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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. @OzFlyer- Where do we put another center?? I don't want Laughton on the 4th line as I think he would be better served playing 8-10 min a night in the NHL or 15-18 minutes a night in the AHL. That said, Couturier had no problem doing the 4th line (but also was getting allot of PK minutes and occasional 3rd line shift minutes.
  2. I liked this guys post too and thought the same thing when reading the list: OaklandBlue60 minutes ago It's a decent list, though one wonders how far back you could go before it got ridiculous. We have 100+ years of Stanley Cup Hockey on the books and as good as this list is, it's really isolated to 35 years and primarily East Coast teams. We could sit here all day and night and discuss Roy, Plante, Espo, Richard, (Bobby) Hull, Conager, Day, etc. Lists like these are more about the Hockey you watched as a kid and the players you idolized moreso than pure stats. If you had to make a team up based solely on individual stats, like this article CLAIMS it did, you'd have a VERY different list than what this article portrays. The only one thing I disagree with this article is the words 'The Best', because it's anything but.
  3. Teemu Selanne on the bench?? Pfft. His 76 goals as a 22 y/o rookie deserves to be in as a starter. I easily put him in over Robatille and Stevens (who completely benefited from playing with Lemieux. Teemu did that with relatively nobody with him (Housely and Tchkuk were there, but not really anyone else).
  4. I thought his head was going to explode when the GOP nominated Palin as VP candidate and then Obama won the election.
  5. It will be interesting to see them pull that off with only 5.5 million in cap space. As a GM, I would want to go into the season with at least 1.5M - 2.0M in cap reserve in case I need to make a trade due to injury and the trade is not even cap wise.
  6. Just going on strictly stats and that dreaded + / - number, Bill does have a point. Simmonds had 28g and 21A. Of those points 17G and 16A were scored even strength (33pts total). You would think a guy could muster a better +/- of minus 1 which scoring that amount of even strength points.
  7. I agree as well. Doan has never been known to hold teams hostage for salary. He is a very nice player, but 7.5m would put his as the 13th highest player in the league- and that Doan is not even close to being fair value for. 4.5 to 4.7 for 4 years would have been plenty in my book.
  8. Clarke at his all time best. I have to wonder if it was his poor scouting department (as it seems the last decade that areas has been completely revamped) or what. The Emminger trade was just as bad as the Falloon trade if not worse.
  9. I get his point on not wanting to wait. Had the Flyers signed both Parise and Sutter, there would not have been any money to sign Jagr. So, basically the Flyers said :"We really like you, but we like these other guys more and need to wait and see what happens there." Pretty impressive that he did not show any animosity towards the Flyers. I guess 4.5m will soothe away any pains.
  10. Anaheim would certainly be pleased if he can progress like Karlsson. Fowler is almost two years younger than Karlsson. What you wrote is what I have heard as well. When Anaheim was going through their nobody is untouchable phase last year, I had hoped we would have tried to pry him away from Anaheim. In hind site, I would have liked to send Carle their way and our first.
  11. Speaking of which, did you know that the owner of Segway died from riding his Segway off a cliff??
  12. Ouch! Seriously- what a waste of a talent. He is still a PPG player, just can not deliver. He is the anti Briere. Good during the regular season but disappears when it matters in the playoffs.
  13. By my account, I see 18 wins, 12 neutral and 6 loses. http://www.fileupyours.com/view/328491/Hockey%20draft%20v2.docx (lets see if this works> very hard to put excel / word doc / images here).
  14. I know, but still of the Anaheim players, Perry and Getzlaf are UFA's next year. I put Ryan after those two (and truefully- Fowler is the guy I would really want of all of them). Ryan will cost assets to get and the assets you would have to give would prospectively match Ryans production anyway. I would rather go after the UFA's and not give up the assets. Fowler would be another discussion entirely and I would be willing to give up assets for him. I think he is another Karlson (but not Green).
  15. Exactly what I said on another post on this thread. People do not realize how much time and space he creates for his wings. He also is a banger (lindros-esque is true).
  16. Hard for me to get turned on by a girl whose forearms are bigger than mine.
  17. I thought he did come here- at least in the beginning.
  18. Philly85 says hello!~ Where is he anyway?
  19. tapped that too. I am a stud in my own imagination.
  20. I prefer Perry because he is a RW, yet of the two, Getzlaf is the guy I would take. You are fortunate that you get to watch allot of Ducks. I don't think many here get to see and / or watch their games. I really like Perry, but like you said, Getzlaf is a beast- just a bit inconsistent.
  21. I really wanted Drury. I watched him allot in Colorado and thought he was the better leader and better overall player (ie. could play defense). Truthfully I have been very happy with Briere (in hind sight of course). I remember tons of threads on Philly.com where he was a huge whipping boy. People see his price tag NOW, but forget the market THEN. Aside from his playoff performance, what has also impressed me is his leadership. We don't get to see the "room", but by all accounts, he is one of the top leaders in the "room". What we do see is him in interviews and he does not mince words. People moan about his regular season production. What they do not give credit for is that he has improved his 2-way play since being in Philly. He will never be a Selke finalist or candidate. He has three years left on his contract with this next season paying him 7M. The following two years pay him 3m and 2m respectively. If I am the Flyers, I just keep him. The cap hit sucks, but the salary is fine. Lastly, he has played more years in Philly than Buffalo. He is more grounded / rooted in Philly than he ever was in Buffalo. I mentioned in another post that if he was to move to another team, it would be Phoenix before Buffalo. Just my stupid opinion of course.
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