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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. While I don't want to see anyone hurt, that hit was nothing. It was a foot away from the boards. The rules of hockey are ruining it. Back in the day, if you went into the "wall" / "corner" like that you were going to get crushed. The rules today are letting the players think "I will be protected". Hall has 20 lbs on Laughton. Go to the 90's and watch lindros do that same play. He would lay up a foot out and lay his shoulder back into the guy chasing him and then make a play on the puck.
  2. don't look now, but Bernier is playing better than Quick.
  3. I am not sure that I would call Schenn and Simmonds prospects. Your point is well taken though. I wish we could have traded Richards for Bernier and Simmonds. I like Schenn, but Bernier and Simmonds would have been the better deal. The whole Bryz trade / signing was just horrible. Have you watched Bobs play in Columbus?? 6th in the league in GAA and 2nd in the league in Sv pctg.
  4. Hi Jammer- Truthfully, I think that team got hot at the right time. Quick carried them for the season (they could barley score 2 goals a game). Richards did okay in his role. Carter did not do that much. What those two players did was chew up some ice minutes. You put Quick in the pipes for Philly last year and add a brown and doughty, Philly gets the cup.
  5. No problem. The cup win was most definitely not a result of the trades. That said, Carter and Richards are carrying the team this year at the forward spot. Quick is looking ordinary and Bernier is looking like his promise. Meanwhile, Johnson is still doing very well in Columbus. I would still take Simmonds, Schenn and Cousins for Richards. I would also do Voracek / Couturier for Carter. Lombardie moved the right peaces in place. But he already had very good D and G. They just needed some umpfh up front. Remember, most of last year, they (LA) could not score and their bacon was saved by Quick and D. cheers
  6. Get rid of the instigation rule and this bs would not happen anymore!! Guys would crush him without impurity. .
  7. Thanks DGG. A long road to haul.
  8. Interesting thought. But what he got was / is still a steal. What is Richards doing these days?? Simmonds, Schenn and Cousins. A steal of a trade.
  9. Nice post. Bad season for Coots, but a GREAT center he will be. Briere will be gone soon. That leaves us Schenn, Coots and Gee up the middle. Perhaps the best middle in the league (aside from Pitts).
  10. Fair, because I gave up in February. The first in my life I gave up on a team / league. Your point is valid because I do not know. That said, I still really wanted Bobs to be our goalie. Cheaper and more skilled than Breezy.
  11. The sad thing about Pelle is that he NEVER drank- except for that fatal night. I was in Jersey to see the Dead and ironically, they played "He's Gone:" at the show. Me and my hockey brethren (a couple dev and rangers fans to boot) that were with me shed some tears
  12. .899 sv pctg and a 2.82 gaa? The defence is bad, but Bryz is not the reason the team has a sniff. Look at what Bobs (sigh) is doing in Columbus!!!
  13. I guess being traded 5 times in 7 years will force you to get your act together. He always had the skill, just lackadaisical.
  14. It's a hockey play. Nothing more, nothing less. Pitkanen injured himself and had nothing to do with "icing".
  15. Hi Jammer. Thanks. Yes busy and also disgusted. But I am back. What was / is the Mason meltdown?? I have not watched a hockey game in 2 months. I check in every three weeks to see how the Flyers are doing and then just shake my head and go back to my life.
  16. Meanwhile Bobs has a 2.09 gaa and a .930 sv pctg. I HATED that trade. Effing snider crapped the bed on that one. Should have stuck with bobs and never even traded for Breezy. Two of the most bungled trades / moves in Flyers history. Bobs is / was the next Pelle.
  17. That would be too easy. Better off reading Egyptian hieroglyphics.
  18. Might be mistaking it with another hockey rape case.
  19. .....but.....behhhhh, behhhhhh. Seriously. Who writes this stuff for Shanny? "Hansen has spent season in the nhl". The last time I checked, four would be a plural and not a singular.
  20. He has been acquitted and for some reason, money speaks. He will be playing hockey in the USA next year and soon for the Flyers.
  21. You should read the TSN.CA posts about his firing. They are lavishing praise on "Lindy on the Road and Ruff at Home". It is comical. You comments are accurate. This seems a firing about change (kind of like the Flyers firing Hitch- whom I consider a significantly better coach than Ruff).
  22. I agree it is a multi-faceted dialogue, but of my list, only Read was a signing. The rest were all via trades (we can split hairs on the Timmo / Hartnell part, but it was a done deal before the picks were sent back). On JVR / L. Schenn, I agree. Yet, we needed a good stay at home hitting defenceman. Good being the operative word. L. Schenn reminds me a bit of B. March. He would pound guys, but was not fleet of foot. L. Schenn is only 23 and is improving everyday with the team. He is playing 20 min a night and one of the league leaders in hits. L. Schenn is also tied with his brother for the team lead in +/-. Meanwhile, JVR is playing 18 min a night and a .75 ppg player now (and on the plus side of the ledger). With Hartnell down, it exasperates things.
  23. lets go 2-and-2 and call it a good game. I could split hairs on many non-calls as well, but won't, because it was a great game to watch- mostly because the refs let them play.
  24. Both players had a less than stellar start, but both have turned it around significantly. B. Schenn is 3rd on the team in points and leads the team in +/-. L. Schenn leads the team in hits (and is among the league leaders in that category) and is tired for the team league in +/- while playing 20 minutes a night. JVR is doing well, (13 pts in 17 games). With Hartnell out, we do miss JVR. That said, Schenn is only 23 and is improving. I think the Philly environment suites him and the coaching has been obviously helpful. Time is yours. AR
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