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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. I am too lazy to look completely, but here is there game log: //www.extraskater.com/team/st-louis-blues/2013/gamelog It looks to me as if they have been doing just as they have done all season long. They have not done well in their last three games, but prior to that, it was par for the course for them on the regular season pattern.
  2. Hey Nossagog (sometime I will have to ask you about that moniker), not for nothing, but the Blues are FOURTH in the league in scoring (anaheim, boston, chicago are ahead of them). They are THIRD in goals allowed (Boston and LA ahead of them). They are second in goal differential, only trailing boston. I know it is a traditional misnomer that a "defense" first hitch system, stingy etc. But this is not your grandfathers hitch team. This team can put the puck in the net with the best of them (better than Pitts) AND be stingy on the other end (much better than Pitts). I would not want to play them in the playoffs. They can beat you many ways (much as Boston, Chicago and Anaheim).
  3. Played 16 mins tonight in his first game back. Was very noticeable in the 1st period (while still slow, made decent plays). For the game, he was negligible, but did his job. I don't think he is the powder cake he used to be. Seriously, you need to put it into perspective. Simmonds plays 16.4 mins a game, has 106 pims and is a -5, yet there is discussion for 2nd on team mvp. Downie plays 13.3 mins a game and has 70 pims and is a -1. I am not saying that downie is up for MVP, but just trying to illustrate that he is not the sloth that many make him out to be (cough cough up some teddy fur balls- um that does not sound exactly right, edit later). He serves a role and a purpose. To say he is not worth a bag of pucks is a bit egregious to me.
  4. Fixed it for you, but certainly not as bad as the Leafs ownership!!!! ha ha ha ha ha
  5. as compared to "sucks donkey balls" when you type in "Downie"??
  6. I just don't get this fatality approach. He had a very good game. More shots than vinny, same fo % no giveaways. 5 hits (a couple of them on the large side). Yet people want to say put up or shut-up. The way its rolling now, its fine. If we have anything to biotch about its the team readiness, lack of in game focus, and support. Schenn is the least of our worries. That said, I do see that VLC is skating allot more better than before AND creating chances nearly every time he is on the ice. Not sure if its the kick in the teeth or the move back to center, but I will acknowledge he is earning his do-re-mi these days.
  7. Well, it will be interesting to see the Pens-Flyers game this saturday. I wonder how much longer the Pens will "rest" their players. At any rate, I think we match up well with the Rangers. Throw out our lackluster start and we are neck and neck with them (and in fact could be neck and neck with Pitts). Its just that Lundqvist scares me- allot more than Fleury. Yet, for the first time in a long time, I think we have a competent goalie that can save / steal a game. For me, its interesting to see Bobs and Mason both shine. I was a huge Bobrovsky fan and was disgusted when the trade was made (as a necessity to the ridiculous signing of Bryz-does a bear **** in the woods-galov). That said, both goalies have panned out for their respective teams. Bobs won the vezina in a shortened season, but both are nearly identical in numbers this year. I would Love to see Bobs beat the Bruins. but I digress
  8. I don't disagree. But I will use JVR - L. Schenn as an example of that. I just hate personally giving up on youth. Also, on your stats, it would be interesting to see how many of those you cite are 22 years old?
  9. I took Richards until his 3rd FULL season before he broke the 20 goal mark. This is schenn's first full season (47 gp first year flyers, 57 games played last year), and he has hit that mark. I know ritchie did allot of other things away from the scoreboard, but to write Schenn off is ridiculous. Also, since moving to LA- while his role has been different there, he has been underwhelming to me. Every year he is declining in his production. I will take a 20 / 20 22 year old and bide my time.
  10. Thats actually a great question. I don't have an answer (as I have been removed from following them closely for awhile). But if a retrospect dissection is going to happen regarding your point of liability, the same could go with how much of the 4 NW division titles was a result of Burke / Nonis as well? It can't go both ways. If the tanking of the team falls in part to Burke / Noonis (which I do think there is some pie to go around there), then there has to be credit for Gillis to right the ship (at least in the short run) to get the 4 northwest div titles. The goalie situation was a debacle that falls squarely on Gillis- not just in the trades themselves, but how it was handled so publicly. There are also some handcuffing contracts he made that are questionable. Rumblings are that Trevor Linden is in the wings ready to step in as Yzerman type role with Detroit.
  11. If the rangers surge, there is no way the flyers will get the pens (unless we slump). We would have to fall to the number 1 wild card (I believe) in order to get the pens. If we fell to the number 2 wild card, it would be the bruins and I am sure none of us want that.
