparent talent level. I am sure he will go somewhere. But I have to wonder if this is an implicit comment on the team's character. They have "talent" but it seems to fall apart late season and playoffs. 


    From a broader perspective, you might say that the Rags, Boston, and Pitt may have hit their tops.  We may be heading forward in the East. 





  3. Good post, Howie.


    I've been thinking about this too, and I've come to the conclusion that I would rather keep Timonen around for one more year at $2-3M as long as he is treated as a 2nd pairing defenseman.


    There are a few reasons for this:


    1. I prefer Timonen to Grossmann. I know Grossmann blocks a lot of shots and can deliver some nice hits, but I would prefer a more mobile 'smart' defenseman like Timonen - even if he has lost a step - on the 2nd pairing for one more year. If they can bring him down to 18 minutes per night, he might be a little fresher.


    2. For the next 2 years, we're committed to 5 defensemen (Streit, Coburn, Grossmann, Schenn, MacDonald). Add in Timonen to that, and we have zero roster spots open this year. Moving Grossmann and/or Schenn opens up one or two roster spots.


    If our blueline looked like this next year, I wouldn't be too disappointed:







    There will be some growing pains for sure. And it looks rather 'soft' for lack of a better word. And small. Real small. But I would rather that than Grossmann and Schenn in there. Hits are nice, but turning over the puck and skating in cement are not so nice. The Rangers exposed that over and over.


    Any better suggestions?



    I would love to see Lauridsen come up. There were some positive flashes and the guy's size is intriguing. I like your idea of mating the rookie and the wise man. Gus is a hard assessment. He has offensive skill and mobility we desperately need. But he gets pushed off the puck quite easily. 


    I hope we don't see a strange pickup in free agency ala Gervais....





  4. Greetings:


    I have a feeling when the final chapter is written on Homer, it will be that he excelled in assessing talent but did a relatively poor job in developing it. I very much respect the man and think we have done well to have him on board. That said, a new set of eyes might help the franchise.


    It is sad that so many folks who've left the fold perform so well elsewhere.  The sad truth is that Homer's desire to hold together his band of young forwards may be compromised by the need to dump one or more to make up for the boneheaded defensive moves + VLC.  That one didn't sit well with me from moment one. And it didn't with most here, and this board is knowledgeable. I can't figure if there was a desire to have veteran presence or whatever.


    Timonen may present another interesting case. Yes...having him around might help. But it might hinder development. And it may cost a lot more than its worth.  


    I think the bottom line is simple--it is in the seventh or eighth inning of Homer's tenure.  Whether it is Hextall or someone else, the fact that there is talk about "the end" says it is being contemplated by a number of folks.  The one plus I see on the event horizon is the Phantoms being a lot closer. It ain't the parking lot but this has to make management easier.  





  5. @yave1964


    Fair assessement. (my comments in RED)



    Cautious optimism. Hope was that a full season of Mason in net and free agent signings Lecavalier, Steit and Emery would be enough to get the club back on track and back into the playoffs.


    Many on here did not think they would even make the playoffs with so many question marks including myself.  I disagreed with the signing of LVC the day that it occured and my feelings have not changed.  As I have stated numerous times, I don't hate LVC. I hate the contract and he was the wrong person for this team.


    Mason was an enigma - I was cautiously optimistic.

    Streit proved me wrong.  Still don't like the 35+ contract but did better than I expected.


    42-30-10 94 points 6th in East


    22 goal scorer Matt Read had 8 short handed points and only 2 PPP. Home cooking was very nice for Voracek and Giroux as they were a combined plus 30 but on the road they were a minus 12.


    On March 22nd the Flyers beat Ryan Miller and the Blues 4-1 for their fifth win in a row giving them a record of 38-25-7 and they were peaking late in the year, a certainty for the playoffs, just a matter of playing for positioning. At that point their record in their past 55 games was a whopping 34-15-6.


    I think the games immediately prior to the Olympics and the games immediately post Olympics showed what this team was capable of.  It was fun for a few games


    Easiest of any team. I was in a hotel room watching the nationally televised game against the Capitals on November 1st against the Capitals. They were destroyed 7-0 to fall to 3-9, Ray Emery came down the ice and beat the hell out of the Capitals goalie who stayed in the game for his shutout, Lecavalier was injured in a fight, newly reacquired Steve Downie in his first game back left in an ambulance and spent the night in the hospital after losing a fight and being concussed. This was the bottom. From there they had a gut check and turned the season around.


    Where to I begin?

    1. As I mentioned in my other post - you CANNOT start the season 4-10-1 and get your coach fired.

    2. Giroux starting out the way he did.

    3. Agree that Caps game and many of us on here infuriated


    Claude Giroux (28-58-86) after a slow start turned it around and is a Hart trophy finalist as the league MVP. Jacub Voracek (23-39-62) continues to excel. Rugged Wayne Simmonds had 29 goals and 60 points and a solid 15 PPG. After a slow start Scott Hartnell (20-32-52) came on strong. Steve Mason was solid as could be in net. Mark Streit (10-34-44) was a good signing at least offensively from the blue line.


