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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. Howdy:


    Agreed this is low risk. It's great to see that Europe is now viewed as a feeder. Twenty-five years ago this franchise would have said "EuroTrash" and not paid any attention. 


    I am wondering if we should read something into this with the upcoming draft. Maybe we go for D draft day and look for wingers elsewhere. Or maybe, just maybe...there ain't many nibbles for VLC and we are stuck with him...so wingers come from elsewhere?  Just a thought after some red fermented stuff.



  2. Philly and Grump:


    I like Mason very much. I hope he isn't traded. That said, there might be some who wonder/worry if we had a one-year resurrection that will fade. I hope it doesn't happen.  But I will feel better by Thanksgiving about him and the rest of the team if it's clear we didn't see a one-year rebound.  Maybe some in the front office feel the same way and that it is best to maximize his trade value now. That sounds bizarre.  But it could happen.





  3. Greetings:


    There's a subplot here that points to a deal for a top D man. Does our new GM want to put his stamp on the team sooner rather than later. I think it is sooner. But that is a detached observer who doesn't know what you folks do about these draft picks.  But I agree with many here that the Center position is stacked and something may go.  I also think that as good as he is, Simmonds might be really attractive trade bait. We might fetch a first + something for him.  Again, other than Coots, Voracek, Claude G, and possible Read or Raffl (relatively low cost, great flexibility in the lineup) I think everyone is expendable...maybe even Mason.  





  4. Same to you Howie (you seem to be amiss from here- hope things are okay in your land). 


    I agree with both points. I think Hextall will do fine- as long as he is not a puppet like his predecessors. Van



    Thanks for asking. Work has been very hectic and the O and B are out of post-season.  I also don't want to add to discussions on the specific players potentially drafted because I haven't done my homework. As an educator, you have the right to shoot me if I violate that principle (smile).





  5. Mojo:


    Berube echoes your thinking when he talks about speed being more than skating; it is acting instinctively.  When I watch Detroit or LA, you see a teams that look like seamless wholes.  That is probably talent. But you are on point--coaching has something to do with it.





    Hi Howie,

    I have thought about this a little and it has some merit. Though I think the core group has been together , more or less, for 3 years. That is not taking into account VLC being crammed in there . So there should be a level of familiarity by now.

    I also think the Flyers should really practice passing and taking passes on the move, when I watch the Rangers they are tape to tape all over the ice and at top speed. They appear to have 9 or 11 forwards that have really great puck handling skills, now I know Boyle, Dorssett , Haglund and the like weren't wizards with the puck when Fonzi was coaching them but they look highly skilled now.

    Hand -eye coordination drills, something, the Rangers do have good foot speed but their skill level makes them appear even faster.

  6. Yup. Thats why Canadien and USA olympic teams suck. My point being it has nothing to do with trade or draft. I get your point about cohesiveness, but that starts with coaching. I am not putting Chief under the bus here, but just saying. 



    Good to hear from you. I hope our coach stays around for a while. Berube seems to command the respect of his players. Hopefully our GM sees things through a more "developmental" prism.





  7. Murray:


    I like Simmonds and his attitude. But our short- and mid-range needs on defense and wing may lead to his being packaged. But I agree he is good and hopefully durable.  


    Inconsistency is a problem that has plagued this team since the work stoppage of 2004-05.  My gut says this doesn't stop unless or until we keep a cohort of drafted players for a number of years and grow them together with an occasional trade to bolster the mix.  You and I know our approach has been trade-oriented. Until that stops I suspect we will see inconsistency between and within seasons because too many of the parts have come of age elsewhere with different systems. 





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  8. In fairness, Couturier and Mason are also on that list. Hextall has a legitimate nice base to work with in terms of prospects and younger players. I don't think guys who are younger than 27 are going to be moved if Hextall decides to retool. I think you're going to see guys like Hartnell, Lecavalier, Read, Grossmann, maybe Coburn, be guys that Hextall will look at moving. I know Hextall has also said he wasn't going to blow things up on the big club because he said he liked the roster that Holmgren put together, but there needs to be some tweaking of the roster and that the farm system needs to be vastly improved. Hextall played a huge role in the LA Kings farm system when he was the assistant GM there, so you can bet he's going to seek to improve the farm immediately. 


