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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. I watched it again, and I was incorrect on the crosscheck (though that did happen earlier in the sequence). What I know is that if the puck is in the crease, the player can enter the crease (with no contact). Nubes did that, then the scramble ensued. At the end of the day, Voukoun was dry-humping the ice and regardless of Knuble, would not have had a prayer to save that. Given that, I thought Malkin's shot that went to review was a goal. But you can never see the actual puck, so it was a legit call both on the ice and upstairs.
  2. Simmonds was the steal of the trade. But don't look know, Schenn is doing everything that Richards does and better and CHEAPER. Don't forget about that sleeper 2nd rounder Cousins either (I could not resist putting those words together). Seriously. Schenn is 21 years old. Richards is now 28 years old. You add in Simmonds (who I agree was the sleeper in that trade) and Cousins and this was highway robbery. If we are going to go down this road: Voracek + Couturier for Carter was the entire gold train robbery. I laugh at those that think that the Flyers should be "proactive" and do what Buffalo did and clean the upper management. Homer has his flaws, but he has pulled off some stellar deals: Timmo Hartnell Mez Coots Schenn Schenn2 (lets admit it, both needed a change) Jake Simmonds Read Grossman (mammoth steal) The d is still suspect and he has shate the bed a few times. But ALL of those players on that list are playing today because of homer. You show me another GM (albeit forced by his owners hand) that would trade their #1 and #2 center within ours and have gotten a better return? Rick Nash says hello.
  3. Just like I said, a role player. I like the guy allot. But I like Schenn / Simmonds and Cousins for him allot more. Every Stanley cup team needs a role players. Richards was nowhere near the leader of the pack on that team. Did he show up, sure. You take the other big four out and Richards wilts.
  4. Well, if Glass would not have pushed him into Voukon and the crease you might have a good argument. Also, Knuble was not "on top" of Vokoun. Once he is pushed into the crease is is allowed to be in there. Of course this is through my O&B glasses.
  5. The best part of that is that the up-ice referee was in front of the net and always saw the puck (otherwise it would have been blown dead by the behind the net ref). I loved that they let the scrum go. It reminded me of some good shinny days and the reason why we all love hockey. Nothing fancy- just want to get / save a goal.
  6. Perhaps in the "room", but on the ice, they were role players. I would expect more from 25% of my cap for two players.
  7. 13 goals in two games will help that stat and we were abysmal the first three weeks of the season. If you throw out the Fla blowout, and the last two high scoring games (a total of nearly 1/3 of our goals scored), we would be worse than LA. Have they blown anyone out??
  8. What does O'Reilly provide that Couturier does not?? He is 22 and in his FOURTH NHL season. He has not done squat in the playoffs (unlike Couturier). His role on the Avs is completely different. After a limited games this year, you want to trade a future Ron Francis for O'Reilly? Thanks- but I will pass.
  9. For conversation purposes, who and why??
  10. When Jarmo has done something significant at the NHL level as a GM, let me know. Until then I don't think there is much to talk about. Homer is not perfect. He has laid some turds, but he has also laid some golden eggs.
  11. Yeah, but nobody also talks about what a great cup run the devils had that year either. I want to win the cup with the salt off my back, not an asterisk.
  12. Are you kidding me? I just don't get this. His role is to be be a shut down center on the team. He is producing higher offensively this year than last year. The biggest thing is that this year he is playing "mike richards" minutes (19 minutes a game) and all game situations. Give the 20 yearl old some time. I mean who would you want to get for him. The two hardest positions to get in hockey are are G, C and D. We have a core of of C to set us up for a long time. The G is panning out better this year. The D needs help. Anyone that has aspirations to win the SC on a abbreviated season is smoking way too much. Let it ride out.
  13. PPG player in the playoffs. I loved LeClair, but LeClair was a no show in the playoffs. I will keep my PPG playoff player, than you very much. (not to mention his leadership and teammate attributes).
  14. Him and Schenn were scoring over a PPG in the AHL during the lockout. The guy is going to be a dynamo, everyone needs to have some patience.
  15. Interesting, I can't see that all. Even if the pred nicked it through the neutral zone, the opposition player is not allowed to cross the blue line before the puck regardless of who touched it last. I agree on the props to trotz. I would have gone ballistic.
  16. That lineman will never work a game in the NHL again. That was atrocious. A beer league linemen would have called that!!!
  17. A bad hit. But it did not look all that bad as you said. The worst part of that is the numbers were square, but it did not seem like he hit him that hard (ie. Manning was not skating, just gave him a good push). 2m was the right call.
  18. Not to be insensitive, but why was the game suspended?? I have seen allot of brutal injuries in hockey games, but the game was never "suspended". Even with Hawerchuk 's jugular cut, they still finished the game.
  19. A bit knee jerk wouldn't you say?? Truthfully, I don't care what happens to this "season" and I certainly am not going to mortgage the future for this "season". To say that there needs to be a cleaning of house from upper management down AND trading our young talent is completely absurd to me. Stay the course and have patience. Would you really be proud if we won the cup this year?? I am not sure what is up with our road performance this year (we were better on the road last year than at home). That said, we are stellar at home. 11 of our 17 games have been on the road. That means that we have 13 more road games and 18 more home games (a 2-3 ratio). Lets see how we do at those home games. I guess my point being, get off the ledge. P.S. We are only 2 points out of a playoff spot and of all things, our goalie is not our problem this year.
  20. Should not even be in the NHL after all his dirty hits. Just saying.
  21. 1) Leafs win- mostly because L Schenn is going to knock JVR out. 2) Jets win- Their d / goaltending is worse than ours. You add a Simmonds and Hartnell. 3) Devils Lose- Marty is having his swan song. 4) Canadiens lose- They are a good young team and the Flyers will be banging all the hot Frenchies the night before. 5) Islanders win- I really like the islander team, but they still have allot of cracks and with our lineup, we should be able to blow those cracks wide open. 6) Pens lose- The pens will be reeling from a losing streak and look for vengeance against the Flyers. I see a 3-3. Of course any injured player returning will revamp my predictions.
  22. And L Schenn is 3rd in the league in hits. That said, JVR is really driving to the net this year. I don't mind the trade. Schenn is a young d-man who is getting invaluable coaching from Kimmo. I wish JVR the best. I think the change of scenery will work well for both players. That said, I am impressed that JVR is doing well in the microscope of Toronto hockey.
  23. Not to mention that he lights it up at the AHL level. He just needs a bit of seasoning. I really like his grit. He is Richards v 2.0 (but better passer / vision IMHO).
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