    Can't argue much here.  Giroux did finially rebound and we finally found a net minder in Mason. Are Raffl and Akeson diamonds in the rough? Ghost was signed to an ELC.  Future looks bright in the future for the blue-line.  The players seem to buy into Berube.  Better coach than what most of us first thought.


    Vinnie Lecavalier managed 20 goals but did not earn his large contract. Steve Downie managed only 3 goals in 51 games and was out of sync. Ray Emery had some good games but made the fans nervous every time his name was in the lineup. Nicklas Grossman is slowing down to the point of being an orange pylon. Luke Schenn looked lost occasionally and offered zero offense.


    Again, can't argue much here.  Might add the massive amout penalties and turnovers this team collectively committed.  At times, this team simply forgets how to skate.  Oh and may I add such a pi$$$ poor performance to start the season that it earned Lavy his walking papers.


    Giroux easily though Mason was damn good.




    Kimmo Timonen - love the guy but his time is done

    Steve Downie - bye - don't let the door hit you in the a$$$

    Ray Emery - resign? both Heeter and Stolarz are the cheaper options but is it the better option?

    Adam Hall - nice knowing you


    Can Brayden Schenn (21-20-41) play the role of second line center? Is it worth resigning Kimmo Timonen or is he about done? Emery? Is Couturier only a solid defensive forward or were the occasional flashes a sign of offense to come? With several kids looking to break into the lineup next season should they consider trading a solid forward for defensive help?


    1. Can you try to move LVC? He jsut does not fit here. 
    2. How does Laughton fit into the picture?
    3. The Kimmo question. - He comes back ONLY for a very very cheep rate and there are no other options available.
    4. Can Ghost make the line or does he need a year of seasoning in the AHL?
    5. Agree - who is the backup?  Resign or let Heeter / Stolarz fight it out?
    6. B. Schenn / L. Schenn - who stays who goes? I know B. Schenn is still young, but how much longer will the Flyers wait to see if he elavates his game even more?  L.Schenn - just does not skate as hard as he needs to be doing.
    7. Acquire an UFA LW Sniper to play with Giroux - maybe Vanek?
    8. Acquire an UFA D-man? But who?  Try to pry Niskanen away from the Pens?

    Great Job Yave! Thanks for posting!



    My hat is off to both of you for an excellent post and friendly amendments.


    I might add:


    1) Information on concussions with Mason is scary and makes me wonder about his longevity?

    2) Concur that backup question becomes even more critical.

    3) I wonder about the DNA question: Does this team's recruiting and trading revolve around mucker-grinders rather than high-skill/speed players?





  6. Howdy:


    Here are thoughts; some strange but what the hell:


    1) I like Simmonds but if we got a decent D  + high draft pick I might take it. His scoring is good but won't elevate the team..he is the garbage collector...we need a Reggie Leach.


    2) TImonen might be a low-ball signing as mentor.  But not a six million dollar gig.


    3)  I think Emory is allowed to walk and we bring in one of our youngsters


    Giroux, Coots, and Read are keepers, the latter due to flexibility. Raffl may be there as well. Others...say buy.



  7. Then to rephrase: "His presence is influencing decisions to play players out of position"


    He's making $4.25M. He's got "reputation". There's a reason Berube keeps trying to "fix" the scoring problem by moving him back up to the second line. They keep hoping that he will magically emerge - which is actually a better bet than, say, putting an untested kid straight out of juniors into the playoff fray.


    But it still, as MadDog points out, puts into stark relief that the entire VLC experiment has been an egregious mistake.

    Today's post in the Inquirer says the line shifting is semi-desperation. But tweaking doesn't equal talent...I guess.



  8. If We Have A Team Of Muckers And Grinders Why Don't We Take The Body On Every Shift? This Team Has No Identity. Voracek Has Been Our Best Player Bar none This Series. We've Got Quite A Few 20 Goal Scorers This Year But Come Playoff Time A Few Have Disappeared. Quite A Few. Where Is Hartnell, read, Schenn?

    Im Just A Little Disappointed. Go Phils & Birds...



    The muckers are getting outmucked by a good D. And come playoff time they don't have the skill to outperform the D. I would rather have three 30 goal scorers on lines that can break the back of an opponent's D than the crew we have, which has to contain the opponent's breakout and get a superhuman goaltending performance to win. Those were our Cup years 40+ years ago. I am not convinced that will work today.





  9. Sir Canoli:


    You and I have been posting for years. And we have witnessed a great deal. 


    I would love us to come back and take this series. It would be a tribute to grit. 


    But I am looking long-term, and what do I see?