    I don't think Hextall is going to go free agent shopping either. The Flyers have about 7 million in cap room and with big contracts like Vinny and Grossmann on the roster, it limits his flexibility in terms of what he can do. That's part of the reason I honestly believe that he'll deal both them. Hextall will want some cap flexibility as well as get some half decent prospects for them. Part of me hopes that if Hextall can move Vinny to Nashville, that the rights to Del Zotto come the other way. I think he'd be a guy who would benefit from John Paddock's coaching (the guy has been an excellent coach when it comes to developing defensemen). As well, if Hextall can deal Grossmann for picks or B level prospects, that would be something that would help add to the farm. It also frees up a spot for a guy like Alt, who's upside is that of a legitimate second pairing defenseman. 


    I know there was talk that with the draft being in Philadelphia that the Flyers were probably going to make a big splash. I honestly don't see them doing that with Hextall on board. He seems to be really committed to building through the draft and I think that's going to be the m.o. going forward.


    By the way, i still hope it's Robby Fabri from Guelph who they end up drafting. I'll say this right now. For all the talk that Sam Reinhart and Sam Bennett get, I think Fabri is right up there with them in terms of skill and compete level. This guy is a legit talent that if teams are patient with him, they'll be rewarded greatly. He's a little light right now, but the weight will come. 



    First of all, welcome to the board and I hope you find this a congenial place. I think it is and you seem to be adding some good stuff!

    I have not had the time to read up on the draft picks. My sentimental pick would be Kapanen, but he may not be around or that good...and we can't make decisions on sentiment. On the other hand...if his toughness is like his dad..that will make up for skill.


    Coots...OK, he may be a Selke winner. But at some point, this franchise may say we need something other than a top defender. Mason...interesting. I hope his resurrection is for real.  


    Meanwhile, welcome again!  Living in Florida, I have had lots of reminders that today is the start of hurricane season. Well, it is now the month of the draft too.




  9. Canoli:


    In recent history we thought there were cohorts of young players to build around. Then there were blow-ups. Heck...if someone offered us a first-rounder plus a decent winger for Simmonds I would consider, not because I really want to trade the guy, but if this team is as cap strained as we read/here, spreadsheet mentality says one of our big names goes because of bean counting. And remember, I am not so sure we dump Vinnie as easily as some here think...and what if we have to eat cap/salary to do so?




  10. Howdy:


    Putting aside whom to pick, backtrack and ask what mode is Hextall in? Is he really going to keep this core? Or does he basically say other than Giroux, Voracek,Simmonds, and Raffl (he's cheap) anyone is expendable? Seriously--if this D is as bad as everyone thinks, and our prospects will take 2-3 years...everything is possible? But I don't see Tallon giving up his top rung picks.  


    We didn't think Richards are Carter were going anywhere, right? 



  11. I'm betting the house that Trotz (whom I like) will ultimately be an abject failure in Washington. Not until or unless Ovechkin is gone.

    It's a shame (good thing for Flyers) that Pittsburgh did it's absolutely retarded "keep the stupid coach" thing because Trotz would have been such a better fit there.

    Rux: I agree with your assessment. My friendly amendment is Trotz's AHL days were more "run-and-gun." His self-assessment in Nashville is that he adopted a style to the talent he was given. But I agree that Ovie may be a liability unless he is "amended."





  12. hey Howie - good point about Trotz, if anyone can get it done in Washington he's the one. (meaning get #8 to play at least some defense)


    I'm not terribly worried about Mason but what you say about the Flyers' D is right on the money I think. Everything I hear out of the Flyers' camp points to small moves this summer and I don't like the sounds of that. There may not be a lot to choose from but there are UFA/RFA D-men who can help us.


    You and I seem to be in the minority now; everybody else is clamoring for a winger to slot into the top line. I feel like, unless LSchenn and Mac both take huge steps next season we're going to be stuck in our own zone a lot - again. Gus is gone, Streit is what he is, and then there's Coburn, Grossmann and maybe Kimmo. To me it's obvious those top 6 aren't good enough - in transition especially but also just basic coverage down low. Mason bailed them out so many times I just don't see how we can hope to compete without getting better defensively.



