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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. But how would it work?? Is it like throwing a red flag in American Football? I like the idea. But would say you get ONE red flag a game. In order for it to be successful, you need the folks in Toronto not to have their thumbs up their nose and head in their asses.
  2. Interesting thought and one I would support.
  3. I agree with most of what you posted. But L. Schenn gets a pass for me on this topic at this point. He actually has been one of our best d-men this series. But, yeah, Gus should be playing instead of Gill. I don't give a rats ass about experience etc, regression, etc. At least Gus can skate.
  4. Not for nothing, but Amtrak drops you right off at the Garden.
  5. Agree 100%. Keith gets it, but Peitrangelo 2nd. I am not even sure about weber as a 3rd. Love the player, but for the money and performance. I don't know. I don't have Chara in the running of top three (anymore).
  6. Agreed. Its a jeckly / Hyde thing. The last 10 games of the seaon were an indicator. We all have to be honest in that most of us realized this was not a Stanley Cup team. The dots are easy to follow and hopefully management will connect a couple. Next year we will be better. I like Berube and thing he is the right coach for this team at point and time (though I would love Trotz). No need to change the horse. Just change some mules (VLC comes to mind).
  7. Let us know when we can bring you your heaping pile of crow!@!
  8. Since you were so kind to provide the "photo finish", I will be so kind as to provide you the rule: Rule 83 - Off-side 83.1 Off-side - Players of the attacking team must not precede the puck into the attacking zone. The position of the player’s skates and not that of his stick shall be the determining factor in all instances in deciding an off-side. A player is off-side when both skates are completely over the leadingedge of the blue line involved in the play. By the letter of the law, this was not offsides.
  9. This one hangs on homers head. He is the one that made this called. Bummer about MAB. But I put Gustafson in the lineup.
  10. While I don't disagree with you, that writer is just a blogger. You or I could write the same thing.
  11. Nice write up. All I can say is I am stoked for this series. I am rooting for the habs all the way.
  12. 20/20 hind site, but what did we need another center for? Especially a 4m per year one???
  13. You hate Montreal that much?? I could see it if it was the Laffs, but where does the disdain for Montreal come from. I think it depends how far Montreal goes in the playoffs. Montreal is a very hard city to play in because of the microscopic scrutiny by the fan base. Vanek might not have a desire for that. As for Colorado, don't hate them. Hate Marcel who screwed the pooch financially with the Nordiques. Thats kind of like saying you hate the current incarnation of the Winnipeg Jets. Colorado is a great hockey place. (born there and played for CC). Also, Colorado won another cup all on their own a few years later after the first.
  14. Glad to see you have a sense of humor. Sorry for your elimination today. I did not get to see the game. Truthfully, I think the wings shot their load in the first period of the last game. Kudos for a valiant effort against goliath. While the vezina is based on regular season, the way rask has played in the post season certainly makes one raise their eyebrows as to how good he is.
  15. Good point. I hope Oats gets another shot.
  16. No problem. I saw a quote by giroux where he alluded to it was good they were going back to NY as the pressure would be less there. I might have took it out of context, but it sure sounded Lindros-esque deer in the headlights.
  17. How did Gustafson fall so far?? I can get it that they need to replace an apple for an apple, but wouldn't you like a nice ripe orange vs. a bruised apple??
  18. This is the rub. And I am really torn. Perhaps this is why I like Berube thus far. He seems stern, yet supportive and completely transparent. I am not convinced (despite the comment by hommer that he is the smartest man in hockey) in an x/o's sense that he is all that he is. But I do believe that kind of coach would be good for Washington. I did not follow much of Washington this year, but certainly know that Oates did coddle and protect Ovie. To me, thats a mistake. Its fine to give him a leach, but the player has to know its going to be yanked from time to time when x player goes astray. The problem is that nobody is going to want Ovie and his contract- aside from a lower tier team that is looking strictly at the marketing aspect. I guess at the end of the day, Trotz could do worse. He and Poile had such a great working repoire, that I think he is going to look for something similar. So, it will start with hiring Prez, then GM, then coach.
  19. Thanks Doc, um, I mean Rad (if you are Doc, I guess that makes me Pierre.....uggh, just spit up a bit in my mouth). That's a good write-up for those of us that could not watch the game. Regarding Gill or Gus? Is there really a question? How can you deny the Masterton trophy nominee?? Gill ALLLLLLLL the way!
  20. While I agree with regime change, I guess they have decided that they can not cut the Ovie anchor. Now, McPhee was not only GM, but President also. So, it will be interesting to see if they bring in a trio or run the gamut of dual role single person of President / GM. I personally believe in checks and balances and am not a supporter of President / GM autonomous responsibilities.
  21. Reading that was like "hey, sorry for firing you both, but I will write both of your resume's and speak them in the press conference when I announce your firings".
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