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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. I actually did not think they were bad in the shoot out today. Vinny had Tukka beat, but the puck rolled / bounced off at the last nano second. Voracek (can't say beat), but had a good look. Credit to Tukka on the aggressiveness to cause a bit of a hiccup in Jakes move- he still had light for the five whole and Rukka was moving. Reads and Raffls attempts were ho-hum. Not sure I would say outplayed either. I think there was good ebb and flow. I thought the 1st and 2nd were both pretty evenly matched. The most of the third and OT, the Flyers dominated (except when it really counted on the 5-on-3). One could say that Boston let off the gas in the third / ot because they played yesterday and had nothing to play for today. So, I wouldn't let the third / ot distort that it was a fairly even game. All in all, a really good hockey game played both bo
  2. Ovie and his 5 points and -10 in his last 11 games in the stretch run? Neither should be part of the conversation for Hart. Let them win their respective teams MVP award and be done with it. Not a prestigious NHL award.
  3. 60 is a huge number- especially in todays day and age. I just can't get behind it if allot of those goals are coming because of either playing only 100 feet (brett hull / pavel bure say hello) or special teams. I can't see him even for that right now. Here is his line for the month of March:11gp 4g-1a-5 pts, a whopping -10 in that stretch. This includes a mammoth Phaneuf like turd he laid in today's loss to Nashville (which may be the final nail in washingtons season). 3 of those points came in a 4-5 loss against LA. Aside from that game his line reads like this: 10 gp 2g-0A-2pts and a -10. So, for the critical stretch run, he has done nothing, nada- except leave a foul odor on the ice. I can't mention hart looking at that.
  4. I am more interested in seeing if he can elevate his game.
  5. I think Noonis has to shoulder a significant blame. He did not shore up the problems on D. That said, its not his fault he inherited that stiff Phaneuf or that Bernier has been injured. At the end of the day you have to recognize being outshot nearly 30% more than shots being generated is a significant problem. Also having a near dead last PK. That falls on Carlyle, regardless of personnel.
  6. .......that the Leafs can make the playoffs this year. 4-2 detroit. Toronto showed up for 20 minutes of hockey. Stick a fork in them, they are done. Another wonderful hat trick by Phaneuf (-3 for the day, 1 shot on goal and 1 hit). You can't have your captain consistently lay stink bombs like that down the stretch and think you are going to make the playoffs.
  7. Which is quite an accomplishment considering he is 6'4!!
  8. There are "light" versions of Linux that are just as easy, if not easier to manage than windows IMHO. The biggest thing for me is that I don't have to wait a weeks / months for MS for fix their shoddy / hacked code because they are too busy getting the next big release out onto the market so they can convince people they need to buy their latest and greatest thing. Fixes to Linux and apps running on linux come to me daily. Also, as Jack said, you can run a version within Windows (though that to me seems to kind of defeat the purpose).
  9. The playoffs should really be the telltale.
  10. They should be in full panic mode. Their team (and particularly their defense) is in complete disarray. While not mathematically impossible, I think if they lose to detroit (who is fighting for wild card spot), their goose is cooked. I like Carlyle, but if they don't make the playoffs, I think he is gone (and possibly noonis as well).
  11. I can't get behind ovie at all (even for finalist). I don't care that he is going to hit 50 goals. He only plays 100 feet of the rink. Half his points have come on the PP. So, out his 72, 36 (actually 35 because he has a shp) have come even strength. Combine that with his enormous -32 shows me that for nearly every even strength point he scores, he is on the ice for not one, but two goals against. Say what you will about +/-, but that is just too glaring for me to overlook (particularly since washingtons team defense is in the middle of the pack- 17th).
  12. You can't possibly be alluding to the Maple Leafs!
  13. I am pondering this more now and the last 11 games will tell. I am changing my order: 1) Girioux 2) Getzlaf 3) Crosby I know it is hard to put Crosby at number three since he is the Ross Trophy leader now, but when you look at it, Crosby has Malking and Getzlaf has Perry. There has not been a more meaningful player to their team since November, than Giroux. I am not just talking about production. For me, production matters of course, but I always will ask my self if you remove "x" (insert player name) from the team, where would said team be? That is the definition of MVP to me. Its close all the way around. I think Crosby was the best player the first three months. While I don't get to watch him much, Getz has been consistent the whole year. What Giroux has done (put the team on his back) since November has been extraordinary to me. The lester b will tell the true tale of this.
  14. Giroux was actually gushing a bit about Grossman today in the post game.
  15. Interesting. I am a stats guy too. I guess for me (and I don't get to watch all the games, but have seen many since his acquisition), I rarely curse on his play and often say "nice break out pass". In that same breath, I also find myself cursing less about L. Schenn. Looking at that link I guess makes me look stupid.
  16. Which is actually great advice for everyone. The principle is to create a secondary "light" bootable OS outside your primary (ie flash drive / USB drive). You can also create the secondary OS to run WITHIN windows. Should your Windows take a dump (which never happens), you have at least another easy option to boot and get to your data while you spend hours figuring out WTF happened to your Windows OS. A bit harsh, but true. The reality is that MS is a monopoly and the the hackers attack that first. I cant speak for Mac OS, but Linux is open source, so when bugs / hacks etc happen, many great people fix it right away. Oh, and did I mention it is FREE!! (of course you can donate to help those great people I mentioned).
  17. Yup. Given that (and take this with a grain of salt), he has only been a plus player twice in his career. Granted he has played on some lousy tampa squads, but I would expect more- particularly given the production you listed. It tells me he is just not a 200feet hockey player.
  18. Also, there are some less intrusive streaming sites than others. A long time ago I compiled a list and gave it to the mods here. It is in "My Menu", not sure if that is for everyone (ie. you see it when you go there). Probably needs to be updated, but 99% of the time use the russian site (www.livetv.ru).
  19. That will get you part of the way there. Stop using Microsoft. Use Linux as your OS. Microsoft is the biggest monopoly ever. Linux is free, security updates daily (you don't have to wait for a bundle patch release, etc.). Been on it for a year now and love it. My computer(s) have never performed better or been more stable.
  20. I get that and agree. He is off that mark by a bit. Yet, what is really alarming to me is his 5-on-5 play. I don't know if its because he is on the wing or what, but he is an abysmal 5-on-5 hockey player. The sad part for me is that he has skill and size. There is just something wrong with whats between his ears and chest.
  21. Bone head move. If there was going to be any resurgence, it would have been with Montreal- but not sure he could handle the glare there. I liked the player back in the day, but now I know that he was the wing-man to St Louis and not the other way around.
  22. I am not with you on the bash Briere boat. That actually was a necessary deal and the Flyers choose / signed the correct center. The three marquee UFA centers that year were: gomez, briere and drury. Drury was the guy I wanted, but in hind sight, briere turned out to be the best of the lot and clutch in the playoffs. The briere move was about cap hit (6.5M). I don't think you can compare the Briere buyout to the Lecavelier buyout. Whomever signed the Lecavalier contract in tampa should have been shot. The cost for the Flyers to buyout Briere was 3.3M total. That is a good business deal. Get 6.5M per anum cap space- sure, I do that for an aging player where I already have a log jam at the position. To come full circle, since I have a log jam at that position, why in the world do I get a Lecavelier??
  23. Washed up at 33??? What happened to this player???
  24. .....when he is riding the bus in Lehigh Valley???
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