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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. @hf101 I have zero clue who that guy is. But any guy that says Gustafson is gone (assumming he means to the big club), knows extremely little about the Flyers farm system. I prefer to use this sites rankings: http://www.hockeysfuture.com/teams/philadelphia_flyers/ While not always 100% current, they at least have allot more indepth insite to the Flyers farm system than that blow hard.
  2. I did not see the TSN panel stuff, but no doubt can believe it. That kind of publicity- so blatant, plummets a players value, no matter how skilled. I am with you. A one year deal for low cap hit. If he changes his stipes and is a good trooper as you say, I re-up for two years on the next contract. The thing with a player like him is that he won't want to play with the best players in the world and more than likely the Stanley Cup is not the Holy Grail to him. Instead he will do a "Radulov".
  3. The Philly lynch mob mentaility sometimes really irks me. Nash is an upstanding guy. He is certainly getting paid for the situation in Columbus, but he showed his committment to the team by signing that contract. The team management has repeatedly failed him and despite all those failures, he never waivered and said I want out. Instead, he did the opposite. Unlike a local Jersey Shore boy we know.
  4. Ah, ok. Which is the same boat I am in. I am back to the the same thing I have been preaching on the Weber threads: give a read, a prospect and some picks. Nash is a great player, but I don't see the rationale to gut a team to get him. He is only one player. Frankly, while he would look great in either O&B or B&G, neither team needs him that much to give up so much for him- both at a cap cost and asset cost. There are other players looming still this summer and next that could be had for less salary and zero assets.
  5. Fair enough, but it is hard for me to see Talbot or Read playing the 4th line unless they are "rolling" the lines, which would be okay in my book.
  6. I think, for the most part, only the people of the region would ever know what I mean on that reference. Tony says hello!
  7. It depends. I think Briere is going to go back to wing (again). Schenn a winger as well. Couturier is going to move to 2nd line center. He will earn it in camp. Talbott remains third line center (appropriately). That puts Rinaldo as your 4th line center. The first three lines are going to go EV: 14 / 13 / 12. Fourth line gets their 5-7 minutes EV. The rest is special teams.
  8. The best I have had is sauteed. A place in Union NJ. One of those places you look at from the outside and go "really?" and then walk in the inside and go "really?" and then the waiter / waitress hands you the wine / drink menu first and tells you which appetizers would go well with which wines, etc.
  9. This is the post I will inject my opinions of a few other threads. 1) Polaris- The cap hit scares you because you are going to have to up Crosby and Malkin next year. 2) Everyone else now is putting Nash as the d i c k? As I understand it, he publically towed the line all last year in saying how much he loved playing for Columbus, does not want to leave, etc. etc. It was Howson that approached him and asked if he would be willing to waive his NTC. He said okay and gave him a short list. Howson's demands were so extreme that he did not make a move and thought it would be better in the summer when perhaps more options would open up. Now it is summer and he has given another list- albeit short, but less short than the trade deadline. Nash is not the one to ask to be traded. Howson approached him saying something like: "look at all Philly got back from us last summer for that p u s s y Carter, I want to do the same with you in reverse". To have derogative things to say about Nash is a bit absurd to me. He did everything and more you would expect a top pro to do in a horrible situation. Just like I say on the Weber situation, a current decent player (read) and some top picks. I might even through in a Gus and lower the picks. But people, don't paint Nash as an a s s. He has never been. There is a reason why players sign a NTC. They want commitment from the current team AND the option to choose where they may be traded to next. Because Nash has excercised that choice due to the fact that the commitment by Columbus has waivered is not reason to paint him in a bad way. As for the Flyers getting him. I will pass. Mostly because of the salary + assets. I would rather have Doan this year or Perry next year- both as UFA's and not having to give up assets.
