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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. Thanks Jammer. I miss this board. I will try and frequent more. Family is well and the well wishes are reciprocated to yours. Cheers
  2. I saw that and agree. Gilmore is still going to compete in Sochi, he just gave his spot up in the 1000M: " Teammate Gilmore Junio announced yesterday that he was giving up his spot in the event to allow Morrison to compete, saying "it’s in the best interest of the team if [Morrison] races.""
  3. Truthfully, there are two aspects of this to be considered (beyond the aforementioned): 1) Population 2) How much pesos available 3) Culture On point 1, both USA and Canada have a much deeper well of talent to pull from because of the overall population. Whereas a country like Switzerland does not. On point 2, each country only has so much denero to spend on its olympic programs. Both USA and Canada have University (and underlying programs) for womens hockey. Many other smaller countries do not have that type of infrastructure. On point 3, even in the US and Canada, men always prevail in popularity. Fortunately the womens side has grown allot- in large part to the USA-Canada rivalry. The challenge is how do these smaller countries field a team that can pull out a "miracle" (ala USA Womens Soccer) that will elevate the sport in their respective country.
  4. You beat me to the punch. That said, maybe a change of scenery is what he needed. Also, playing on the top line is not hurting him. To your point, I think it is WAY too early to give up on the Schenn, Coots, etc. I think I might give up on the GM however.
  5. Thats why JVR is a ppg player and a +4. :-P
  6. For better or worse. :-)
  7. I just want to say thank you to all that work, contribute to this forum. Its been a long haul for me, and while I have only met a couple of folks personally, its been a pleasure. VF (will)
  8. I can not have an opinion- even in hind sight (because of personal problems). But good to know about your huskie; One of my favorite dogs (labs are number one). How is the weather there?
  9. Hi Jammer- Thanks! I will try to do better to participate again. Send me a PM and I will tell you more.
  10. Truthfully, at this juncture- I am talking out my a-hole. That is how far removed I am from the team, league.
  11. Question: Would you do Carter / for Jake, Coots & Cousins? Would you do Richards / Simmonds and Schenn? Would you do JVR / Schenn? Would you do Grossman / 2012 2nd and 2013 2nd? I think we can all agree that Homer screwed the pooch on Bobs and checkmanek v2. But he has made deals that are very strong. The issure I have with him is that he can not valuate goaltending at all. The problem for me is that he does not know how to build from the net forward AND that he has a coach of the same (red line forward) mentality. Love the forwards, hate the defence / goal.
  12. I am not a Laviolette apologist, but the snipers (not you alone) are armed and shooting. When do the guns start to point upstairs? (p.s. How is your huskie)?
  13. I think Giroux is St Louis v 2.0. Love St Louis.
  14. I stand by my comment that the hit was nothing in my eyes. You did a great job of painting some history (particularly the preceding game). I knew about the 10 game suspension that cost him the team Canada WJHC bid (which by most accounts he would have been awarded). Your point is interesting regarding next year. While we do not necessarily need a third / fourth line center, we certainly could use a guy with his heart. That said, I am always very supportive in development. I guess the question I would pose, where do you see him on the Phantoms or Flyers 2-3 years from now?? I do not see a downie reclamation project and was only joking about that.
  15. I stand corrected. I think that second rounder from LA turned into Nick Grossman.
  16. so phoenix has a better system?? Tippett is a better coach?? Phoenix has a better goalie or defense?? I am not disagreeing, but the difference is 15 goals over 40 games between the two teams.
  17. I agree with both points. But please show me a headline that says "Flyers trade their captain for three prospects". That was my point. I like Schenn allot and I think he is allot like Richards (better in the o-zone and not as good in the d-zone). Simmonds and Cousins are the sleepers in the trade and simmonds is a stud now. Cousins, we will see. Remove Cousins from the equation and you have Richards for Schenn / Simmonds. I would do that every day of the week (though as I stated on another thread, I would do Bernier / Simmonds for Richards).
  18. The good news is that it is not as desperate pre-Lindros with Poulin. I am just pissed that Breezy is the thing that spiraled this sink hole.
  19. Yeah, with Giroux and Briere in half the games.
  20. Good point. Go look at Pelle Lindbergs states in his first couple of years and look at the d in front of him. I am a Bobs fan and Snider crapped the bed in my opinion. That move was a spiral of bad moves (including Carle).
  21. Can you be specific on the trades?? I am neither disagreeing on agreeing. I am just wondering which ones you believed destroyed this team?
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