    1) I thought that 2008 was the beginning of a new era. I thought we had adjusted to the New NHL after the 06-07 debacle. Then we started to play poorly.

    2) We had our fluke run for the Cup. But I thought, "well, the Calder Nucleus is going to be built on."  And what next..it is blown apart.


    So, here we have a new run...after a terrible start. But....we stumble to the finish in the regular season and show inconsistency in this series.


    Is this the start of a new era under Berube? Or is this another foray into the upper-middle ranks that will have no carry-over to the next season?  From my vantage--it will be Thanksgiving of 2014 before we know the answer.  But deep down, all the dumb penalties and the lousy power play coupled with the inept offense of this series reinforces my belief that our "balanced" scoring is not necessarily potent scoring.  We shall see!




  10. Greetings:


    I concur with the article.  Notice it isn't authored by Carchidi or Seravalli, who might get burned for this level of candor. Sorry folks, but I do see the Rangers as a more talented team. And I am deeply concerned with the DNA of this team:  Does the GM and his staff continue to put physical strength and toughness ahead of speed and skill?  I've said it before and I will say it again--our poor performance in the shootout may give an indicator of what this team is made of--good to above-average mucker-grinders.  If their "balance" was so good, why aren't some folks scoring to make up for Giroux who is being hacked and checked constantly?  The D is obviously in need of a remake. Goaltending--I think we will still have questions coming out of the season. Mason may be an upgrade. But beyond him, then what?





  11. I think the last two games show a lot and say a lot. They confirm my suspicion that this team's poor performance in the shootout reflects the kind of people the franchise recruits and trades for..mucker grinders.  I am sick of hearing about "balanced scoring." We need potent scoring. And my sense is that Read is RJ redux. Simmonds may be a great garbage collector but he won't break an opponent's back.  VLC was a bad pickup. I concur with Engstrom ( I think) that Hartnell is just slowing down his line mates. I hope Akeson and Raffl are the stuff we need in the New NHL.  But I don't think we can rely on this D and 37 save performances plus to get us into the elite.  That doesn't mean we blow things up. But candidly, I am not sure about Schenn (x2). And our team speed is really not so great. I hope for all our sake that the young D develop.  Yes, our turnaround from a terrible start is something to be proud of, and I think Berube may be a lot better than I and others gave him credit for. But deep down, I worry that our GM and his scouting still see the world through a Cup-Era prism and don't get it.  

  12. Greetings:


    I would probably agree with Rux and go with Mase if healthy. But that is a big if.  Is our friend Emery rested enough? They kept mentioning this was his first back-to-back this season.  


    Goal is important..But what we saw today is that if the Flyers can play a tight-checking, physical game they can win.  They won't win playing a run-and-gun with a team that is faster and more skilled.






    P.S.  Who can identify my new avatar?  Test for the old farts out there.

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  13. Greetings:


    I think if Mason is healthy he starts. I am happy we got a good performance from Razor. 


    Giroux was working and did get a point. He may be forcing Vignault (sp) to waste coverage allowing the lesser lights to score.  This was a must win and the boys showed grit.  We may have found a good young forward in Akeson.  His goal showed good hands and quick reflexes.  Maybe toiling in the A is giving him some hunger and training. Agreed he might be a better fit than Downie for next year.



  14.  Sir Canoli:


    Greetings...I suspect this more than a Merlot or two. If this is a concussion I find it hard to believe he is even trying to skate but I am not an MD.  


    I also hope we are not going down a slippery slope here. Concussion proneness gets worse with every incident.  I didn't realize he's had two of these suckers.



    Well maybe it still happens. Sure doesn't sound good though. Yesterday the writers were saying he looked sharp in practice, he was smiling, talking with reporters.


    Now today we get this lovely image from Seravelli:

    "Mason did not look like himself in practice Saturday. He would stop after a few shots and then rest his head on the cross-bar."


    "rest his head on the cross-bar"? Holy moley...that sounds like a guy who's got no business on skates. I swear (a lot) ... it's just the Flyers' luck to claw all the way back into PO position ... only for Mason to get hurt in G81. Un-f---ing-believable.

  15. I agree that Emery wasn't the problem.  I think it would have been great to see how Mason would perform on "foreign soil" during the playoffs.  And I am concerned short- and long-term about the goalie depth issue. And that may be a bigger issue if Razor is not retained next year, something I assign about a 50-50 odds to.




  16. Greetings:


    I am sorry on the human level that whatever his UBI is, it's preventing his play. And I am sorry for the team. But from a broader perspective I am a bit angered/peeved because we can't see if the guy is a "wartime consiglieri." I was hoping we would see him in the playoffs for a read on his makeup.  If this series is short that might not happen.  On a broader note, let's hope Razor is uninjured or plays at least reasonably well.  Heeter first performance doesn't give a lot of confidence. 





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