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Posts posted by Howie58

  1. As we approach the draft I could see him packaged. Some team well under the cap might take him on as means of building character--my nearby Panthers are a possibility. We send him with a second rounder and some prospects and/or a Nick Grossman.  I can't see him being moved on a standalone deal. But i am no GM.  


    The only "long-term" hope we have is a career stabilization that allows for trading later this season. But that is low probability. But if the Hartnell deal is an indicator, VLC has been sent some clear signals about his long-term fit or lack thereof. And that might pry loose the NTC.



  2.  Howdy:


    It is what it is. We do get some flexibility down the road. It ain't a biggie. I suspect from what the Inquirer wrote that Hexy may have made Hartnell a tad uncomfortable, hence the willingness to waive. I guess the question for us is whether a change in venue makes Umberger a better player. I always liked his work ethic. If the deterioration in his numbers is permanent, this is just a reduction in cap down the road and little more. 





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  3. Howdy:


    I think this is one where the cliche about change of scenery has some truth. Scottie can be an elder statesman who guides a young group and adds grit. If he averages 15-20 goals and lends toughness, that's cool, even if second line.


    RJ will probably like to be back here. We liked him. This is not a great Wow trade but it does open up space for youngins on our top two lines and gives us a very credible guy like Read who will work to earn his keep and probably show a lot of flexibility.  I wish Scottie well. 





  4. In the past years (meaning Clarke's era), I would say that was where the Flyers graviated, yes.  But I am not sure how you can make this case now with both Schenns, Couturier, Jake, Mason, Raffle, Akeson.  Simmonds and Giroux are your two best players on the team, and they are 25 and 26, respectively. That's old?


    They did stick with Coburn, who they picked up from Atlanta when he was green, did they not?  Of the regular-roster players, the team currently has only 4 players who are over 35: Streit and Timonen.  Even VLC is not really *that* old by the NHL standards... Hartnell is 32.  That's not old... 


    So with all due respect, I am really not sure, where you see the "fixation on seniors".


    The winning formula of building a successful team is a healthy mix.  You draft well, you hire coaching personnel who know how to develop, you trade well, and you pick up some free agents. 


    Paul Holmgren can be accused of a myriad of things.  I didn't shy away from being possibly his biggest critics here, and I still maintain he was just not the right man for the GM job.  But building exclusively through veterans and neglecting youth development is not something that the Flyers shoudl be accused of during Holmgren's tenure.

    Your assessment is accurate and I should modify my stance. But we seem to make our off-season signings of expensive old-timers. Streit may not have been such a good add. Bryz? I like Kimmo and at 2 mill, fine. But there the question is one of development (or lack of) the D and G in our organization. And even Homer admitted what we gave up for Pronger hurt us for some time.  





  5. He's a complimentary second line winger that the Sabres first tried to make into a first line center and when that didn't work out, put him on 3/4 line duty.


    Given the abject lack of talent on the Sabres 3/4 lines, there was nothing for him to compliment and it's not surprising that on eht worst team in the league he didn't produce.


    He is the prototypical "sixth forward" in a Top 6. 

    Rad:  Sounds good to me. Do you think anybody takes a pass at him at some low price and/or two-way deal?





  6. With the software upgrade I had the option of giving likes and dislikes to posts.  This topic is giving me second thoughts to adding the "dislikes"    ;)


    just say no

    I was thinking that Tootoo out in San Jose had a collapse, even worse.  Well, I won't even suggest a two-way contract...I might get lynched. 





  7. While I agree with the general notion, you can't win with a team fpacked with youngsters.  You need a nice mix of veterans and children. Besides, someone needs to lead the kids and show them how to win.  The VLC experiment failed, but that doesn't mean the Flyers should limit themselves to just "developing"?


    Back to the topic, I will take Moulson with open arms - he is a good player. But from everything I am hearing, his heart is at Buffalo. 



    You are right. Most things are good in moderation. But this team seems to fixate on senior hires.





  8. It has been a long day after seven hours of training and two Merlots so forgive my trespass.  I noted Ville Leino has been bought out. Well, I guess Homer did make some good moves..in this case, letting him walk to the Sabres.  His collapse after a good year with us is kind of astonishing. I am posting in jest...seriously, no I don't want him back. But his case is truly amazing in terms of productivity after the signing. There were times he had real creativity and puck control we don't demonstrate. Just amazing how this screwed up for Buffalo. 





  9. Greetings:


    What I don't get is this guy's collapse. He actually looked like a puck possession Forsberg-type when he played for the O and B. It is sad. I guess Ken Holland knew something.



  10. I worry that our speculations on this board will be used by the media or Flyers' management to encourage moves....seriously, there is more common sense on this board. If we sound like Nisakanen or Moulsen or whomever is a good deal...they may write about it or do it. . . . 





  11. I hope we learn some lessons from this experience and stop going after 30+ players to add luster to when on average they seem to detract from overall capacity. There will always be bad signings. Glen Sather of the Rangers has had more than his fair share. But our interest in antiques has to stop. Maybe this is the "sliver lining" Rad speaks of. 



    • Like 2
  12. Howdy:


    I think this is a good deal. He is a good presence. I guess he is moved off the #1 PP and/or has minutes taken down as others he mentioned. 


    If nothing else, this prevents us from following in the time-honored Flyers tradition of spending too much for too long for at least one position. On that score...it is a godsend. 





  13. Seems like the dude wants to get out of Ottawa and i hope Vinnys time in flyers ends this summer along with Hartnell. I would love to have a big name up front that is consistent in producing. No more wadh ups, no more overpriced "maybe it will work". Spezza delivers and would probebly make Giroux even better. Spezza also would add leadership to the team. I think if we are going to spend money we have to spend it on good players. Otherwise im fine with working with our youth corps, good talent scouting and not trading good draft picks. Just dont wanna see mediocre players being overpaid here.



    I like the guy but think we need to move beyond expensive, older free-agents. Let's grow our youngins and build a team culture. I think a big part of our inconsistency is failure to grow a cohort of players. We take other teams' first rounders. Let's build our own.





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  14. Now that's funny. Don't forget about Freedom Toast!


    I don't see this signing as aimed the big club, whoever said leadership for the Phantoms is dead on. At 29 if he was NHL level talent he woulda come across the pond alot sooner. Is an AHL paycheck better than what he was making in Sweden?



    I don't get toasted anymore. Too old, too much work...glad all is well.  It's strange, I saw another site that called him an elite prospect. But I have to agree with your reasoning, unless this guy is a Read-style late bloomer.  I hope he does well.  It's an interesting story.  If he pans out, it confirms Pryor is a sharp dude. 





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