    Good to hear from you. The uncertainty with this team over the last few years leads me to the usual "I will wait until Thanksgiving to judge" comment. Seriously, I just don't know what to say about this group. Hextall says one thing...maybe he does another. Our D is suspect. I think the forwards are more mucker grinders with few exceptions. On that score, even with his versatility, I might trade Read. He is dependable and steady...but basically an Unberger. B. Schenn...who knows?





  13. Phlyer, Occam and Sar:


    Agreed that Ovie may get a good swift kick...or might be told to cut 15 goals and go +15 instead of 51 goals and-17.  Yes, I think we will be better if only because this group knows what they are capable of when playing as a team.  My fear is that the Mason Resurrection may fizzle (hope I am wrong) and that we don't do much to help our D.  Only time will tell.



  14. Greetings:


    I have a lot of respect for this guy. I think he will get more commitment out his players or have them done away with. Columbus will be no patsy in coming years. I suspect Trotz will get these guys to play a team concept with better D.  This is only one more reason we play in what has to be one of the most competitive divisions in all of professional sports.





  15. Greetings:


    Emery may be an expensive backup under the cap. Health plays a role too. I like the guy but attach low probability to a resigning. 


    Hartnell is probably stuck here; too costly. I'd keep Hall unless we have a youngin who could take faceoffs as well, and who'd understand a role to be played. A "rehabilitated" VLC may fetch more at the trade deadline than what we might get now...and that may not be much.


    Deep down, I suspect everyone but Voracek, G, and Simmonds may be up for grabs.  The question is who'd do the grabbing?



  16. FC:


    Work keeps me off the street but like Timex, I take a licking and keep on ticking. 


    The guy is a class act and his work in TB with charities paints a good picture. At 56 I begin to think about my own legacy.  This guy may not want to go out in a place where he is mauled by fans and media.  Agreed, I might not want the Tundra. But in the bottom feeders there may be few expectations.  He will have little slack in Philly or other first-tier franchise. He also knows that Berube has no problem demoting him if warranted.  That has to be on his mind.


    Peace and defend "The True North Strong and Free."

  17. Howie, yes, we could eat half his salary. What I wonder, is if we could go to a cap floor team and offer to eat half the salary, but they keep the whole cap hit - THAT would be the best possible scenario. I've seen conflicting reports on whether that's permissible and I don't have the time to go through the actual CBA to get the answer. As FC says, getting him to accept the move is the hardest part. Trading the contract is far from impossible.

    AJ:  Thanks for the clarification.  Per the response to FC, I wonder if he is sold on a new start and a pleasant end to a HOF career. i suspect that here he faces continued line shuffling and media derision/disgust, along with boos from the fans. Boy, I don't know the cap space rule either but you raise a great Q.  My other point is self-criticism...the bottom feeders may have the most space but they may not approach he cap either. I have to do some work to see what the minimum is for the next year. I can say the new Panthers owner is no cheapskate. Viola is a billionaire and will spend more than his predecessors. 





  18. FC:


    I hope all is well. Good to hear from you.


    You raise a great question.  I might not want to go to one of these teams.  But...he might be facing a tough question. Does he stay here and get kicked around in the line-up and questioned by the media?  Or does he go to a place and say, "I have a chance of ending my career on a team where I build a new foundation and have some fun along the way?"  He might choose the latter.  Maybe I am an idealist...or just stupid...




  19. Greetings;


    Here is the Capgeek post that shows who has what heading into next year.




    Take a gander at the bottom five with the most money left over.  Factor in who might night need a "character" player.  


    My backyard Panthers are in the hunt. Edomonton, Calgary, and Buffalo...well, who knows.  I do not know the rules on trades in which we eat cap...could we eat half his salary?




  20. Greetings:


    Thanks for the posting. I can't say this is surprising. But I also wonder if this is for popular consumption. Deep down, I have to believe he is concerned with fixing the defense. But I am not a GM.




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