  10. So, anyone that is keeping score: Flyers trade: Jeff Carter (26 y/o) Columbus trade: Jakub Voracek (23 y/o) 1st round (8th overall) Sean Couturier (19 y/o) 3rd round (68th overall) Nick Cousins (18 y/o) While I lament Homers actions this summer. Last summer was a effing block buster for the organization. The first person that posts "yeah but......and ....rings" will get a middle finger from me. Those trades last summer were monstrous. Sorry, had a furr ball and was coughing on the trade to get the rights for Breezy. Briere is done here soon. He does not fit on a third line and there are other guys that deserve the second line minutes. If he wants to move to RW, okay. What I am saying is that our center position is well protected for the next few years (assuming guys like nick pan out).
  11. I gave you the stats. If you are going to go for that Korsi type stuff, don't waist your time. I know that there is more than points, +/-. I also understand Korsi (to an extent). Go look up what you had. But at the end of the day, Pronger made Carle a better player while he played aside him. To say anything different is a disingenuous.
  12. 09/10 for sure can be mostly attributed to Breezy for the regular season success. 10/11 it was a combination of factors- for regular season success. In his 09/10 vezina finalist year, he was "average" at best and lost in the first round. In 10/11, he totally imploded. 0-4 with the Mr. Softie ice cream TRUCKS set up around his net. We know 11/12 regular season. The 11/12 post season can be attributed to a completely overrated playoff goaly: MAF. Win as a team, lose as a team- sure. But without Fleury letting in 20 goals in three games, the glaring spotlight of the atrocity that is Breezy in the playoffs would have been exacerbated 10 fold. He did redeem himself in the Devils series- but truthfully, with a decent goalie, Pitts should have one that first round. So, in the end, Doan does not want to play with a subaverage playoff goalie. Thus why you won't see him play for Pitts either. Vancouver is where he will go. I am surprised Rangerks were not on the short list as they would be a good home for him as well. Maybe he does not want to play for a d i c k coach.
  13. That is a complete fallacy. You are stretching my friend. Carle with the Flyers: 08-09: 24 pts +2 09-10: 35 pts +19* 10-11: 40 pts +30* 11-12: 38 pts +3 *= when Carle played full time with Pronger. What pronger did was cover up allot of Carle's mistakes in the d-end. We can take an argument about the value of +/- elsewhere, but when a guy goes from a CAREER +6 (not average, but total) in the 6 seaons he did not play with pronger (including this past season), to a +49 in the two years he did play with pronger- that says a TON. Also, his career best in points is 42 (with San Jose). He scored 35 and 40 while playing with pronger. Last year without pronger he had 38. Can you explain why you think his stats are better without pronger?
  14. You would actually be quite surprised. fresh water eel and sea eel are both very good. Fresh water is a bit fattier (perhaps call it duck vs. chicken) and sea is drier and much more white meat. I have tried some pretty wild Japanese foods. Not like that zimmerman dude, but still pretty crazy. Most were pretty good.
  15. I have tried octopus. Its okay if you like chewing on vulcanized rubber. Calamari (squid) on the other hand is quite delicious- especially if you get it done in a fine Italian restaraunt.
  16. So you are an FM (aka fast-mumbler)? What do the sheep think of that or is it because of the sheep?
  17. Plays small in the corners, perhaps. But too small (6' 205) is ridiculous. I guess Bourdon will not amount to anything as he is the same size. Gustafson is a mini-might next to Carle. Timmonen is smaller as well. That is all that I needed to know about that "article". Considering that 4 other teams were interested in Carle at 5m, I would not say he is a slouch.
  18. If you believe the rumor mill about locker room cancer....probably not. If you can get him for 4m, I could handle the LR BS.
  19. Is Aziz even still around?? Normally he is a good summer texter. Quigly? I think it is gummy. I sent B.B. a case of rum for his b-day.
  20. The irony would be if NCflyer10 IS Kuato. His first post is about "We" / "Us". Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.....
  21. As long as there was no mayonaise or special sauce added to the final dish.
  22. I guess he does not like it here. Somebody should ping him and let him know that there are some quality pittsburgh fans here.
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