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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. Clever and true at the same time!! I wonder how the golf courses are in St Louis!
  2. Now if only Kuato and TheMaker would sign up here, we could have some FUN!!
  3. i know (or think) you do it intentionally. I actually think it as long island (tea).
  4. @jammer2 I have to plead ignorance on the husky thing. I have to wrestle my head around it all (taking the moral high ground without being a hypocrite). The tiger thing really angers me because they are nearly exstinct. Wether or not I think they are enormously beautiful creatures (which I do) is beside the point- in that someone can say a snail is beautiful to them and be offended about escargo. I do draw my lines though. I will not eat Veal- because of how they are "raised" if you want to call it that. Here is where the hypocricy comes in- I love chicken and will eat chicken all day and night. Yet if you see how factory farmed chickens are raised, you would be appalled. In the end, my stand mostly is going to be about preservation. I want my daughters kids to be able to see such an enormously beautiful creature like a tiger- and not just in a zoo. While personally I take offense to killing certain animals- as long as they are not near extention and the killing is for good reason (ie. food), then I can not judge too harshly. As an aside, where I live, there is a safari where you can go and take a caged vehicle and feed the siberian tigers chicken- nearly hand to mouth (ie you hold the chicken and then put it through a gate in the vehicle (roof) and the tigers will come right up and take the chicken- the tigers being literally a foot away from your face. That said, where I live, they eat monkeys too. That is weird for me because of the evolution thing. Its kind of like eating your distant cousin. They tell me it taste like chicken so, who knows? I am glad I had a sushi dinner last night- else I might be nausiated now.
  5. Or the fact that we traded him to Tampa for the a first round pick (#4 overall) only to get Pik-my-nose-nen.
  6. Leclair was done when he went to Pitts. His back was mesh at that point. Tocchet on the other hand was a beast his first full season for Pitts. Show me another player in the game who put up 109 points AND 252 pims!!! You talk about an FHL wet dream! Of course Lemieux and Francis had allot to do with that.
  7. While my days of that kind of thing have passed awhile ago, I am not sure what everclear is (I thought it was like a grain alcohol). I lived in Amsterdam for a while. They have these things called "space cakes" in the coffee shops. Not only are they delicious, but their title does not do justice. The problem is you have to be sure to segregate your "space cakes" from your munchy cakes- or else you will lose days at a time.
  8. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=400068 This is a really good signing. I like this kid. It looks like Tampa will be in the playoff hunt next season!
  9. What kind of beer did you use? It sounds disgusting to me, but the beer will have a factor. Where I live currently, they have a beer that makes people crazy. The urban legend is that their is 10-15% gin added in. If you drink a 6 pack you are snookered.
  10. I really like WAWA hoagies!!! Can it be mailed to me??
  11. I am working hard on getting that shiny new um....whatever it is you get with Hockey Tokens!
  12. I am always torn on this. It is a perfectly legitimate thing to do. There is this mysterious unwritten code that you are not supposed to do it (regardless of your relationship with the GM). Two examples: 1) Clarke on Kessler a while back. 2) Edmonton on Penner (Burke went through the effing roof on that one) Here is the questions for me: 1) Are you willing to give FOUR 1st rounders for Weber?? 2) Are you willing to open pandoras box and expose your own teams RFA's to the same (think Giroux, Couturier, etc.). There were no repurcussions when Edmonton signed Penner (though he sucked when he went there- so it was a blessing in disguise). At the end of the day, the team holding the rights always has the option to match. Nashville has the cash to match any offer Philly could make (now that Suter has flown the coop). So, for me as armchair GM- I don't do it and burn a bridge on a good relationship. Nashville is a defense factory and there are kids in their pipeline that we might want down the line. Also, Weber is ONE player. Sometimes I think we overvalue individual players. I mean Chara did not single handedly win the cup in Boston- it took a hurculean effort by thomas too. Why decimate our team and future for one player?? Look at Nashville this year. They had Suter (cough d i c k) AND Weber AND Rhinne and they did not win the cup or even make the conference finals.
  13. The offer sheet would compensate Nashville FOUR first rounders- if signed.
  14. I actually can't wait to watch Couturier play- period. Seriously, Couturier will school JVR at center in everyway imaginable.
