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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. Hey HF- I have been offline for over a week (two typhoons, house flooding, computer crash and flu being passed around the house). Interesting to read our foreshadowing post mortem. I was right about the fact that nashville would match. Homer did exactly what you suggested (try to front load it beyond what he thought Nashvilles means were). Nice try, but they had the money and truthfully, really had to to match. Four number ones is not going to help them this year or next year and even marginally then compared to what Weber brings to them.
  2. For various reasons it, I have been off line for over a week. Interesting to read this dialogue now after what Homer tried to do. Looks like her agreed with you and I in that 4 #1's and a front loaded 14 year contract should get 'er done, while keeping the team in tact. I read (now that I am back on line) that in trade talks, Nashville wanted both Schenn and Courturier- and it was too rich for Homers blood. Says allot about what he thinks of those two players potential.
  3. I totally missed the Quick signing. What a sad tale for Bernier. He was supposed to be "the one", ahead of Quick for the starting goal in LA. Problem is he never fulfilled his promise- or better stated Quick outplayed him. If LA moves him, it is a mercy move same as Bobs. I will be curious to see what LA gets in return as Bobs has played twice as many NHL games with better numbers.
  4. Yeah, but how many green backs will it cost is the question. That is half of the reason why he is unsigned. He is a typical lazy Russian only interested in money. He should just go play in the KHL and get PAID there. I know I am painting Russians with a broad brush- but I, as a hockey fan have had enough. 7 out of 10 that make it to the NHL turn our to be lazy turds only in it for the money. I will take a Swede, Finn, Norwegian, GERMAN, over a Russian player 7 days a week and twice on Sunday. Signed Bobby Clarke
  5. There is a Waron Zevon reference in there somewhere I am sure.
  6. What does she-ep look like?
  7. Don't listen to that sheep herder for christ sakes. I mean his whole existence is to herd sheep. There are sheep and then there are sheep (at least that is how it was explained to me). My wife is calling. I have to go to the barn yard (pods- don't get jealous)
  8. Can you post where this article came from? It would be helpful.
  9. You are right, I totally missed that point. That puts things in a bit of a pickle all the way around. Now if Nashville had signed Sutter, we would not be having this discussion. It is kind of a Brad Mccrimmon / Mark Howe situation in that they loved playing together and complimented each other so well. The beast / howe situation was dissolved because of a poor trade. The Sutter / Weber situation was dissolved because- who knows? But here comes the problem. If Weber does not want to be there, he does not want to be there. End of story. Being an armchair know-it-all, I think he was truly bummed that Sutter went elsewhere. Had Sutter signed, I think he would have signed as well. The big problem with nashville is that they have a really good team, but are hurting up front. The irony is that they have cash now. If you put put a list of the expansion teams: Phoenix Tampa Fl Atlanta Carolina Nashville Nashville has been one of the best run organizations out of all of them (perhaps tied with Carolina)- especially considering limited budget. The biggest pisser is that is Sutter was any kind of upstanding guy, he would have convinced Parise to go play in Nashville. All three take 7.5 mil for 5 years. That still would have left Nashville with 8m to fill forward needs. As sorrowful as Minnesota has been (and I was always bummed when the NorthStars moved to dallas) I am vehemently rooting against them for awhile. At least what Kariya and Selanne did with Colorado awhile back was completely transparent and had ZERO to do with money. This is the opposite with Sutter and Parise. I totally rambled. But I agree I missed that point and truly Weber I think Weber will leave. I hope he does not- just as a stand of manmanship. I mean it is not like he is playing for Columbus, Atlanta, Florida, Toronto, or Tampa.
  10. Fanatic is back, so don't worry we can all unabashedly act like kids! Seriously, I don't want him for the assets we would have to give up (or at least what Howson wants). Have you ever watched him on the international stage where he has good players around him (third line no less)? He can be an eye dropping player. For my taste, I will pass, because of both the salary and the assets that Columbus wants. Corey Perry is the guy I want. I would drop the same salary that Nash makes at his door step next summer in a heart beat- and keep all my assets. People gush about Ryan, but Perry is much better than Ryan AND much better than Nash!
  11. Certainly. I am not knocking you at all- so don't think that way. Poking a bit of fun, but nothing more. Be proud of who you are and don't pay attention to blowhards like me!
  12. Gagner and Shultz and 2 firsts would be enough in my book. I would totally keep Yakapov as he would replace the center vacancy left by Gagner- and in my mind would be paying too much for Weber, especially considering where Edmonton picks recently. Gagner is a RFA this year. Schultz is signed through next year (at 3.5). The draft picks would be considerable. The thing is that Weber would want to have to go and if I was Edmonton, I would want to have a "timmonen / hartnell" type of situation where we gave them a 1st round pick- conditional on being allowed to speak with them first to see if they would sign.
  13. Does the AHL club sign the AHL only contract? I have always been fuzzy on this.
  14. I thought so too...a couple from the ECHL.
  15. Good point. The phantom contracts count towards our 50, correct? You could do a buyout- which would remove the contract. It would be a $500k cap hit this year and a $300k cap hit next year. I think I would like to know where our contract count currently is before going that route. If there is not a significant contract count issue, just waive him and let him ride the bus or retire.
  16. On re-entry you would, or else you have to pick up half his salary. :unsure:
  17. You should just be able to do it as a copy an paste. If that does not work. Copy it >paste it into MSWord> go to other thread> copy from MSWord > paste in other thread.
  18. Exactly. I learned a little tid bit I did not know before in clarrifying my understanding of the rules in my post to OC: Did you know that a team can waive a player (and assumming he is not claimed on the initial waiver), that player can be recalled within 30 days as waiver exampt?
  19. I think you are thinking things a bit unclear. First, if the Flyers waive him and nobody claims him, the Flyers would have to pay his full salary (assuming he is assigned to the Phantoms)- which is $900k. Yet, they would absorb ZERO cap hit. Now if Shelley was to be waived > unclaimed > plays for phantoms and the Flyers recall him (one can only assume massive injuries) and another team can claim him upon re-entry. At that point, the acquiring team and Flyers would split his salary AND cap hit. If the acquiring team sends said player to the AHL (exposing him again to waivers) and he clears, then the 50-50 salary and cap split hit is off the books. So, in short, the Flyers could easily waive Shelley without absorbing a cap hit for the big club. The only time the 50-50 split comes into play is re-entry waivers and Shelley is claimed off another team.
  20. I just can't stand the guy. He reminds me of the two russians that Columbus drafted that are both playing in Russia now (Filative and Zherdev). All three are "Me" players that will destroy a team- regardless how talented they are.
  21. Actually he was a .76 ppg player. Just saying. And not really a force. He played well against detroit, but totally tanked against phoenix. Radulov is just another selfish Russian player that has no interest in playing with the best players in the world and I personally hope he stays there.
  22. Thats a 20% reduction. No way that the NHLPA goes for that.
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