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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. Vanflyer


    I thought this was going to be a Mike "I can not resist Nachos" York thread. That being said, and while it would certainly be in distaste, I am stunned to not see a "I don't have any balls" option on the article!
  2. Great shot, but give him a few more games. I am sure there is a LTIR coming up soon. Also, he is piss poor at playing D.
  3. Interesting. Learned something new. In the end, it is all about money.
  4. http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=654599&navid=nhl:topheads
  5. My bad. Still, the numbers don't add up at all.
  6. And thus the lottery came to be.
  7. Yup, and an Iggy for Leaky trade becomes even more fodder.
  8. Interesting. The money is right and is pretty much a "thanks for all your great service" type of contract.
  9. Agreed on all points. Was JVR ever a power-forward?? I guess at the end of the day, what McGinn brings to the table v. JVR is more valuable to this team (when fully healthy). He is a young Knuble in the making imho.
  10. I totally agree. The worst part of it is the fights off the face-off. Sometimes (rarely), it is called for. The instigator rule is the most absurd rule created. The ruined honesty in the game. The whole purpose of fighting was policing the BS that happens sometimes. Also, I agree with taking the guys number. Even if the pay back does not happen within the game where the offense happened, take the number and get him back when it is appropriate- and do it in an honest fashion (not bertuzzie or Mcsorely style).
  11. The system has changed. We call it the Pittsburgh rule. Even with the system changing, it is still fixed. The first time was Pittsburgh doing, the second time (Crosby / Malkin / Fleury) was the NHL doing. I applaud Edmonton. They never tanked. They genuinely sucked- but if you watched their games, they still gave 100% effort. Even the Islanders. Pitts on the other hand has openly admitted to tanking to get Lemieux and the NHL had a secret hand shake with that same Lemieux to get Crosby. Funny to see how the dominoes tumbled (actually not so funny). The NHL continues to sustain teams like Pitts and Phoenix. I am sure Snider and other owners just roll hit themselves to no end in looking at this. Where is the incentive to succeed?
  12. To me, that is what fighting in the league was supposed to be all about. Emotion of a hockey play. Not the BS that Rinaldo did off the draw the other night. That said, I did like what NYR did last year where off the draw, three fights erupted. Planned, sure. But it was tactical as emotions were running high. Fighting for the sake of fighting is BS. Fighting because of emotions / hockey plays is something different. I support the latter.
  13. I agree with all your points. The thing is if he (McGinn) buys time and space for the smurfs, that does not show up on the score sheet and something, depsite JVR's stature, JVR could never do. Truthfully, the conversation should be about L. Schenn v. JVR at this stage. I am completely underwhelmed by L. Schenn at this point. Yet he is young, but man does he need a ton of coaching and conditioning.
  14. Just a pisser that the year we have a high pick, the draft class was not so hot. That said (and I was not that high on him before), Kyle Turris has finally found his game in Ottawa (nearly PPG). The Schenn / JVR trade is looking like a bust thus far. I like that Luke hits, but I just wish he would play with more smarts. He needs ALLOT of coaching and ALLOT of work on his skating. The thing with JVR and Turris is that both players are getting first line minutes. Both are finally executing. Luke is young, but man is he raw. None of us could forecast Hartnell being down (snickers). But JVR never put it together here. I think in the end, unless coaching can turn Schenn around, we will have lost on that trade.
  15. I like this part: "Erskine said he has since sent Simmonds a text message to express his remorse over the incident and expressed hope that the Flyers forward would be able to return to the lineup soon." I am sure the text went something like this: "Bro, though I look like a man with my manly beard and manly tattoos, but I really am a p u s s y. I could not just pull up in my own arena and seeing how you were going to clean my clock, instead of taking the hit like a man (and as my beard and tats would suggest I am), I took the kitty cat way out. Sorry bro." WTF, you get his number and can not even just call him and speak mano-o-mano? I can not wait for the next caps / Flyers game in our barn.
  16. No problem. Did you see my post about the numbers part of the equation?? It does not come even close to adding up. Truthfully, if a back-up goalie was going to be involved in any Flyers trade, I would think it would be Boucher who at least has proven he is a qualified NHL back-up netminder.
  17. Yeah: The flyers have 1.5M in cap room and Iggy's cap hit is 7M. Even prorated + Leightons contract, that number does not fit. Why in the world would Calgary want Leighton for Iggy. They certainly could get a much more substantial offer at the deadline for a team that it is in the money. Seems a load of BS to me. Sorry for being caustic, but these "my friend who is in the know said" things just irk me.
  18. Right about what?? Not to bust balls, so this is your friends rumor mill, an online (eklund-esque rumor mill, etc.), or a reliable source rumor mill (though that sounds like an oxymoron)? I remember a person who had inside sources. Ah, the good old days. I wonder how golfing is these days?
  19. Congrats!!! It looks as Aziz gets the geek of the day award!! Funny how the simplest solutions often seem to be the best solutions. Computers are very finicky when it comes to seating and power. Often re-starting the re-build is the best bet (ie. process of elimination). The fan should not be a problem. That is the easiest really. What fan are you putting in again?? Most of the PC's I build these days, I put in dual panel fans (ie. the box i use has two panel boards on each side that are removable- so I cool both sides of the system- in addition to the norm that comes with PSU / CPU and high-end cards). Living in the tropics, it keeps the machines cool enough- even for gaming. Not sure what the standards are in NA these days.
  20. That is comical. No Mr Erskine, You were flying down the ice at 100 mph and at the last second- seeing you were going to get cleanly steam rolled and not pulling up, you decide to let the elbow fly. d i c k.
  21. I wonder if Mr. Oates had anything to say to him after reading those quotes. As I remember it, Oates was one of the most upstanding players to play.
  22. Totally agree. I live in the tropics and forget about the static part of the equation. The card works at least. I extremely doubt he fried the mother board. Canoli seems to be much smarter than most of us at this. Freakin' italians! :-P
  23. Remember, while fun and exciting, hops and computer building / repairing do not mix!!! :0-
  24. For kicks and giggles. Just wondering what you all think:
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