  15. This is what bothers me. I stated on a nother thread (maybe even this one) that if neither player responded within 24 hours to accept the offers made by the Flyers, I would pull the offers off the table and go to plan B. If I am a GM, I want players that WANT to come play and not have to "think about it". I mean WTF is there to think about? As a player, you know all season long you are going to be a UFA. If you can' spend 10 minutes a day during that year to think- "here is my prioritization", then...I don't know- you are an idiot and don't deserve to be a muli-millionaire. Parise and Suter most definitely colluded. Its a free world and good on them. They are both d i c k s in my book.
  16. Thanks. I just read the article. I actually don't think that is a bad move. It would never work in Philly because of our depth at centre. But for Toronto? Why not? There is less corner work required by the centre vs. wing and he has the skating ability to cover 200 feet. Plus, Toronto is used to soft centres (Sundin). :-P
  17. Seriously- are they moving JVR to Center?? I believe he did play Center at UNH.
  18. Who knows. I was very excited when we drafted him- despite his skating flaws which I was aware of. I loved his grit and his hitting when I watched him play in the memorial cup. I thought O&B immediately when I watched him. I will have to look up Washingtons AHL team and see if he progresses at all. There goes another 2nd round pick. :-(
  19. I am not sure about "diamond", but he certainly found someone that was both young and very athletic and could play goal decently for his experience- and did so in an unconventional way. Snider most definitely eff'd things up. When the boss says something, you have to listen. But if you are worth your salt, you also have to be pretty adamnant in opposing a move that you feel is wholeheartedly wrong. Whether that happened or not with Bryz, we will never know. There are two things that really stick in my craw regarding Bobs: 1) The initial contract they signed him too. It essentially was a NHL contract or nothing contract (if they sent him down last year to the AHL- his salary would have been 75K). He needed playing time to gain more experience- not be a backup. 2) They traded him (still a mercy trade) and what did they do with the 2nd rounder they got for him- drafted a goalie that will not sniff the light of day in an NHL rink let alone an AHL rink!!!! WTF???
  20. Its all good bro. We are just having hockey discussion. I am as stupid as they come and know less than nothing.
  21. Me too. I am not saying chicken little here. On the d side, perhaps the MAB / Gus of the world can overcome the deficit left by Carle. I am okay with that as I am always of the "let the kids play" mentality. Both players- particularly MAB, got a ton of experience last year. There is the Schenn factor too. While not a puck mover per se, he is a guy that can shoulder allot of minutes if need be. It is more the wing spot with G than anything. If you asked me who I would rather have; Doan or Jagr on G's wing, I would take Doan hands down everytime. But it is becoming increasingly evident that is a pipe dream. G needs size on his wings to give him time and space (and help his durability). Voracek can move up there, but he overlaps allot with G on the set-up side of things (Jakub ALWAYS thinks pass first). After all the shakeup last summer, I am fine with status quo. This team will still be allot of fun to watch. I put on another post that if Read + a #1 and two #2's would get Nash, I would do it. Our RW would be settled then. I think this will be another "development" year. The guys greatly exceeded expectations last year. If they can replicate that, I will be very happy. We still have some RFA's to sign, but for the first time in a long time, we have money- and next summer we will have even more money. Corey Perry is available next summer (assumming he does not re-sign / traded prior) and I would love to see him in O&B on G's wing. I still don't like our goalie situation. But if we can get a mix between the March Bryz and the October - November Bryz, I will be happy. At the end of the day, I don't see this team as a SC contender next year. The year after, most definitely (because 2-3 holes will be filled with some pretty good players).
  22. Interesting point on the Recchi thing. I think with Recchi is he did not care what his role was- as long as he was on a contender. With Jagr, he does care what his role is and it is a top dog role he wants- contender too, but only if he is top dog. I am not apologizing for him- but I can easily see his side of things as well. When he first signed- many here were saying he returned to his predecessing ways of being a ******. I don't see it that way. I just don't think he has the humility that Recchi had in his waning years. That doesn't make him a ****** in my book.
  23. I don't think this one will fall on the Flyers. Marshall always had skating issues and he never progressed on those as a pro. He was mediocre as a Phantom. When traded, it was a AHL move all the way. Maybe Marshall can be a late bloomer, but I don't think so. I think he is Dan Mcgillis lite. Really go hitter, but not a good enough skater to make up for his positioning mistakes.
  24. How in the world do you do that? You have had nearly two months since you had anything operational regarding on-ice hockey. You ONLY job for those two months is to shore up your scouting reports for the draft and get your free agency ducks all in a row. Regardless of what happens the rest of the summer, a big effing F- for Homer this summer.
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