  12. Hmmmmmm grits and cheese potatos with onions (a poor man's poutine in Canada) ha ha!
  13. a) Ranger lose 2 of their next three and Flyers win 3 of their next 4 (or any combination there of that would put Flyers as home team against the rangers or b) Flyers "falter" to the top wild card to face the Penguins in the first round, which would you choose? Its tough for me, because I want my team charging into the Playoffs, yet NYR have been playing pretty good hockey of late and any team that has King Henry on it scares the bejeesus out of me. Whereas, Pens have been playing ho hum hockey (really not much to play for), of late and we all know Fleury's post season jitters against the Flyers. Which would you choose?
  14. I read your posts prior to this, and I just can't agree with the team is better with him at 2nd line center. I just don't see him doing anything better and as I stated before, I believe he is a liability defensively (more-so than Schenn). For a guy that is 6'4 210, he has a serious case of JVR-itis. If he would help the team more on the second line, I would think he would be there now and showing his value, but he is not. While I agree he is playing well, he also just got a swift kick in the teeth being demoted to the forth line as a tenured NHL player.
  15. Doesn't really have seemed to translate as well for Rick Nash.
  16. I actually think is a bit of a min-perception. His longest stretch of no production was 6 games (end of march early april). Even within those games he was generating opportunities (ie. 5 shots against the loss to Bruines in april). Aside from that, he generally goes two games without any production. He has 33% more shots on goal than Vinny. Any outhits vinny by a wide margin. Sure he makes mistakes, but he plays the full 200 feet of ice allot better than Vinny. I am fine with keeping him at wing on the #2 line. Vinny has performed the exact same way (longest stretch no production is 6 games and goes generally 2 games without production). Schenn and VLC are nearly identical in FO% (44). Schenn is 3rd on the team in hits while its a miracle if VLC swats a fly during a game. Truthfully, its a good conundrum to have swapping VLC / Schenn. I just don't see how its to Schenns advantage to play 4th line. Vinny is what he is. Also, so much of lines are about chemistry. Look at the move for Vinny to 4th line. He seems to have gelled with his linemates. Likewise, maybe the Raffl move will generate chemistry for that second line.
  17. I know it might sound odd, but since the beginning of march, vinnies production is .47 ppg and a -1 (in 19 games). Over an 82 game season, his line would look like this: 30g, 21a, -4, 13min TOI per game. While 4.5 certainly seems crazy to pay a 4th line player, i would think of him more of a specialists and if he can produce like that and keep his +/- in check at a -4, I don't have a problem with it. Plus I like the added dimension of what does the opposition coach to defend the 4th line.
  18. Hey goalnut- If you look at My My Menu here, there is a category called Hockey Streams. It has several sites you can stream the games for free. My favorite is LiveTv.Ru (as it seems to have lest ad garbage). Also, there is a trick to avoid allot of the ad garbage, when the stream is initializing, attempt to go full screen asap (some links have an ad over the place where you go full screen and you get the popups, but allot don't). That will automatically avoid the ad popups.
  19. Statistically speaking, Shcenn was a +1 before MacDonald and a +1 after MacDonald. But I do think that MacDonald helps Schenn more all around (not just the +/- area). Also, most nights, I am content with MacDonalds play. He makes good break out passes, is relatively mobile, generally positionally sound.
  20. Schenn is a RFA. He will be re-signed or traded. Truthfully, I dont think you give up on a 22 y/o 20g-20a kid. Frankly, we had that with JVR and look how he took off. Schenn has way more heart than JVR did. As for the move VLC to 2nd line, not until he learns to play 200 feet. He is abysmal defensively, and this did not just come to birth under the Flyers, he was bad in Tampa too, but had linemates that covered for him. Keep him right were he is. He can play again the other teams 4th line and take advantage of that match-up and not be a liability to defense, while still getting PP time.
  21. I can't blame the sabre on Rinaldos match play. He was making a play with the puck and about to make a shot. He was extended, so his head was in a vulnerable position. Its Rinaldos responsibility to not make the play he did. Shoulder to shoulder, fine, but not the stevens deluxe special (forearm shiver) to the head.
  22. The thing is play-maker it comes sometimes comes down to flash (imo). Thornton makes it look so easy and effortless (almost lazy to the eye at times). Where as a guy like forsberg could work inside a phone both to work his magic and just mesmerize the crowd and opposition- he made it look like work (which it equally was / is for both players). The other part is are we talking playmaker or greatest set-up guy? I see on this thread where folks are quoting assists stats. The greatest playmaker will also have scored a ton of goals. We also have to think about era. I would probably split the eras between pre-90's / post-90's for this dialogue.
  23. A stunning and impressive rebuttal. Nicely done.
  24. The problem with Vinny is that he is like ovie. Plays very well from the red line on in, but you never see him in the backend. B. Schenn plays all 200ft. Its not just with the Flyers, he has always been that player. Not to Ovies extent, but same principal.
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