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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. I had to look that up. I learned something new today. Well two things actually. While looking up the definition for tropes, I also learned a word that in its plural tense does not contain any of the letters of its singular tense (kine).
  2. Okay- perhaps a bit cocky. I think my point was more that the USA Hockey program has improved vastly in the last 10 years (3 golds in the last 7). You have to play the games- but on paper Canada was the vastly superior team over every other team in the tournament. I think Canadas coaching selection was questionable and it is clear that Housley was the top coach in this tournament. That said, my half american blood gets irked at my Canadian compatriots for always pissing on American hockey. I mean of the original six NHL teams, FOUR were american teams. At the end of the day, congrats to ALL of the kids that played in this tournament. It was great to watch great hockey by players that play for the love of the sport, the crest on the front not the name on the back.
  3. I would not say stunk- I would flip it to say dominated. Canada did not execute at all- and there is a reason for that. I will not gloat here, but on TSN I will. So many Canadians poo poo the USA hockey program and talent. How they could do that after USA lost 2-1 to them is beyond me. On paper, Team Canada was vastly superior to USA, but in team play, USA has demonstrated a team concept better than Team Canada. End of story. This game was not Subban was not the fault for this loss (it could have easily been 4-0 after the first). This game was about a team game and a well executed game plan. Four straight years- no gold for Team Canada. My Canadian side hopes they rethink how they approach this tournament and how they select players / coaches. The best individual players combined do not always equate into the best team.
  4. .....and 12 years of maturity. As and aside, did you ever see the stick Louis plays with? It is taller than he is.
  5. Roo is 3 inches taller than St Louis, but lighter. Small guys can make it. It mostly has to do with their leg strength conditioning. Briere comes to mind as well. Kariya, adnaseum. Being 6'3 and 220 when I played, hated the smaller guys. So fast- yet, when you catch them, you catch them good.
  6. How could the USA team "skate by" a STACKED Canadian team??
  7. sorry- my bad. I did not know that. See my response to FC. Cheers and go gold USA!!
  8. Okay. Its easy for me to play both sides. For me, I root for the underdog anytime and not the favourite. I am a halfie (note, not a newfie)- meaning half canadian and half american. I will look for the world juniors thread, but that 5-1 trouncing by USA against Canada says allot about the program in USA hockey right now. People say that USA is cocky etc.- particularly on TSN, but they completely diminish the development of USA hockey. Four years running now- not a gold for Canada (and a good shot that USA takes the gold home). For me, sometimes it is the Canadians that are cocky. I chuckle at times that most do not even know that Lacrosse is Canada's national sport.
  9. I am well acquainted with oxymoron (and reference it frequently where I here / think of one), but groaner is leaving me scratching my head in that regard.
  10. I thought an oxymoron. What is a "groaner"?
  11. It would be interesting to send a note to the creator to ask all the references- particularly the ones we can not figure out (what is the "E" from- I am guessing hockey sports game).
  12. Where I live, the bell has tolled for the New Years. My close friends and I had a pot luck bbq on a beach side balcony. Later, my daughter, wife and I brought in the new year sitting beach side and eating warmed brownies ala mode and watching fire works. To all of hockeyforums friends and foes, wishing all of you a very happy new year.
  13. being a half-half (Canadian / American), I have to say that you should not gasp about NCAA hockey or USAHockey for that matter. The advancement of hockey in America over the last 15-20 years has been tremendous. While culturally it is Canadas game, fundamentally it is everyone's game and USA are as skilled at it as the Canadians.
  14. There is a bit of a hiccup. My daughter was born last year, but cool that the site remembers such things. My wife and daughters birthday are on the 23rd, her mothers on 25th, mine on the 27th and her fathers on Jan 1. B12 is fully in stock~
  15. There is a bit of a hiccup. My daughter was born last year, but cool that the site remembers such things. My wife and daughters birthday are on the 23rd, her mothers on 25th, mine on the 27th and her fathers on Jan 1. B12 is fully in stock~
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMuyo2AwtD0 anyone that plays with not one, but two broken jaws is "A" ok in my book.
  17. Always take the best available before need. There are no shoe-ins in the NHL. You must take the best that your scout staff thinks. You can move them later for other pieces when the time is appropriate.
  18. I am sure that Bryz's play will be "out of this world".
  19. Thanks. I went to USAHockey. My point was really why doesn't TSN online provide more global tournament info and not so centric just to team Canada? For example, it would be great to see and article summarizing all the top ranked prospects from each team participating.
  20. Not really worried about it- just seems odd to me. Why have a "World Juniors" section on the menu bar when they actually mean: "Team Canada at World Juniors"?
  21. Good point about captain. Regarding the center vacancy, they will have that anyway. Holmstrom is not going to replace either of those guys (wasnt schenn playing on Couturiers wing?).
  22. You would think- since they are telecasting the USA games too. Here is the link: http://www.tsn.ca/world_jrs/ They have a whole section for World Juniors and an article on Canada's loss, but nothing on the USA - Sweden game. Very odd- since that game was a good game that went to OT. Here is a nice write up by USA hockey (including box score): http://worldjuniors.usahockey.com/news_article/show/204048?referrer_id=707994
  23. I saw that link too, but I am not sure if it is unfinished mask, but perhaps more the camera angle where you don't see the front where the teal would be.
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